Was anyone else completely clueless about the meaning of the Q drop FULL HOUSE until this clown died? 👀

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren
When I read stuff like this I would happily volunteer for the firing squad at Gitmo....

Journalist. Mom to a vaccine-injured son. Waking up. Learning. Holding the light. Grateful for the truth-tellers.
And I just saw his podcast where he says he got his booster! Dies less than a month later.

alot of comics do this joke with their own flavor.........the idea is its supposed to be the most offensive joke ever i first heard gilbert godfried do it

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."
Alert !
Los Angeles and Hollywood were safe havens for perverts and the criminally insane.
Pedophiles and Satanists flew UNDER THE RADAR of normal decent citizens .
And why -- you ask?
Because of the "force field" protection created by the NWO handlers in the Media.
It really didn’t take too much effort to lasso the minds of gullible TV and movie addicts.
NOTHING TO SEE here but the thin veneer of Celebrity glamor and wealth !
Shame on us.

the aristocrat joke


MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
🤢 🤮