Tammy _74
@TammyP_74Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Thank you...
Thank you...
I clicked on the link above. It told me I was logged in. But I haven't signed up yet.... Guess it took me into your account????
Thanks but I just found a bitchute link for episodes 1 and 2. Already watched them.
And no quarantine... Rules are for thee and not for me...
Wish I am able to watch it. How does this red-pill people when only people who have HBOmax can watch it? HBOmax is not even available in Europe.
Too bad I can't watch it. I don't have HBO and even if I did, not all US programs are available over here...
Me too. Especially after hearing what Dr Geert vanden Bosche had to say about the vaccines.
How can they know? Only 2 islands are done counting so far!
I made a pic of my ballot with and without ID just in case.
Voted today! 💪
I truly hope that the white hats will stop this scamdemic sooner rather than later for exact this reason...
This has been happening every demonstration against the lockdowns. The anount of people protesting range from a few hundred to a few thousand. The amount of police, military police, water canons, police on horses and use of dogs is outrageous. The Netherlands is a dictatorship nowadays, no more democracy left. March 17th we vote. Hopefully the election isn't rigged.
@ Deade: This is where I saw it on FB. Hope the links works. It happens immediately at the beginning. She's easy recognisable wearing a yellow umbrella.
Sieh dir auf Facebook Beiträge, Fotos und vieles mehr an.
https://www.facebook.com/mario.o.martinez.75/videos/10222817607245415I don't know if she's ok. I really hope so. Also the guy who got bit by a police dog and got beaten by 2 policemen while he was down trying to defend himself from the dog. It's just sickening... It has to stop soon.
Just saw another clip taken from the other side. A "romeo" (undercover military police incitng violence so the military police can intervene) pushed her towards the oncoming van.
Another guy had a police dag biting him while he was being hit with a stick in his neck / on his head by 2 policemen. There was another protest by BLM at the same time where there was no police intervention. They were only at the anti-lockdown protest. This is getting too ridiculous.
I'm voting for Wybren.
Probably all. But the government we currently have is not what the people elected 4 years ago either. They found a different way to cheat. The second largest elected party (we have too many political parties) is in the opposition as the largest elected party didn't want a joint coalition with them. So the people got cheated anyway even though the votes were hand counted. We still have the government the elite wanted to have. Next month new elections on March 17th!! We'll see how it goes down this time.
Even I got suspended having 3 followers. 🤣 Just because I am following certain people???