James Pidd
@JamesPiddNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
Racist? Nearly 70% of blacks support voter ID
a new Rasmussen national telephone and online survey finds that 69% of likely black voters and 75% overall believe voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver's license before being allowed to vote.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-sued-by-12-states-over-climate-executive-order_3725146.html Obama started this nonsense of legislating by Executive Order. This crap is completely unconstitutional and avoids the required legislative process. If a President can do this we have no separation of powers.
Biden Sued by 12 States Over Climate Executive Order
President Joe Biden was sued by 12 states over a climate change-related executive order, saying it has the ...
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/dem-bill-permanent-refugee-minimmum/ With the exception of Cuba and Venezuela, no one is a legitimate refugee in this hemisphere. In other hemispheres where people are fleeing wars, they need to seek the closest safe harbor and not expect to get a plane ticket to the United States.
Democrat Bill Would Stop Future Presidents Lowering Refugee Intake Quota. - The National Pulse
The bill, dubbed the "‘Lady Liberty Act of 2021," counts support from over 50 House Democrats and has been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/report-biden-admin-purging-dangerous-trump-supporters-from-federal-government-existential-threat-to-democracy The only threat to our Republic is Democrats in any public office. Driving conservatives out of public office is a naked attempt to create wokeism in every corner of the bureaucracy.
Report: Biden Admin Purging ‘Dangerous’ Trump Supporters From Federal Government: ‘Existential Threat To Democracy’ | The Daily Wire
Joe Biden is attempting to sniff out federal bureaucrats loyal to his predecessor to purge the federal government of Trump supporters.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

#IOwnMyOwnMind #IOwnMyOwnBody #WWG1WGA #MAGA #1776 No creepy DMs I will block you! Other are all welcome!! 😊
Itailan crew

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/diabolical-silliness-north-dakota-house-passes-bill-prohibiting-mask-mandates Does any other state still have enough common sense to oppose the liberal orthodoxy?
‘Diabolical Silliness’: North Dakota House Passes Bill Prohibiting Mask Mandates | The Daily Wire
The North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill Monday that would "prohibit state and local officials, schools and businesses from mandating face masks."
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/fellow-democrats-suggest-sen-joe-manchin-is-racist-sexist-for-opposing-biden-pick-neera-tanden It's time for Manchin to realize that the left is not a big tent. You stray from their reservation and they will consider you fair game. Time to caucus with the Republicans.
Fellow Democrats Suggest Sen. Joe Manchin Is Racist, Sexist For Opposing Biden Pick Neera Tanden | The Daily Wire
Democrats and their allies are beginning to suggest Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is both sexist and racist for opposing Biden nominee Neera Tanden to head the Office of Management and Budget.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/wapo-during-trump-kids-in-cages-wapo-during-biden-migrant-facility-for-children No surprise here. The bias media on full display.
WaPo During Trump: ‘Kids In Cages’; WaPo During Biden: ‘Migrant Facility For Children’ | The Daily Wire
The once-great Washington Post is now just another outlet of Newspeak. In an Orwellian twist, the Jeff Bezos-owned paper has morphed "kids in cages" into "migrant facility for children."
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
"I Don't Want America to be Energy Independent; I Want America to be Energy Dominant" President Trump to Economist Steve Moore
Economist Steve Moore says Biden’s energy pipe dream will bankrupt the USA. President Trump’s economist Steve Moore discussed Biden’s energy fantasies and the contrast with President Trump’s energy policy. Per Newsmax: President Joe Biden’s unwinding of American energy..
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.infowars.com/posts/smoking-gun-joe-bidens-dept-of-energy-blocked-texas-from-increasing-power-ahead-of-enduring-storm/ Who does this? Well, some green-at-all-cost brain-dead Acting Director at the Department of Energy did this. Are those of you who voted for Biden smart enough to have buyer's remorse yet?
Smoking Gun! Joe Biden’s Dept. of Energy Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Killer Storm
A week before, Texas begged for help and asked for DOE to lift federal regulations barring state's energy output.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://odysee.com/@NTD:2/what-planet-are-you-from-rand-paul:7 Biden's nominations are nightmares for normal people.
‘What Planet Are You From?’: Rand Paul Condemns Biden’s Sports Policy | NTD
?Subscribe to NTD: https://ept.ms/NTD ?Support NTD: https://www.ntd.com/support-us.html ?Sign up for our newsletter: https://newsletter.ntd.com ?Follow us on Youmaker ☛ https:/...
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://nationalfile.com/coca-cola-denies-forcing-employees-to-take-be-less-white-lesson-admits-buying-access-to-hateful-screed/ Enough! Fascism is partly defined by business and government being jointly controlled. Big government wants big business to shove this indoctrination down their employee's throats.
Coca-Cola Denies Forcing Employees to Take 'Be Less White' Lesson, Admits Buying Access to Hateful Screed - National File
Coca-Cola have denied a viral story that they forced their employees to take a lesson to "be less white," but confirmed they purchased access to the course.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.westernjournal.com/fundraiser-bankrolled-obama-hillary-others-sentenced-12-years-serious-offenses/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=newsletter-WJ&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=western-journal For Dems, they have a seemingly endless supply of these illegal fundraising thugs.
Fundraiser Who Bankrolled Obama, Hillary and Others Sentenced to 12 Years for 'Serious Offenses'
'Obviously, I have no one else to blame but myself for this conduct,' Zuberi told the judge at his hearing.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/local-st-louis-residents-get-bogus-election-notifications-far-left-group-missouri-black-votes-registers-140000-new-voters-region/ All of these activist voter registration groups are involved in voter fraud.
Local St. Louis Residents Get Bogus Election Notifications After Far Left Group "Missouri Black Votes" Registers 140,000 New Voters in Region
Guest post by Gary Weigert An organization called Missouri Black Votes registered roughly 40,000 voters in St. Louis City and 100,000 voters in St. Louis County this past year for the 2020 election. And now St. Louis area residents are receiving voter announcements for people who do not live at the..
USAF Vet YUGE President Trump supporter; he tweeted: "Fight Patriots! Had 50K followers on Twitter & proudly followed by Gen. Flynn.
@FarRightMike#USAF Vet
Please FB all and repost. #UniteTheRight
@CaptainAmerica Dav Vet
@Dbarker Vet
@FarRightMike Vet
@Give_A_Hoot DAV VET

USAF Vet YUGE President Trump supporter; he tweeted: "Fight Patriots! Had 50K followers on Twitter & proudly followed by Gen. Flynn.
@FarRightMike#USAF Vet
🔴Please follow back and repost. #UniteTheRight🔴
@SquirrelMoment Vet
@verygreenmoss Vet
@WilliamBDoyle Vet

Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/massive-crowd-two-supporters-welcomes-81-million-vote-recipient-kamala-harris-back-california-home-video/ Was it all a charade?
Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcomes 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home (Video)
Reported 81 million vote recipient Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff were greeted by all of two supporters when the couple returned to their Los Angeles home in Brentwood on a sunny Friday afternoon for the first time since Harris was sworn in as vice president last month. Video taken by a l..
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/kentucky-police-officer-fired-for-giving-black-lives-matter-protest-leader-info-on-cops Why would a cop give an anti-cop, Marxist organization information about his fellow officers?
Kentucky Police Officer Fired For Giving Black Lives Matter Protest Leader Info On Cops | The Daily Wire
A police officer in Lexington, Kentucky, was fired early Friday morning after being accused of providing information about other cops to a Black Lives
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/education-insanity-top-10-stories-of-the-week-vol-3 This shows how insane progressive education initiatives have become. Past time to push back.
Education Insanity: Top 10 Stories Of The Week (Vol. 3) | The Daily Wire
Welcome back to Education Insanity, a weekly column updating you on the most insane events taking place in our nation's schools.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/report-whistleblower-accuses-smith-college-of-racially-hostile-environment-in-resignation-letter The atmosphere at most colleges has become openly anti-white. This insanity has to stop!
Report: Whistleblower Accuses Smith College Of ‘Racially Hostile Environment’ In Resignation Letter | The Daily Wire
Jodi Shaw, a former residential life coordinator at Smith College, resigned from her position Friday afternoon, alleging in a resignation letter to the college president that she had been subjected to a hostile work environment because of the color of her skin.
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/we-care-more-about-optics-than-substance I don't understand this whole Cruz thing. He isn't on the side of shutdowns so why does anyone care if he goes on vacation? It's not like Gavin Newsome shutting down restaurants but then dining at the French Laundry.
We Care More About Optics Than Substance | The Daily Wire
Why do we care more about what we see someone doing than what they are actually accomplishing? Case in point: The media has spent the last week screaming
Constitutional conservative. Despise Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, or any form of statism.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-wants-to-sway-us-policy-using-climate-change-experts-warn_3703738.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-02-19-4 Biden plays right into Xi's hand.
Beijing Wants to Sway US Policy Using Climate Change, Experts Warn
The Biden administration should not allow the Chinese regime to use climate change as a bargaining chip to ...