I opened a Twitter account in 2013 and never really used it until 2016...to follow Trump. I had maybe 300 followers and rarely tweeted. Twitter decided I was a huge threat and suspended my account yesterday. Badge of honor!

I am a patriot, mother, sister, aunt, dog lover, and a believer! #45, #17
Welcome to the Twitter banned club..

thats exactly what i did.

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
I got on Twitter last summer mostly because of President Trump & because I felt I had info to pass along. They locked me out with no explanation & I refused to give them my phone # so after 3 weeks they suspended my account for violating community guidelines - even though I was locked out. 😛 Luckily I already had my backup account on Gab

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
Had mine since 2009, same deal , just too easy for freaks and shitheads to mess with people, started going heavy during the 2020 election, was banned for posting a premonition that Gods spirit will decend upon America when Trump finally drains the swamp. Like a black cloud dissipating. Posted to DJT and was banned. Confronting chinese propaganda on Fb banned, 3 times on twitter 4 times on fb. My badges of honor are starting to make me look like a seargent of shit flipping.

same thing with mine... no warning- nothing- 30 day suspension. maybe they didnt like my bible verse🤷🏼♀️ (or maaaaybe it was saying the old dude could donate his salary to hooked on phonics🤷🏼♀️)

#WWG1WGA #thegreatawakening # maga #thestoreisuponus #nothingcanstopwhatiscoming #Godwins
Same here, I guess Trump hugging the flag and all the Hashtags gave it away that I am a Trump Supporter.... Wear that Badge proudly :)

Happily married mom of 5. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #NotMyPotato Proud member of the Salty Army. Meme junky. Proud supporter of our Military. ⛔DM

yes i hope twitter goes down!! suspended again just because of the patriots i follow! this madness has to end

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
I opened my twirper acct in 2008 had 18000 got shot down too!

Same happened to me, twice!

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I had several thousand followers on Fascist Book under my full name - one of my commentaries got 250K shares. I must have been too successful. After baiting me with nasty, scatological rhetoric, to which I responded 'that's vile', within 30 SECONDS I was warned I'm a bully. Yesterday, I found my entire personal page was gone & now must upload an ID to prove who I am if I want them to review the 'violation'. No way do I trust them enough to upload personal info they'll dump on the darkweb. I still have an account there to follow my kids - at their request. Being banned: A Badge of Honor.#MAQA

same here! not the same without him☹️

Christian, Wife, Mom. 🇺🇸 PO Patriot- here to keep fighting. Loud mouth DGAF about your feelings. HERE FOR THE SAUCE 🐸 GOD WINS 🕊
CCP is getting stronger footing at Twatter! 🤬 First account wiped in the Big purge at the same time Twatter banned Trump. Backup wiped 2 days ago. Now, i'm trying DESPERATELY to find old & new frens on Gab, anonup.com & trying to figure out how in the H#LL to use Telegram!😂

joined twitR 2012 to follow sports got tossed out 3x , last time i "double dog dared" a local dem canidate to speak in a public forum... and take questions... suspended for giving a blue ck a bad day

Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

SAME, I havn't posted in YEARS. I only follow. I went to follow a patriot who had made a new account and my account got suspended for following...... LOL 😑

I got purged in first round.
I signed up to Twitter in April 2020.
I had been reading a few people's posts and decided to sign up.
Nonetheless, I too considered it: A badge of honor to be purged with PATRIOTS like: Sidney Powell and General Flynn.
May God bless you and God bless America!
GOD WINS 🇺🇸🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🇺🇸

same here. never even sent one tweet

Texas patriot; love my state, country and 4 guys(Hubs, son and 2 furry dudes). God has blessed me.
But probably followed one too many or the wrong patriot. Just like me...4 accounts locked out for what? Using the 🇺🇲 symbol?

Pareil pour moi, compte@valentiniback de twitter 2'600 abonnés, suspendu définitivement pour pub répétée en faveur de Mr Trump

The same with me. No posts, just following people and liking content. suspended yesterday with a threat to suspend any other accounts if i tried to open any. Sorry, your the one losing

Waarheidszoeker. Behoorlijk wakker. Moeder van drie. Dochter Gerda heeft engelenvleugels sinds september 2018.
😉Me happened the same yesterday

God Bless America, Land That I Love! God Bless President Trump...Never, Ever, Give Up! #MAGA JESUS Is My King! #GODWon #SaveOurChildren
Same....Was Suspended Yesterday, By The Communists. 💃

Since President Trump was removed from Twitter I've been determined to get banned; promoting free speech, openly sharing Q drops, supporting fellow Patriots in the times to come. I'd been off and on twitter before then, following the President's statements and helping to fight the fraud, but I was more, shall we say, careful back then.
It was exactly one day after I announced my departure from Twitter in protest against big tech on the 20th that Jack finally decided my head was on the block.
All the stuff I tried to get permabanned, and it was formally leaving the platform that did the trick
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Country girl; Wife; Love God & Love my Country. Believe the truth always comes out & Good wins in the end
I had even less followers, just joined in Oct 20; I got suspended yesterday as well...Guess they didn't like my post about Biden not really being in the Oval Office because of the dump trucks in the background of the pictures where he was "supposedly" signing EOs.

same here. suspended yesterday. we are better off here anyways!

I was on for only like 6 months... 300 followers... twitter got me about two weeks ago. lol All I really did was retweet things, nobody ever commented or liked anything I retweeted. After all, they HAVE a retweet button. Oh and now I cannot delete my twitter account. So they get to benefit from my 'active' account. Never had a strike on me or anything, just up and suspended me perm.

#WWG1WGA I don't even rank as a private but I consider myself a digital fighter cuz fook evil asshats. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
locked out of my account in Dec. Was just supposed to be 12 hours but i refused to give them my phone number so my account was suspended.

Hey, welcome to the club my friend! Mine was suspended yesterday, and apparently I'm following 0 accounts.
Only followers of this user (@JILLAROOJO) can see their posts

100% America & God Loving Patriot. Booted [x3] from Twatter. Truth is Paramount. Not Stopping! #GodWins #FightLikeAFlynn 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Me Too! They took General Flynn & Sidney in same group
We arenr going away 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸