Honkler Simpson
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So Biden liberates 6bi USD for Iran, then "Hamas" massacre civilians in an air raid, the Left celebrates. "Free Palestine".
So...what do we know so far?
I believe those illiterate goathearders would NEVER be able to conduct an air raid, nor would Mossad/CIA allow it to happen.
While I don't believe it was an israeli false flag, I think it's pretty clear Israel allowed its citizens to be massacrated so they could escalate the situation, which they did bombing Gaza and killing innocents on the other side.
Since its blatant obvious Iran had a hand in this, I also think MSM will soon reveal their part (but will shield Biden) and will escalate tensions even more.
Its clear the US, Israel and Iran are all determined to start WW3 and Great Reset us from ashes.
The Left though are just the same retarded chimpz as ever, supporting anything that destroy the lives and freedom of those who just want to leave in peace.
Am I seeing this right, or is there anything I missed?

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨

FEMA officials are staying at Maui's remaining $1,000-per-night luxury hotels, while the Biden government is giving Hawaiians whose homes just burned down a lump sum of $700!

So...unlike the rest of America and now Brazil too, I want to take another drug other than fentanyl.
I want some Hopium. Ever since 8/jan I've been avoiding the stress and anxiety of "Following the Plan", which I'm convinced was just a blackmailing operation from the intel sector high ups to get their demands done.
So...anyone willing to prove me wrong? Cuz at the moment we have the military obeying a thief and over 700 patriots, including children and elders, jailed, some for arriving AFTER the congress invasion had happened.

. I love GOD and AMERICA. Trump Kennedy Patriot. Me and Hubby retired. On Gettr @cathyldup.
PRAYERS FOR MY FATHER!! If you could please, he just went into the hospital and hour ago! My parents didnt get the Death Jab, but they got the Nasal Swab. Father going down hill, physically, cant even walk today! I ordered Ivermectin, not here yet. Dad is a 81 yrs old and was still working 8 hrs daily. 20 yr colon cancer survivor! The drs suspect its back. My brother got the swab and he he had several strokes, they got clots out but? The Swabs can be Dangerous too. We live in n.east Pa., any Prayer Warrior oit there? 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨

The post below, from Kuntuzangpo. That's it. Believing or not, I noticed not believing is really hurting me and making me sick.
I'll force myself in denial mode, if there's a God, a "plan" or whatever, it'll be a pleasant surprise.
If not, what else do I have to lose? I already decided the state is my archenemy. I already decided political path is now pointless.
I already decided I'll preach BitCoins, Agorism, Survivalism/Off-Grid, civil disobedience and what else tools I find to break free from "their" control.
Let God answer for the children. It's his burden, not mine. All I could do for them - raise awareness, I did and will continue to do. If he allowed the fkers to win, shame on him. If that happened because he doesn't exist? Well, I'll protect those I can, that's all I can do.
I can't be more disappointed than I am. If God is real and turn out to be a jerk it'll be less disappointing than this silence, because things at least will make sense for once.

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨
"It's easy to forget that we're warriors in a spiritual war between good and evil when we're in the midst of a storm.
When we are being tested in fires, sometimes we just need to recognize that we have the opportunity to rise above and pass those tests instead of grumbling and complaining our way through them.
Your challenges can be seen as your moment of triumph with God instead of a burden weighing you down.
Perspective can truly change how you live your life.
The enemy is irrelevant when God is training you for victory.
Where do you find yourself being trained or challenged in your life right now?"
From ULTRa Pepe Lives Matter

Reporting from NEW PURE LOVE EARTH. Angelic leader. Yes.
You may wonder why Brazilians are so political awake. Well, besides our communist neighbours and the corruption of hundreds of billions that we saw under Lula's past governments, Prof. Olavo de Carvalho opened our eyes a while ago about the "scissors theater" between political parties. They pretend to be enemies (left/right), but in the end they have the same political agenda. And the most obvious one is between Lula (PT party) and his VP, Alckmin (PSDB).
For 30 years the presidential election was defined between these two parties. Lula always called Alckmin a fascist and everything you can imagine. And Alckmin always called Lula a thief and corrupt, even a short time ago he said "Lula wants to be president again to return to the crime scene." And what happened? Both came together to "save democracy and Brazil from the nazi Bolsonaro." 🤡
And the brain-dead leftists are ok with that, even calling Alckmin as fascist for decades!

Once you see how pretty much everything is a captured or controlled op, I find there is a kind of numbness that creeps over you. Most of society and culture feels irrelevant or ridiculous. Those under the spell inhabit confined mental spaces you can’t climb back inside. Participation in everyday rituals is all done with detachment through the filter of greater perception of symbols and agendas. It’s all a whacky dream.

Can someone catch me up on this Kevin McCarthy thing?
Hope, ruse, traitor, week/useless, what are we expecting with him?
Honestly the political path seems more and more useless everyday.

Patriots, I have an honest question. How REALLY can we be sure of the "Plan"? Because after the fake Lula inauguration, some patriots (not on Anonup) are really pissed off saying it's the same ruse that happened in the US, that the left set this up to get us drunk on hopium, expecting a mililtary action that will never come.
The fact is, everything is consumed, we lost a lot of rights and the destruction of the country started in turbo mode. The military should've acted by now but they didn't.
After over 2 months on the streets people are giving up. We're trying to organize a general strike and block refineries and cut fuel supply and stop the country in order to force their hands as a last measure.
It's hard to believe all those military moves were for nothing, but we know how much traitors surrounded Bolsonaro. We're lost, it's all confusing and uncertain.
Time is against us and we are losing unity.

Friends, may I ask for prayers for my (21 y.o.) son. He has been suffering from depression since the beginning of the plandemic. He went through a lot of covid bs at college which made him feel very alone, sadly. He has been seeing a therapist (virtually 🙄) for a couple months. We had scheduled a family vacation in Europe, and hoped it would help him enjoy life again.
Well, we are halfway through our trip and he has been uninterested in anything we do. He got into a physical altercarion with his brother and father last night. When he went back to his room he cut up his arm with a razor. 😢 We summoned emergency services and they took him to hospital in an ambulance. He is back at the hotel now and we really don't know how to help him.
Thank you for listening and your prayers, if you are so inclined. I have witnessed the anon collective prayers work miracles. 🙏🙏🙏

I walk the path God put me on with no doubt and no fear.I will stand by what is right until my last breath.#GodsArmy WWG1WGA #LetsFinishThis
#prayerteam my ex SIL daughter was just shot 5 times in her front yard. Not even 30 years old. All I know. Lord what is going on?!

Cheer your hearts, patriots!
Fucking communist fat ass faggot Flavio Dino (with utmost respect to homossexuals, but he's a total fag) has promissed to treat the patriots camped in front of the army bases and HQ as terrorists and unleash the full force of the state on us.
Well, he "took office" with Lula and so far no cop dared to touch the people, which means Lula and his sinisters, I mean, ministers, have no power at all, except boosting the confidence of the stupid criminals who think he's in charge and are enboldened to loot stores.
So...unless something changes...I follow believing Brazil is now under a military junta led by General Heleno, a patriot whom I trust as much as I trust Bolsonaro.

I've been slacking, but I want to share something with y'all soon on Brazil's situation.
Things are really strange and I think it's a movie we already saw.
Just to not let you guys hanging, Bolsonaro is out of office, moved to Florida, but not before handling the control to the military.
Lula "took office" in a more pathetic situation than Biden: no canon shots, no oath on constitution, no real presidential sash, no presidential airplane, and he's sleeping in a hotel, because he was denied the Dawn Palace, the official presidential residence.
I'll elaborate tomorrow, hopefully with videos so we can have a good laugh.
Oh, and the fiasco. OMG, it was so huge. I'm shitting myself laughing the headlines saying Lula's inauguration had "significantly less people than expected by organizers".
Only 20k people were present in a show with all the Left elite celebs. 280k less than they expected. Huehueheuhuehue.
Things are weird but I'm getting the popcorn ready.

You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

🇨🇳The China Covid Corp dancing with joy as they tyrannize their poor citizens...on the back of a flu 🧐
Dance routines - just like our sick totalitarian medicos in the West.
Just like the disgusting dancing docs in the West - is there some secret rule that you have to ridicule the victims of your medical tyranny - even as you torture them with your unscientific flu nonsense? 🤔
📎Twitter▪️IG▪️Truth Social
God please stop this utter madness

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Ivermectin Protocol: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2523
Dosing Chat Audio: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6895
The Herxheimer Response: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2188
Herxing Pic: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6454
Danny’s HCQ Recipe: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6379
Dirt Road Lemon Water: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6453
Dirt Road Apple Onion recipe: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6377
Dirt Road Eyedrops: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6451
Ivermectin Maintenance Protocol: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6378
White Pine Needle Tea: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2292
Video - Filling Capsules: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2301
Removing liquid 1% injectable cap: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2303
Suitable 1.87% Pastes: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/2297
New Suitable Pastes, Liquids: https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/6387

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨
"🇧🇷⚖️ — Another video of the demonstration in front of the STF building against the arrest of leader Tsererê."
From Tupi Report

The new narrative. If nothing is done, it's lockdown and great reset and this time they'll have a stronger base and an already brainfucked populace to suceed.
The vacine deaths aliby, the excuse for more vacines, honestly its frustrating seeing this because I know most of the eat-and-shit useless beings on this planet who insist in calling themselves "humans" will fall for it.
FIFA World Cup 2022: France, flu, sickness, Rapahel Varane, Ibrahima Konate, Kingsley Coman, camel flu, Karim Benzema return to France squad, World Cup final, F..
‘Taking all necessary precautions’: Virus ripping through French team claims two more victims
So...I saw some videos of the current civil unrest in Peru...some shot down people and its not pretty...
After their president, Pedro Castillo was arrested for trying a coup, supporters seems to have tried something, but idk who the people in the video are, might be innocent, plus the military were also injured.
Some of you may not know but Latin America are mostly leftist-narco governments, so they're very close to the narco guerrilhas, who in turn control the local poor populace, so it's high chance innocent poor people were made to attend these violent protests under death threats of the narcos.
Over 21 deaths o far, so please lets pray for them, and for us here in Brazil because I'm afraid this is inevitable once the arrests start soon. Hopefully the deaths will stop now and discourage the peruvian left from risking their dumb lives to defend a criminal.

Family I am back to ask again for prayers! This time for my Son Jason! He is unvaxed but has been overly exposed to All completely Vaxed inlaws, whoke family! He has been to his Awake Dr., and has All Correct Meds! This is the 3rd day and He’s feeling pretty bad! Please if You Will pray for My Awesome Son, My Baby Boy! Thank you so in advance! 🙏🏼❤️😘🙏🏼
Your Prayers worked for My Daughter! 🥰
Update on My daughter is still continuing to improve! Thank you for Prayers for Her too! 🙏🏼🥰

Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life