IamQ soRU
4 years ago

IamQ soRU

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WWG1WGA Twitter Refugee

In response NEO ONE to his Publication

Looks like he could be 'related' to Flynn?

In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication

This is not true. I have Netflix and I just searched this on 3/11/2021 and it brings up Cuties when you search Cuties.

In response Maybe Herb to her Publication

I trust God to handle HIS children. Even in the waiting, I trust God. He will not allow this to keep happening to the children, whatever it takes.

In response Maybe Herb to her Publication

I definitely feel abandoned. By Trump, by Q (whoever that is). I've lost good friends over this and have family thinking I am mental. I know the other 4 people in my personal anon circle are feeling similarly.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

I am not sure what it means but I was reading the comments and thought it might be worth saying, EVERYTHING HAS MEANING.

In response Quantum Active to his Publication

Either way - I don't think Durham is in the news for no reason. :)

In response vDarkness Falls to his Publication

My hopes are not up. My hopes are not up. My hopes are not up. My hopes are not up.

_ okay...they may be up just a little.

In response Quantum Active to his Publication

From my understanding, he retired as state attorney in Connecticut but is remaining on as the special counsel.

In response Gwen Chase to her Publication

I've sent you a DM with a link to his FB page. :)

In response Dorothea Dankowski to her Publication

Long long may be accurate afterall. lol Depends if she got it cut off or not.

In response d a n n y d A r k Ω to his Publication

What time does SCOTUS meet today?

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

I believe that my father is waking up, fortunately.

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

Which is sad on many levels. My father, age 70, the person in my life who is in their bible the most, is of the opinon that God was responsible for the Bible and would not allow it to be given to His people if it was incorrect. He refuses to accept that MAN has changed it ever so slightly but with a huge impact on the truth.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

I am unable to send you a DM for some reason, How much do you charge for your Q Lids?

In response Fleur Vert to her Publication

I fully support this idea and would be happy to contriubute any writing. I cannot illustrate but I enjoy and believe I am talented at writing.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

At this point if there was a drop the internet would break.

While I fully believe this is an engineered storm, some snow is wet snow, which is good for snowballs/snowmen, and then there is a more dry powdery snow that doesn't make good snowballs. I did my own test with my Missouri snow and it was the exact same way as in this video. Some are seeing the snow turn black when doing this, it may be due to pollution though, idk.

In response Cage NGa to his Publication

Anything is possible at this point. lol

Okay.. I am a novice at this stuff so I don't quite understand. But thank you.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

Where is the People's Bridge if one wanted to drive by it?

In response Peace Justice to his Publication

I just saw a post of a lawyer willing to represent people for free over masks but I cannot find it now. If I do, I will be sure to let you know.

Is this something you would recommend buying?

In response d a n n y d A r k Ω to his Publication

Half the city of Houston is without power (700,000 homes) and they are being asked to stay home because they don't know how to drive in the snow and they don't have emergency vehicles for this weather to get to people. It is currently 22 degrees and windy there in the warmest part of the day.

In response Rena 1776 to her Publication

It looks like all eyes on Jared to me. I don't like him for some reason....

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

They're sure taking longer than their 15 min recess! haha

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

With all due respect, didn't you also imply yesterday that Trump may get convicted? Both cannot be true. He cannot be convicted AND pick a VP.

In response IamQ soRU to her Publication
In response Jessica Turner to her Publication
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I miss Shane posting here. :(

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Everything is peaches and cream!

peaches and cream - a situation, process, etc., that has no trouble or problems