Kathleen Toner
3 years ago

Kathleen Toner

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I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication


I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

We must maintain Hope for our Dreams of a better world to be realized..and understand that the journey to realize those Dreams may in fact (most likely will) take a completely different path than we thought initially. Different does not mean failure. Experience helps to recognize early on when a new, better path is evolving, keeping our Faith strong refusing to allow fear & doubt diminish our Hope, Faith & Dreams.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

We are almost at the finish line..the light is at the end of the tunnel. The Plan has played out accordingly in the order we were given. We have received intel from the highest of sources & spread far & wide, not only here but around the World...rooting for us because a win for us will hopefully change the direction of their Country as well. Sweat & tears put in by specific units in our military has had to face everything from the horror of the tunnels to combat underground w a new enemy. Our President has gone through almost 5 yrs of Hell to give us a better life & to save the children still alive. We should be honored to be a part of History & most of us are even w mental fatigue, constant concern & attacks by family/friends alike. Sadly there is inexplicable infighting esp. on Telegram. To what purpose?? Take a break or leave quietly because you cannot help others if you can't control your own vitriol. Trump, Q & Flynn deserve better support not whining.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Vance Freeman to his Publication


I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

"Republicans in name only" did forget and suppressed" how our votes are to be handled in cases of fraud. SADLY SO DID 7 OUT OF 9 SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICES! We are thankful for the courage of Dr.Kelli Ward and the Arizona State Republicans who have not forgotten their responsibility to those who elected them to Congress. Hopefully after the "purge of Congress by their own acts" we can rebuild w a more informed public & a more honorable Class of Freshmen/women in Congress

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

Neither have we.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Michelle Fratus to her Publication

But let's add another caveat...

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I read w my now mush brain that Barr while Trumps AG was helping the nitwits in executing (the most upsetting content to throw water onto people sleeping) many!!! Biden EO's during Dec 2020 I assumed to make sure ready to announce & begin the Fall of ByeDumb. Barr was in retirement ..he didnt come back for $ or power. EXCEPT when also revealed there had been a 700k transfer. I am hoping as much of an act as Faux Bidan saying " he missed Trump" At this point I just want Trump BACK & all who committed Treason destroyed...televised

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication


I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication


I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Jordan Anderson to his Publication

You are so right. Most of my childhood spent on USAF Bases w great sense of safety. On Sat. my brother and I would get on out bikes to either movie theatre or bowling...then to grab a hamburger...late swim getting home by dinner. At night we would go out w flashlights and catch frogs. Then release when bucket full. Have NO IDEA WHY but it was fun. My son born in '87 also lucky b/c my parents lived in a small Southern town on a two street neighborhood w huge back yards, a creek etc. I knew w them he would get to play hard & experience a little of what I had..My parents DEMANDED they could have him 2-4 wks in summer meaning we had to drive down every weekend to be sure all was well. It was. My Dad took him someplace different every day! My Mother planned activities w the 4 other kids his age that lived on the street. He had a blast! As a grandparent now I understand what a gift I gave my son & my retired parents....even though I called about 15x/day.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response 1Red Cracker to her Publication

Unfit genes:
"Pedo Son"
"Blackmail" is one of his only
Bragging Rights
Outside of THIS he's good ole Joe...

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

No words.🙊

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response John Q.. to his Publication

i dont know how many people saw or remembers but there is a picture of our lovely First Lady Melania hanging a perfect
soccer ball ornament on the Christmas Tree the Christmas following her catch of the soccer ball from Putin .
( I wonder how many times she and Barron practiced this catch...)
For someone who has a perfect eye ...seen in her beautiful outfits..redecorating rooms & landscape, as well as her
transformation of the White House at Christmas...one has to admit a soccer ball ornament seems an unlikely choice at best.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Lil SueBit to her Publication

Sounds like Jack is gone...I mean really gone...Its a social media "MIRACLE"!😜

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response TheGreat Awoken to his Publication

They will rot in Hell.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Mona Belle to his Publication

No😣. They took both of mine & so sad as General Flynn had followed me on one ..
BUT could we not send w a message to WhiteHouse.Gov??

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

I know its painful. to see evil win even if its only temporary...& certainly even more upsetting for those who love & support Trump that are insulated from Social Media as they are being fed lies by MSM. But GOOD GRIEF NAYSAYERS.. just stick to what you have seen & heard from our President Trump.
Trump told us the Election would be stolen in a calm manner.
Based on 4 yrs of Trump do you think this man would let an election,that he won in a landslide, be STOLEN. BY SWAMP CREATURES?
Do you think Trump after accomplishing historic win > win
in every arena foreign & domestic would allow Barnacle Biden to destroy America? his accomplishments???
Can you recall. how every injustice( & WORSE ) the Evil Dems threw at Trump they missed their target ? In fact his #'s would rise & theirs would fall.
Have you noticed there is no activity @WH? It goes black at night! ByeDumb in a recent picture revealed his "Security Driver" (which should be SS) had on a Sport coat w JEANS?

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

Who was there?????
I assume everyone who attended had to sign in at the checkpoint...
How easy to align "Guest" List w Expenditures Reports of "Pizza Parties"
My point is the evil attaches to ALL that attended whether they participated or NOT!
How many stood back in disbelief but stayed & never reported the filth ??
They too should be held accountable for DOING NOTHING!

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

WHOA! Thats it...just WHOA 😳

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication

...not her eyebrows
...neck much smaller here
...shoulders? Lol. M.O.'s shoulders & upper arms are 2.5 x bigger than O'bummers..

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

I have been thinking of that answer lately & this is how I interpreted his response. ..to the same conclusion.
Q answered:



He underlined just JFK. NOT the Jr
So in our upside down world I took that as a yes.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

The self-serving "Political Class" has done 2 things for Americans (who can separate Truth vs Lies) in the last 5 yrs. The best news is knowing "We" The People had the intuition/instict to know that the overt corruption we saw could only be obliberated by putting an unknown into office..Donald J Trump.
1.Thru their corruption, we now understand not only that fraud exists but w Who. What. Where. When & Why.
2. Their insidious actions against our Potus & We The People have forced the biggest Political Education Class upon all. The Constitution. Fisa. Warrants. Tax Law. IRS. SDNY. Impeachment 1X? 2X? Elections. Justice? w all 3 letter agencies? Role of Lower Courts, Circuit, Supreme knowing we are only as good as our Judges & their application of the Law spelled out in our Constitution!

This better unstanding will encourage more everyday Americans to run for Congress, who cannot be bought, bribed or blackmailed!

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Qued Forever to her Publication

✔RAISE HELL! Start w Guidance Counselor.
✔Set up appt. w Principal.
✔Call & discuss w your Pediatrician. If he/she supports your childs well being then use their position. ( If they don't?...look for a private childs educational advocate & pay for a consult w you & for them to come to your meeting.
"They" hate educated private child educ. advocates!)
✔Get a new Pediatrician.
✔Ask your child who else has the "badge" Call parents & see if they will join your efforts to protect children from harssment.

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

Now what?

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Sara Legvold to his Publication

He has the same black DEMON EYES as

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

Out of the mouth of Babes!

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Cob Cob to his Publication

BRAVO or should I say:💥💥💥💥

I am here for our President. That would be our REAL PRESIDENT... President Donald J. Trump

In response Ice Kates to her Publication

OPRAH once said: "There will always be
racism in this Country until ALL BABY BOOMERS ARE DEAD"
(What group of women were most likely the viewers who made her famous?)
Baby Boomers