Arnold who
4 months ago

Arnold who

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

This was in my mail spam 👎 :
Sevinc Mikayilova
Hello Chosen Ones of the Light.

You were chosen by the Great Brotherhood of the Illuminati to be a member of this family; You have found favor in the eyes of the Great Creator and hence this noble invitation to be a member of the Elite Family.

Do you want to join the Great Illuminati Brotherhood to become rich, famous and protected in life, join us today and solve your financial problems if you want to become a member of the Illuminati. Pease only send your reply to EMAIL:



Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Bookbinding documentary Loogman's bookbindery Amsterdam our book binding history - YouTube

Short documentary about book binding at Loogman's bookbindery how we started the book bindery history development current making books and future of bookbind...

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Blue checkmark jfkjr !!!1

PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

2023. 😎👇

“Ray Kuzrzweil said we have the information needed to have a human utopia, but we're led by the least noble, most greedy. There's a solution that can bring happiness to so many more people."—Ye



full part 2:

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Good Morning Patriots.

Watch out 4 the Cats.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication


#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !


In response Phil Collins to his Publication


Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

China Typhoon name !
In-fa originally called Fabian
Definition of Fabian
1a: of, relating to, or in the manner of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus known for his defeat of Hannibal in the Second Punic War by the avoidance of decisive contests
2[the Fabian Society; from the members' belief in slow rather than revolutionary change in government] : of, relating to, or being a society of socialists organized in England in 1884 to spread socialist principles gradually

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Not bidan

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Born in Romania Living in UK @Registered Nurse #ProLIFE #WorldWidePatriot #ProudDigitalSoldier #TrustThePlan #TrustTheMan #TrustGOD

Do this now ✅⚔️ it’s at 1.8 stars now !

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

George Floyd’s little girl sat on his lap & had ice cream - poor child

How do you spell Pandering? 👆😂

@CherokeeOwl 🦉

Born in Romania Living in UK @Registered Nurse #ProLIFE #WorldWidePatriot #ProudDigitalSoldier #TrustThePlan #TrustTheMan #TrustGOD

No words ... 😶 😶 😶 😶 😶

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

ghost ezra shared this on T/G this morning - explains the cycles to me

We are here to Serve. God Wins, Patriots must #HoldTheLine. Love all. Help those that need help now and forever.

Some dutch friends from the Netherlands here would be nice !

Something has gone wrong and this URL cannot be processed at this time.

FF’s in play?

Truth seeker...can’t sleep anymore...420 vibes lover...poet...Rmt Vr...golfing... books...fafo...MotorCity...🍿🍿🍿❤️🇺🇸

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK does financial landscaping ... mean iso 20022? is iso 20022 a real thing?
VK so many questions ... what happens to non iso 20022 compliant crypto?
x22 Dave likes gold silver and btc?
but btc isnt iso compliant... i checked which ones ... i found xrp xlm algo iota xdc fxrp?? also i seen doge is lol ... but what about ada matic link? link is connected ? with swift network ? eth is hot right now...eth and btc have large institutional fomo past 6-8 months?!
also VK you and DJT are the smoothest coolest on the internet ...just saying thanq Sir....❤️🇺🇸🍿✌️😎


#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

So much to come Patriots.
When it does Markets wont hold up. Pulling out late July.
Transfer of wealth underway.
Hard assets will grow. Example realestate, art, silver, gold...
Wait for the Gold Dip. It's the signal for pull out of market.
Crypto is the play for next couple of months for me.
For full Transparency, here are my Crypto holdings:


Have a bunch of Shitcoins also but that is my gambling money. Much better odds than Vegas.

Note: Not an authorized financial advisor.

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Maricopa Audit -- Live Feeds!
No other story is more important than this.
The planet is watching!!!!

[Forwarded from GhostEzra]
[ Photo ]
The verdict is irrelevant because it's not real. Shit show folks. Not Chauvin.

🍰 Baker of Qakes, Truth-seeker 🔍, Proud deplorable🇺🇸, Jesus is King 🌟 Q !..🐸 God Bless us all 🙏🏻

I had no idea that the police carry a salon clippers in their cars too..? silly me..😉🤷‍♀️