Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism. Any bets on how many elections were stolen in these two countries before they woke up?
Ireland and The Netherlands Ended Electronic Voting After Finding Machines Untrustworthy and Failed Security Requirements
The United States is not the only Western nation that has had issues with electronic voting. In 2020 several states witnessed abnormalities, vote switching and inaccurate vote totals in the thousands. A reader from the UK reminded us that Europe also had issues with voting machines and Ireland and T.. all. But the government we currently have is not what the people elected 4 years ago either. They found a different way to cheat. The second largest elected party (we have too many political parties) is in the opposition as the largest elected party didn't want a joint coalition with them. So the people got cheated anyway even though the votes were hand counted. We still have the government the elite wanted to have. Next month new elections on March 17th!! We'll see how it goes down this time.