3 years ago


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日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

You've seen this before but I'm posting it again because if you're reading this, their going to need it.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

How do you catch Obama and all of his lackeys without them even knowing what's coming?

It's my belief Obama never finished his second term and possibly never even started it. Hear me out. While Congress may not have been aware that Obama was dirty (KEK) you can bet the military sure did. Before he could throw America to the wolves the military picked up the real Obama and replaced him with a fake. The fake was wired to the real Obama so that he could relay intel. (Remember how he said that he wishes he could be connected by mic to someone who would speak for him while he sat in the basement?)(POTUS is 100% insulated-Q) The fake finished his term and Trump came into play. Trump shows up in SA, spills the goods and gives an ultimatum. He leaves, Obama shows up and finds out who's planning to betray Trump. Trump comes back and puts the hammer down on all traitors by turning them in to their own countries leaders. Not only does his kill the swamp but he makes valuable allies. See pics

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

These are just a few of the people I choose to follow....

I follow these people because they can back up what they say and dig deep to give you the truth. There are more out there that are not on this list but they are still available for the most part on normal channels. These people were some of the first to be banned by twitter and it was because they spoke truth. Most of the big names out there are paid shills that are given just enough info to reel you in but not enough to back any of it up when they are called out. If someone you follow or listen to does not provide sources for their "intel" or state that it is just opinion than they are probably feeding you trash. Spit it out and demand answers. There is a reason I am banned by some big named people, I would not let them just trash post. I called them out and blam I'm banned. On Twitter I had 26k followers before I was banned James Woods and Praying Medic were just two of them. It was for a reason, I post truth. Make them!

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Free doesn't mean sailable.

If you notice in the picture Ever Given has a 3 degree list to her port. Any smart captain would not take such a huge ship with this much of a list to open sea. Not saying they were smart in the first place.

🌍 Mom of 2 🌍 🇮🇪 Irish Patriot ☘️ 🍿Trust The Plan 🍿 ✝️ SAVE OUR CHILDREN ✝️

This is a historical document, because it changes the meaning of history. What you are seeing is the document with which President Trump closes the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation and declares to the American people of the debts and obligations, which correspond / corresponded to that corporation. Confirming what had been said, Donald Trump signed the liberation of the American people on May 2, 2020.


🌍 Mom of 2 🌍 🇮🇪 Irish Patriot ☘️ 🍿Trust The Plan 🍿 ✝️ SAVE OUR CHILDREN ✝️


🌍 Mom of 2 🌍 🇮🇪 Irish Patriot ☘️ 🍿Trust The Plan 🍿 ✝️ SAVE OUR CHILDREN ✝️

This was a great post by Amanda Marie on Facebook regarding Pizzagate:

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

What in the world is going on with all the TFR's? (Temp Flight Restrictions)

I have an idea of what this could be but I will just post a few pics and let you have your own thoughts. Nothing to see here folks, move along.... Wouldn't want to be a bad guy right now....

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

The world is connected, who wants to start a war?

What if the world is connected but not just by comms but by tunnels. What if subs have always been the way to travel through these tunnels? How could you traffic millions of people and never be caught? Maybe it is possible to travel these tunnels and pop up where ever you please. If you have a stealth sub even better. What if this tech was held from everyone and only those on a need to know basis actually had a clue. These Q posts talk about the previous post I did on the subs and their ability to wage war. How N.K. found a way out by shedding cabal control and how they are now FREED of cabal influence. I think the last part of post 2003 is referring to Kammy and how she shouldn't be talking to world leaders in place of Joe. Kammy is without a doubt part of Obama's shadow regime. Hopefully these Q posts will make more sense now.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Monkeywerks does nothing for no reason. In the begining of his broadcast he moves around his drink which I found odd. I noticed the color of his drink was very close to the color of his shirt. His shirt says Ronin and what do you know there are planes with Ronin identifiers. Ronin is defined as "a samurai without a lord or master during the feudal period (1185-1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless upon the death of his master or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege." I think he is either telling us these are rouge cabal military or that they are rouge white hats that are not following Biden. Since Monkey was wearing the shirt I am of the opinion they are white hats.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

The hunt for RED OCTOBER is real.

According to Monkeywerx on youtube we have had P8 Poseidons and P3 Orions in the air over the Florida coast for some time now. It is my belief that there are 2 if not 3 of these off our coasts. I also believe there is another one off the coast of Israel. I am of the mindset that they are Russian subs but ones that are no longer owned by Russia. I believe there captains have either went rouge or have been bought out and are now playing for the cabal. If I am correct and these subs have a Magneto-hydrodynamic
drive this would allow them to use magnetic waves and electricity to move, no propeller needed. This would make them almost completely silent, the only sound they would make is when they are moving through the water. Depending on the speed they could be confused for whales or other sea life. The stealth coatings they have would also make them extremely hard if not impossible to spot on sonar. They would be "invisible" underwater.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Watch the water may be different than what you think!

All Q's have heard watch the water, we have also heard Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight. What if they both fit together but have a second meaning. Watch the water doesn't just mean to look at it but to be weary of it as in a warning!
Birthrates have been on a steady decrease for years and they give us the B.S.of this generation doesn't want to have kids, yada yada. There are tens of millions of horny people out there so I don't buy it. When you combine abortion rates climbing and birth rates falling there is a reason behind it all. I believe this is it. The cabal gives us a double whammy. First they use drugs and toxins so you can't have kids than make it extremely expensive to use a fertility clinic. They win both ways.
Notice the lowest birth rates are in "Dem states". Also I discovered around all bodies of water that eat fish birth rates are super low. They are wiping us out and making money from

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Ok I am finally at enough followers I can post this with confidence.

Most of you probably already know this but for those who don't I have just completed a game. When Q says this is not a game, it can and probably does mean this is not a test. In some circles game=test. Shall we play a game=run a test
My game was to see if as my posts gained more traction if I would start to get more followers that not only had no picture but also had no bio and no posts. I did. I had to be careful because some people have no picture and only 1 post but have commented on others posts, those people were rare but they were there
As you gain more traction you get more BOT followers, you probably follow them back, maybe you don't. If you have BOT followers they decrease the amount your posts get seen by real people and seen more by other bots. Basically you get censored.
Now what proof do I have of this? See pic below.
Check your following and followers, delete bots to increase your

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell

👇👇👇👇👇Look carefully

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

So....these are pictures of "people" during the Jan 6th antifa attack on the capital building. Do you see all those who do not have masks on? Do you see all those putting on their chemical agent hoods as they leave in to the public domain? Just for funnzies I want to point out that when someone truly fears for their life the last place they are going to go is WIDE OPEN stairways which seem to be packed. Oh, also notice how all the upstairs doors have no guards or barricades, yeah that. FF fail.

Tyranny fighter for life! God won!!!💯

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Let me delve a little deeper. What do you get if you are the CIA and you start a talent agency in the 1970s?
1. You get to pick Americas next hot singers, actors, songs and movies and shape the narrative through them.
2. You get to shape who is soon to be MSM reporters and anchors.
3. You get these people to blackmail eachother and give you the tapes.
4. You get black ops money from all of the above.
5. You create the perfect spy X THOUSANDS.
6. You create partner agencies that go into sports and politics
7. You become a world wide company who does the above in every country.
8. You control every aspect of how people think and feel.
You become https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Artists_Agency

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

I want you to slowly read this and tell me what is wrong about it. What doesn't make sense? Ask yourself the 8 or so questions this is begging you to and then let me know what you think they are. This is not as simple of a message as it seems, not by far.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Working in a business that protects persons, places and things for quite some time has taught me a few things about protecting people.

What you do.
1.After you've barred a door you don't stand next to it. 2.If someone busts through that door they are bad and you put them down.

What you don't do.
1.Bust out anything that would allow someone to see into where you are. It will allow them to poke a automatic weapon and just spray, it will allow someone to see who is inside if they are looking for a specific individual, it will allow them to throw something like a grenade inside. 2.You don't stand next to someone else because the chance of someone being hit is increased dramatically. 3.You never point a weapon unless you plan to use it. 4.You never put your finger on the trigger unless you're pulling it because you can kill someone by accident.

All of that being said if you look at the pictures below and tell me this was not a set up for a FF I would say you are not paying atte

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Never forget Elon helped North Korea develop nuclear enabled missles and rockets. The question is did he do it willingly or was he forced by Barry and his shadows?

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

who’s next?

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

“The best is yet to come.”
- President Donald J. Trump

WeGo family ❤ Support each other and Support Trump

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

The truth the commie media won’t show you.

A patriot who stands for freedom! 27 year military wife. Stand strong Patriots!

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

Suspended from Twitter now

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA

Pay attention to fake information from fake accounts.

They will probably eventually come up with at least a fake Tiger video (Deepfake).

You can spot fake videos by slowing down the playback speed.

#WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸#TheGreatAwakening ✅ But most of all ... pray🙏

日本人、一緒に勉強していきましょう (´・ω・`)、MAGA、ニュー速+, #WWG1WGA
