I've been slacking, but I want to share something with y'all soon on Brazil's situation.
Things are really strange and I think it's a movie we already saw.
Just to not let you guys hanging, Bolsonaro is out of office, moved to Florida, but not before handling the control to the military.
Lula "took office" in a more pathetic situation than Biden: no canon shots, no oath on constitution, no real presidential sash, no presidential airplane, and he's sleeping in a hotel, because he was denied the Dawn Palace, the official presidential residence.
I'll elaborate tomorrow, hopefully with videos so we can have a good laugh.
Oh, and the fiasco. OMG, it was so huge. I'm shitting myself laughing the headlines saying Lula's inauguration had "significantly less people than expected by organizers".
Only 20k people were present in a show with all the Left elite celebs. 280k less than they expected. Huehueheuhuehue.
Things are weird but I'm getting the popcorn ready.