Jeff Peiser
@PatriotPie203Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

hell no! Trump 2021!! Election was stolen ans we all did our part and voted! We cannot wait that long. fix the damn voter fraud and end DC

him or Jr...... 170%

Alice in Wonderland

ummm i think millions of people have asked that question. We dont even need to ask its blatantly obvious to anyone who is paying attention thats rubber man and an actor playing him.

i believe

i believe

i believe

I just posted that on my friends page on FB. She said Trump 2024 and i said nah#trump2021

so much for him being a smart businesa man. That won't go well in Dallas, Tx

Suicide [Week End] EAS=emergency alert system and also the TOP game making company for video games like Madden. Lots of things lining up

mayor mcnipples


market is about to topple, Trump card incoming and we will see the masterpiece we have been waitinv for. thats my take 😎

pretty lady in the reflection wearing a hat.

snipers roasting hot dogs? Is Obama coming over or something?

bad guys sitting on our magic frequency. Time to take it back!!

yay her episode lifted my spirits today!

welcome santa! wonderful show yeaterday it lifted my spirits! I was in a funk but its shaken off now!! best is yet to come!

I pray this is right! its what i was thinking too

now lets get that false president out asap

Ive missed everyone! great to see you Casey!

projection, projection, projection..... oldest trick in the book for arrogant sociopaths

well looks like Ron was right when he warned everyone about their security.....

Looks more and more like a rubber "mask" everytime I see him.... or whoever is "acting" good movie, GREAT actors 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I've been looking for him as well