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All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
I'm proposing a change to our lingo because I feel that, for so many of the topics we research, RABBIT HOLE just doesn't do justice to the fuckery we uncover. I couldn't find a straight answer to exactly what creature makes the most complex underground tunnel system but freaking wombats out-perform rabbits in the tunneling game by a lot. Thus, I will be replacing "rabbit hole" with "wombat hole" in all future correspondence. Figuring out what animal to replace the rabbits with has been, in & of itself, a wombat hole to research. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Knowing is half the battle.
Exposure is the other half.
Silence is compliance. Literally

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
So... how's Nancy Pelosi? Anyone got an update or has she been whisked off to a no-extradition treaty?
I'm kinda serious though.
Because she allegedly fell and broke her hip. And then had emergency hip replacement surgery, allegedly. Allegedly in Germany. And then factual RADIO SILENCE. So where's Nancy?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
The report on the government covid response is now available. It's pretty brutal, although not brutal enough. There's an entire section dedicated to Governor Cuomo's criminal tactics.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Local news just did a quick update on the super severe super scary case of bird flu in Louisiana. The patient is over 65 and once again, has underlying conditions. But everyone should focus solely on the bird flu part.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
W T A F x1000 y'all.
You can either read the whole article or skip to the end BUT YOU HAVE TO READ THE END

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
I do not now, nor have I ever dreamt of or aspired to wealth, power, or notoriety. From childhood, my soul has yearned for nothing more or less than happiness

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Last night my teenager asked me if astral projection was real and I got to say, "yes, it is". It's kinda exciting to me to think of a childhood (teenhood?) where you're allowed to know this 'magical' stuff. My mom would've laughed at me and said no, that's not real & probably come up with some way to link it to "sinful beliefs".

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
👀this site

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
So it's now illegal to require voter ID in CA? Okay, okay. What's actually stopping assloads of Republicans, after voting in their respective districts, from heading over to CA to re-vote? Perhaps more than once? Not that anyone would ever do that... honest question.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Emergency help needed if you're in NC please read

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Chewing on the probable fact that the government is gonna stop funding the lives of a WHOLE LOT of illegals that the regime has brought in and distributed about the country, after the election. They're already not held accountable to our laws and have the impression that they can act savagely as they please. But when they no longer receive tens of thousands of (our) dollars to fund their lives... THAT'S what I've been mulling over today.

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Honest people STILL not understand that this man has advanced dementia?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
So, do y'all feel like being in this battle...being a truther is worth it? Cause sometimes I don't think I can take any more

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Trying this again - can anyone recommend a truly uncensored web browser? Yandex was my go-to for years but it has recently been dumbed down.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Okay I'm pissed... breakdancing will not not return as a sport in '28 Olympics BUT SPEED WALKING WILL?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Just want to post this here too. My reach on x is shit and this is something I see VERY CLEARLY. They're telling both sides the other will refuse to certify and then all hell will break loose but it's the OTHER SIDE'S fault. They're basically making SURE there's a civil war over the election.
There's never been a threat that actually made me nervous like impending madness is ACTUALLY gonna happen - this one has me rattled.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
I need a new uncensored browser...any suggestions?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
I have used Yandex as my failsafe browser for years when all others have given OBVIOUS censored results. I'm really sad but earlier this week, I noticed Yandex had changed. I can now confirm that Yandex has changed and now offers the same obviously censored results as Google, DDG, Brave, and others. Recommendations for a truly uncensored browser would be greatly appreciated!!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
I have used Yandex as my failsafe browser for years when all others have given OBVIOUS censored results. I'm really sad but earlier this week, I noticed Yandex had changed. I can now confirm that Yandex has changed and now offers the same obviously censored results as Google, DDG, Brave, and others. Recommendations for a truly uncensored browser would be greatly appreciated!!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
So...what the hell happened to the plan with Anna Paulina Luna having Merrick Garland dragged out in cuffs today? She tweeted something this morning and then NOTHING.
I shouldn't be disappointed because OF COURSE nothing will come of it but I'm a little disappointed anyway

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Does anyone else here use Brave? Since I switched to Brave, I can only see maybe 5 posts on anonup before I'm unable to scroll any further. This is pissing me off and if anyone has any advice, please share?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden's State Department Official Admitting 'Great Replacement Theory' is REAL — Admits ..
A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.” They argued that the “Great Replacem..
All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Summer solstice tomorrow...what do y'all think the satanists are planning? I think we're in for a nasty surprise.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Because of course they're gonna excommunicate him.
Archbishop Viganò says he faces schism charges from Vatican's doctrinal office | National Catholic Reporter
The disgraced former papal nuncio to the United States, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, alleges that he has been charged with schism by the Vatican's doctrinal office, charges he describes as an "honor."
All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
Can anyone recommend a sunscreen on the lesser end of the toxicity scale? I don't do sunscreen unless it's absolutely necessary and I've got a kayaking day trip coming up.