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Thanks so much!

Thank you!!!

Thank you so much!

Who was your loan through? That’s great!

That’s nice to hear.

I do think they deserve constitutional protection just like everyone else. And they are still frontline workers that should not be mandated even though they are in healthcare.

Well if they took the vaxx and booster themselves they were not pretending. They obviously believed in it. But if they didn’t get the shot or booster then I’d be suspicious.

Yep, I know a lot of them and they still believe in the vaxx and boosters, got themselves vaxxed and boosted, still got covid and some even severe adverse reactions. Brainwashed 100%. And honestly I think they are just stupid, well meaning people.

I know plenty of healthcare workers very well, and they drank the kookaid, got vaxxed, boosted, then got Covid. Still can’t see it and think they would have gotten a worse case of Covid had they not been vaxxed. Still promoting the vaxx and boosters. At this point I’m pretty sure they are much, much more stupid than evil.

Who was the girl Leo dated? I never heard anything about this.

I don’t even try anymore. They are totally brainwashed.

I have always been an independant voter, and have voted based on the candidate, not the party. I had similar thoughts about how the media was attacking Trump about the wall. I am the type of person that reads the fine print, so I decided to watch one of the Trump rallies in full. Well he did say he was going to build the wall, but also a “big, beautiful door” to let people in legally. Of course immediately I realized that the media was doing some creative editing and cherry picking his words. That’s actually when I became a fan of Trump. I originally liked Bernie Sanders before he moved to the extreme left, because he didn’t want the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and was for getting large corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. He was also a 2nd Amendment supporter. Then he got more woke, lost to Hillary, so I went to Trump. There are many more people like me than the media portrays. I’m not really into the whole MAGA thing, but I do love America and I am a patriot 100%.

Depends on how responsible daughter is. 😎

I think most of us here knew it was a crock of BS that a bat from the meat market in Wuhan caused this! When we, the US were paying for this to be researched and made in the Wuhan lab. This needs to be blasted all over social media so the average person finds out. I wish I could post to Twatter but all my accounts are suspended.

Was anyone else completely clueless about the meaning of the Q drop FULL HOUSE until this clown died? 👀

Didn’t Bush start the whole election tampering? I’m convinced he rigged the election against Al Gore in retrospect.

Didn’t Julian Assange say that 98% of them were corrupt? Not too many people in that pure 2%. Our choices have always been the lesser of 2 evils.

Many years ago I watched a documentary about how mass transit train line projects to residential areas were scrapped due to the pressure from early automobile makers. I can’t remember exactly who the manufacturers were, but I think they were early front runners like Ford. I have no doubt that the same thing happened to early electric cars, they were just put out of business by the early gas powered car companies, or maybe even oil companies.

For photoshoots, I’m not 100% percent convinced that the celeb knows what the covered up eye thing is. They just do what the photographer tells them to do. The photographer will suggest things for the person to do and they will just try different shots. If the photographer says, “Why don’t you cover up that eye, let’s try that.” Or the photographer makes the triple 6 hand sign and asks the celeb to mimick them for the photo, the celeb will just do it. We have to look deeper and see who the photographer is or who they are working for (like Disney).
Now if the celeb is in creative control of their image, lets say Lady Gaga, Beyonce or Madonna, then 100% I believe they know what they are portraying. Especially all of the satanic stuff they promote in their photos, videos and concerts.

I love how clear the comms are getting now.

Ikr? Who has a meat clock on the wall? Not normal. I think it’s circled to show that they are in the same place taking the photo. I think it looks like a mini jukebox maybe? Like they say, symbolism will be their downfall. I hope all of them are either dead already or will be soon.

WTF did I just watch? 😡

Hero 💪🏻

Not only is Whoopie extremely fit and trim, but she is also a high fashion icon. 👏👏👏

I’m wondering if Geraldo really believed the vaxx was going to protect him. They’ve been talking about breakthrough infections for months. Is he really stupid or just a good actor? How could he seem so realistically surprised that he got covid while vaxxed?

😂 My relatives, who haven’t seen me for the past 2 years because me and my family are “unvaccinated” low information, dirty heathens in their minds. They have been so afraid I would spread Covid to them they have been berating me all last year to get vaxxed or they wouldn’t see us. Guess what? They caught Covid this Christmas anyway and had to cancel their holiday plans. I told my brother, sister and mom that almost everyone I know that was vaxxed got Covid. My brother replied, “But most of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated.” I started to say, “that’s not true…” but my kid stopped me so we could continue to have a pleasant Facetime convo. 🥸

I agree with JM bullion as well as SD Bullion. I also buy from Apmex but their premiums are higher.

Silver actually will outperform gold in the future. Been stacking for both for several years but more silver due to it being more affordable

It says in the article they are not giving payouts to some of the vaccine injured