Elizabeth Meehling
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A thought-filled and well written metaphoric essay. Thank you for sharing your ongoing work to innerstand this unreal illusion of where we live.

This was a really well written and thoughtful newsletter. One of your best.

Hi there. Just a heads up as I blocked another "Patriot Sam newbie" that was using your handle.

Agreed Patriot Sam. I cannot tell you how many of these "new Jan 2024 newbies" that I have blocked. There was also someone supposedly from 2021 that had blocked me and I never heard of that person....so I blocked them also. It is getting to be very annoying.

Agree with you. All of my life I was a definite meat eater and loved my burgers, bacon and steaks also. I stopped eating meat about 2 yrs ago. It just felt like the "right" thing to do at the time. Few months ago I HAD to rethink this position and start eating meat again. My health and strength had rapidly deteriorated during this meatless diet. I simply was not getting the nutrition that my body required even using supplements.

OMG!!!! This is so true and funny! Love it 😊

Exactly! Boycotting hurts US--WE the People. These companies financials are tying them to $$$ from the central bankers so that they HAVE no choice but to yield to these absurd demands and destroy their companies. WE have to clearly think thru this BS and SAVE ourselves and thus our people and communities.

Absolutely correct! Boycotting is "WE the People" doing their dirty work of destroying America from within. WE need to think outside the box and SUPPORT our communities by supporting ALL American businesses to keep our communities strong. Keeps our people employed.

This guy is absolutely correct. It is a plan to destroy America using "WE The People" to do their dirty work. WE the People should not boycott American businesses now. WE should continue to patronize all businesses to support OUR people keeping jobs which help keep our communities strong. Just my thoughts and opinions. Perhaps we should think outside the box.

If you were to stop now, what would happen to you, your case? Even though tiring and draining, would you have regrets stopping your battle? Can you live with stopping the good fight? I am in a battle with two major credit card companies. Believe me, I know how you feel. I do not like battles as I am a peace loving no conflict type of person. I am tired of this four month battle of mine and long for a peaceful resolution. I can't stop yet. I have to keep going for now. Perhaps walk away for a bit, regroup, take time to yourself and then make that decision. You are a strong person who is a great role model no matter your decision. You have inspired me many times with your substack essays.

Well written and thought-filled essay.

This is a very good and informative video. There have been some chatgpt posts here on anonup. They have been very suspect in my discernment. I have very little use for AI.

Because we "live" in a simulation. Check out archaix.com if you are interested in a "REALLY BIG RABBIT HOLE." It's the only thing that makes sense.

Here is a video with some really good insight into how McCarthy was made speaker. Check it out and be sure to watch to the end for this guy's take on the dem 2024 pres candidate.

Your posts helped those of us in the trenches to have the "FACTS" that we needed to fight the propaganda that was being spewed in the MSM. As I have posted previously, I rarely can understand your prolific scientific posts, however I greatly appreciate your posts. Keep up the digital info fight.

Beautiful and stunning photos! Where were they taken?

Even though I rarely understand your many physics posts, I truly appreciate the time and energy that you put into those posts. I do wish I understood them better. BTW: do you have any thoughts or can you provide a working schematic to build a scalar electromagnetic energy device to produce electricity for my home? PM me if you do not understand my question. I truly am interested in building a device.

The better question is can you live with yourself if you do not continue with your journey making a stand for yourself in seeking justice and exposure of the corruption? Every little case no matter how small chips away at the façade of the supposed legality in the court systems. I am making a stand against Verizon for fraudulent billing. I may not win my case, however I have stood up for myself and called them out for the fraud. You have gone this far, don't stop now.

Uhmmm, I respectfully submit that there needs to be ACTION taken that is LONG overdue from the 2020 election debacle and now has 2022 added to the mess. Thoughts are not going to cut it for me. My patience and tolerance for this corruption is gone. Been two years and NOBODY has done anything to fix the processes. NONE of these legislators or state officials are willing to do anything but lip service.

I left a major healthcare provider that I had worked for 10 yrs when I was being censored and disciplined about my voicing negative concerns with the spamdemic (masks, jabs, protocols). I was speaking against corporate narrative. It was a tough liberating decision. I have not regretted my decision, however it has been challenging with managing the budget.

So what is this data supposed to indicate?

I agree with your thoughts, especially after viewing your second video post. I do have to wonder the "why?" and who was on board each plane. As another posted, there is more to this story...

stunning and beautiful photos! Where were these photos taken?

OMG!!!! Did you howl laughing as he hung up on you??

HOW interesting!! So my perception from your post is that there IS an account as many have thought possible. I would be interested to know what the person said about this account being a "scam." Can you summarize the response? Did it even make sense??

I do hope that this reset and financial meltdown happens sooner rather than later. Personally this shit show makes me frustrated and very weary. I despise lies, false flags, and all the fakery of this duality in which we live. I also am tired of the steeling and thievery from which there are SO many lives that are at risk of losing homes, health, livelihoods, retirement funds. I've done my best to bring awareness, however I do not feel that I succeeded. Any rate, I wish you well fren! and thank you so much for all your timely responses.

This is really good information to have. I reposted so that others might see the info. Thank you for all your help and for taking the time to answer my questions. If you find out anything more that would be helpful, please let me know!

Well what a bummer! So if you had paid over $600 the payment would have been accepted??? What do you mean "don"t push your luck???

Any news regarding whether your payment has worked or not??? Just curious.

very sad but very true.