Lizzy 2711
@Lizzy27Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Russians told to take anti-radiation pills, rush to bomb shelters as TV station servers are hacked | Daily Mail Online
TV and radio programmes in Moscow and the Sverdlovsk region, including Yekaterinburg city, were interrupted with an alarming message telling citizens a missile strike had been conducted
LIVE: Unfollow Project Veritas Party 🥳🎊🎈🎉💃🕺

fake and so sorry it 'as become to this . what a world we live in

not true, we need to fight back, not sit back and wait for "god to win", if you don't do anything to help it, get active, join school boards, join local community, don't just sit back and say God Wins........ who fought the fight if not you !!!!!!!!! WINNING MEANS A FIGHT WAS FOUGHT !!!!! 46 min, they all agree, it's fake he's dead

no malic intended, was an opination

no malic intended, was an opination

we all do, ... it's part of being awake.. frustrating when you see post and people posting grifters videos and podcasts ... people are so gullible and hungry for info they follow and believe anything .. grifters are taking advantage of it, buying mansions in Florida with the good willing naïve people donating and sponsoring them... heart breaking. I don't disagree with podcasters advertising their products and sponsors as you have a choice to buy them or not to buy them, I have an issue with the lies and " insider info" bullshit and them always changing dates and timelines...

when people refer to them selves as the third person ?????????????????

Shine on you crazy diamond

Pink Floyd !


do you know if she needs help? as in money, a place to stay ?

" wow............ wtf ............I dont understand why no one is touching this baby or why it has not eaten!!!" wtf

AND IN REAL LIVE NEWS............ England is out of the world cup , lost to France , Kane Cant bring it home

🤣🤣you had some good dope.... lol.
tripping ... we normal people that don't partake, see differently, but cool story bro

🤣😀I was there, dressed in Orange ...... Obviously the the aliens saved the Dutch only, we are special.... just a pity we crashed out of the World cup.. and they didn't help us win

sources ???

we think for ourselves.. lol. do some research he is just a guy called Wayne Willett selling a book
How QAnon Influencer Juan O. Savin Became This Midterm’s Most Worrying Figure
It’s highly likely that candidates who are part of a coalition put together by Juan O. Savin will win their races, according to Fever Dreams’ Will Sommer and Kelly Weill.
PEOLE ACTUALLY FELT SORRY FOR YOU ... you abused hospitality and human kindness for money, .... horrible

scammer alert.................................SCAMMER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scammer alert.................................SCAMMER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scammer alert.................................SCAMMER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scammer alert.................................SCAMMER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what .... SCAMMER ALERET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

🤣🤣really, it's a world cup. Netherlands are portraying a sombre event but ....but... it's a world cup. The hypocrisy is laudable..... cant wait for the awards

🤣Reading and seeing MSM tv posting about ELon rehiring "lick my & Johnson" I haven't had such a good laugh in ages, they obviously don't realise he is trolling them big time or they seriously don't know what Ligma Johnson means 🤣

paid troll ?:???