Canadian Truth Seeker. Lover of music, nature & animals. Anti vax , Anti gov't . Pro Trump. Waiting for the movie to end , and the EMF.
Unvaxxed. Unmasked. Untested. Unafraid. God wins! I have been singing about corruption for 40 years. I will never give up!
I need to learn to control my emotions better. I sometimes blow up at too much negative talk in my house these past few months.
we all do, ... it's part of being awake.. frustrating when you see post and people posting grifters videos and podcasts ... people are so gullible and hungry for info they follow and believe anything .. grifters are taking advantage of it, buying mansions in Florida with the good willing naïve people donating and sponsoring them... heart breaking. I don't disagree with podcasters advertising their products and sponsors as you have a choice to buy them or not to buy them, I have an issue with the lies and " insider info" bullshit and them always changing dates and timelines...