So Biden liberates 6bi USD for Iran, then "Hamas" massacre civilians in an air raid, the Left celebrates. "Free Palestine".
So...what do we know so far?
I believe those illiterate goathearders would NEVER be able to conduct an air raid, nor would Mossad/CIA allow it to happen.
While I don't believe it was an israeli false flag, I think it's pretty clear Israel allowed its citizens to be massacrated so they could escalate the situation, which they did bombing Gaza and killing innocents on the other side.
Since its blatant obvious Iran had a hand in this, I also think MSM will soon reveal their part (but will shield Biden) and will escalate tensions even more.
Its clear the US, Israel and Iran are all determined to start WW3 and Great Reset us from ashes.
The Left though are just the same retarded chimpz as ever, supporting anything that destroy the lives and freedom of those who just want to leave in peace.
Am I seeing this right, or is there anything I missed?