For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
- BAR = British Accreditation Registry
- Admiralty Law/Maritime Courts of the Crown
- Foreign Capture of our Judicial System (~1939)
- Courts - See Banks
- Judge - See Banker
- Attorney, "attorn" - to transfer (something, property) to another
- Court Buildings/Property = Vessels In Drydock
- Foreign-Owned Corporations
- Bond Issued on Case #, then Traded on Bond Market
- Just one of many ways Humans Trafficked
- Masonic filth trying to get access to funds from CQV Trust Account based on our Birth Certificate CUSIP #.
- We all have been TRAFFICKED.
This has been a FOREIGN INVASION...
and your attorney is a FRAUD.
And Thank God we have an Amendment for that,
the Original 13th Amendment, Ratified March 12, 1819.
(Note some browsers try to sensor this webpage.)

I don't understand at what point you say this. Are you invited to speak at some juncture? I'm sure you can't just blurt it out without permission to speak or it could be considered contempt couldn't it? I see a lot of stuff like this but it's never clear how and when it is applied so does not make me confident to use it. I need to be sure of myself before I speak up. I expect there are others who feel like me.

Christ. Husband. Father. Patriot. A man living as free as possible. WWG1WGA.

It is true! My ex used this many times in court and it does work. Actually, they ended up putting something on his profile, so when stopped by police and they run his license, police come back return his license and tell him have a nice day.

Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.
Excellent! I will type this out and also memorize. Thanks for reposting Martin!

President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE

President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE

Here to support Trump and his movement. Happy husband, proud father, Q, MAGA, love America or leave America.
I’d try this and get thrown in prison!
Sounds good and is probably the way things should be, but the entire legal system isn’t going down this easy.

what would you use this in court for i wonder anything ???

Christ. Husband. Father. Patriot. A man living as free as possible. WWG1WGA.
It’s true.