Lucas St. Sebastian
@lucassebastianNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

'i love you millie. and maybe that is my programming talking. but guess what––someone wrote that program. i'm just a love letter to you––somewhere out there is the author'..

Mind war really is brutal. It is a mistake to compare keyboard warriors to professional military doing awful jobs of infiltration or clearance. The tasks are different, the contexts are different, the resources are different. As an "agent of light" your greatest power is not obeying the orders of the wicked; and then withstanding the disapproval and persecution that results. There is no quitting, no discharge, no fallback; ordinary civilian society with a digital militia is the last bastion, after which everything is overrun. PTSD from watching eugenic genocide is just as much trauma as any other kind, and doesn't deserve some special approval or denial. Anons are making choices to continue while in psychological agony in an analogous way to those made on special forces training courses, but there's no instructor to give you feedback or pass certificate to say you won't need to do it again. That's the spiritual aspect, and in some ways is more severe than in formal military.

It's like going through a "reverse MKUltra" right now, with deprogramming via lots of barely tolerable traumas with more to come. I am supposed to go to London to be with family over from the USA, but I just can't face being around normies at the moment. They probably think I am slighting them or too busy in my conspiracy cult, but it's just that I don't have the internal emotional resources to put into their madness and the deadly consequences. The saner you get, the more you hurt in an world that's absolutely bonkers.

Patriot, Believer, wife and mother, potter, photographer, gardener, chef🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻😎
From@martingeddes 2 years ago🐸

@martingeddes hey martin, i’m trying to find a past essay of yours in which you comment on the banking families’ sleight of hand that transpired during the united states civil war—and if i’m remembering correctly you used language along the lines of ‘human beings were collateralized for debt’ or something to that effect..
does this ring a bell at all? i’ve been trying to find it for an hour but to no avail..
essay beautifully captured the hegelian dialectic blak magik of that war and others.. i would love to reread it..

There are things I can say on AU that don't belong anywhere else.
It's been a long war, and its scope is beyond my comprehension; at the very minimum it's been nonstop existential blackmail for humanity. At my micro level, I am embroiled in multiple legal battles to push back against corruption and theft by the state. That said, I am traumatised by everything that's gone on. I can only deal with courts and criminals for so long. Mental health, anxiety attacks, ability to focus — psychological war comes with injuries that constrain you. My gift is sensitivity, but that's also my vulnerability.
I feel we are at the point where truth has to come out and in particular where debts have to be forgiven. It's not right to have to keep fighting in ways that could harm me, for lack of knowledge of what is coming and when. The taxes to war criminals, fake fines renamed "charges", fees for inalienable rights — they have to stop, and soon. Or some timeline communicated, so is bearable.

I make a real effort on other platforms to never whinge, never black pill, never overstate what I really know, never tear down others, never be a low viber. Am not perfect, have my lapses. Can be boastful, or daft, or upset — and show it. I can see others who are fighting for the right things make simple mistakes, like feeding the trolls. You have to detach from it all, stay in your own lane. "Social media with a spiritual outlook" is not easy.

God loving MAGA man. Peace Please spread the truth anyway any where you can God bless

I presume we're stuck in the middle of a giant game of blackmail, where bad things are done to us, but if there is intervention, even worse things are deployed. It is a very long slow process to mitigate or eliminate all these threats.

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.

Interesting that Elon raises the "trolley problem". — setting up the next stage of why the jabs had to be promoted in the short run in order to save the most people in the long run?

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
FISA = Start. US Military Has It All: Military Intelligence Intercepted The Deep State 16 Year Plan to Destroy America – 8 Years of Obama, Then 8 Years Hillary ..
FISA = Start. US Military Has It All: Military Intelligence Intercepted The Deep State 16 Year Plan to Destroy America – 8 Years of Obama, Then 8 Years Hillary (video) Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publ..
Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Wife for 20 years, mom of 3, Nana to 1 - crafter of all things paper! WWG1WGA, Patriot, America Lover! Kicked off FB AND Twitter in 4 days!
Can I get prayers please..... Husbands mom died and nobody told him... My autistic son was let go from work and I am on overload at Christmas. I want to cry................

🇺🇸🪖 Elon Musk is aiming his considerable X fire-power
squarely & unrelentingly on the deep state demons.
💥 11-29 Elon told Bob Iger, Disney CEO, to F**K OFF!
“Hey Bob, if you’re in the audience, that’s how I feel.
Don’t advertise” on X 💥
💥 11-30 Bob Iger announced he was leaving DISNEY
😔 Britney Spears tells the story that ‘handlers’
dress a little trafficked girl in a yellow dress
& take her to Disneyland/world.
That way pedophiles know the child is for sale 💔
💥 Then there’s the Email from pedophile & former JPMorgan Exec,
Jes Stanley to Jeffrey Epstein, who frequented Disneyland,
as well, Disney cruise ships stopped off @ Epstein Island‼️
July 2010
Mr Staley to Epstein: ‘That was fun. Say hi to Snow White’.
Epstein: ‘(W)hat character would you like next?’
Mr Staley: ‘Beauty and the Beast’
Epstein: ‘Well one side is available’ 🤮

clean up crew––enter scene, stage rite..

a war is wrapping up in heaven..

new drinking game––take shot every time es gee anon says 'it's worth noting that..' in interviews lolzz..