Cereus Bonplandii
7 months ago

Cereus Bonplandii

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Words do have power.

“Radiesthesia describes an ability to detect radiation emitted by a person, animal, object or geographical feature. There is no scientific evidence of the existence of this pseudoscientific or occult phenomenon.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiesthesia — if Wikipedia damns it, then it must be really important.


Reporting from NEW PURE LOVE EARTH. Angelic leader. Yes.

Today was election day for the president of the Senate. The establishment candidate won.

There's nothing good to see here right now, although I still believe that something is going on with the army and Bolsonaro behind the curtains.

If something big happens, I will report here.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

He is back on twitter.

Cheer your hearts, patriots!

Fucking communist fat ass faggot Flavio Dino (with utmost respect to homossexuals, but he's a total fag) has promissed to treat the patriots camped in front of the army bases and HQ as terrorists and unleash the full force of the state on us.
Well, he "took office" with Lula and so far no cop dared to touch the people, which means Lula and his sinisters, I mean, ministers, have no power at all, except boosting the confidence of the stupid criminals who think he's in charge and are enboldened to loot stores.
So...unless something changes...I follow believing Brazil is now under a military junta led by General Heleno, a patriot whom I trust as much as I trust Bolsonaro.

I've been slacking, but I want to share something with y'all soon on Brazil's situation.
Things are really strange and I think it's a movie we already saw.
Just to not let you guys hanging, Bolsonaro is out of office, moved to Florida, but not before handling the control to the military.
Lula "took office" in a more pathetic situation than Biden: no canon shots, no oath on constitution, no real presidential sash, no presidential airplane, and he's sleeping in a hotel, because he was denied the Dawn Palace, the official presidential residence.
I'll elaborate tomorrow, hopefully with videos so we can have a good laugh.

Oh, and the fiasco. OMG, it was so huge. I'm shitting myself laughing the headlines saying Lula's inauguration had "significantly less people than expected by organizers".
Only 20k people were present in a show with all the Left elite celebs. 280k less than they expected. Huehueheuhuehue.

Things are weird but I'm getting the popcorn ready.

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff

We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.

Market crash incoming...

When we were all isolated "conspiracy theorists" we are unable to affect much change. Q brought us into coherence, and we can be focused like a laser on any target. Surely military plans must model the "directable energy" of anons, but we still need to supply the light! My sense is that we open up timelines and strategies with significantly lower casualties — "fighting for peace" as the oxymoron goes.

In response Honkler Simpson to his Publication

A few days after elections someone on Twatter leaked supposed talks between MSM journalists fearing their plot exposed and something about "Tancredo solution".
Tancredo Neves was a president who had a suspicious heart attack and died soon after being elected, his VP took office.
Lula's double seems younger and buffer, people say they didn't even bothering hiding his missing finger at first, which makes me suspect if its not a weird trick they're pulling, for whatever reasons.
But in a interview for a Portuguese channel, his voice were different, and he didn't stutter with complex words as he often does cuz of his lisp.
The establishment didn't want Lula at first, not much left to leech if you Venezuelate the country, they wanted his VP, Geraldo Alckmin, whos taking the protagonism in the ongoing transition.
But Lula had cancer once and may have had a stroke, died before certification, granting victory to Bolsonaro.
Maybe its why they rushing his certification now. God's finger?

A little update from Brazil: Vids emerge daily of APCs and other stuff being moved even in highways, rumors of the army engaging the DS narco militias, audios of narcos saying they're been wiped out by mili ops, and claims the mili are heading to the borders to hold external aggressors, mainly Bolivia and Venezuela, should they intervene once we arrest Lula and the DS mafia. Narcos are already too much turmoil for a disarmed populace, let alone full scale war.
The CIA is here, trying to erode our protests; a truck ran over and killed some protestors, violence is scaling, people are since 1st nov. on the streets.
But the deadline is very close; they antecipated Lula's taking power to 12th dec, so if something will be done, it must be done soon.
Bolsonaro is trying to extinguish all legal options, to no avail, except to show the world he at least tried. Time is very short.
Also, Lula is nowhere to be seen, a double seems to take his place, his death being "semi-accidental".

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

Please pray for the hopeless, suicide is a real issue.

Thank you in advance.

Guys we need you americans to go out and vote. Brazil can only act if we have suport from the US, otherwise DS will call "coup" and things will get hopeless with the senate supporting Biden's sanctions or even intervention.

Please pray and go out and vote. We're counting on you.

Since i can't access TS I appreciate this tg account (reposted by@martingeddes on tg):
Many thanks to this anon fren!!!

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

Thank you, my eyes are teary already. I'm very much on edge and gave up to despair, doubt God which is something I'll regret for eternity.
I thought people accepted it, but some don't. Please see my latest posts to see what's happening. People are taking the streets with the truckers. Military on the move. I'm still afraid they might turn against us but seems the Armed Forces all "surrendered their offices", which means Bolsonaro is the active commander of Armed Forces now; they'll answer directly to him.
The outcome is far from certain, and we'll definitely suffer whatever it may be, but at least there's hope and a fighting chance, so please, keep praying for us.
There's a Hague Tribunal here. Once our fraud is exposed, we can bring down Dominion voting system everywhere.

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff

Most of what people think of as "outsmarting" someone else seems to really be "outperseverance" and "outpatience".

No matter what level of consciousness you are at, it always seems that what is ahead is unthinkable, and those falling behind are "f*ckwits". In order to make progress you need to "rehumble" yourself, as there is an innate bias to believe you're the best, just based on your ability to perceive those who lag you, and inability to perceive those who precede you (in terms of spiritual development).

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.

Some anons are better at research, some better at pattern recognition, some have better memories for details, some are better a recollecting obscure knowledge, some are better memers, some are better pastors, some are better content sharers, some are better at keeping spirits high and faith strong, some are natutal cornerstones, some are brightet lighthouses, some are more robust in the face of despondency, some make us laugh more at the ridiculousness of the current times, some are better orators, some are better writers, some are best at providing preparedness advice, some are better at encouging fitness and natural remedies, some are better at shitposting passionate rebutals to mainstream stupidity, some are better at the 40,000 ft viewpoint.

We all have a place in this great contest between good and evil.

Bring your gifts and dont compare yourself to others and think you are not good enough, you have a profound value here, every single one of you.

If I was any more alienated from the society I live in — I would count as a legit ET sighting.

I intuitively know that 'we have it all' means exactly that. Anons have to sit with the knowledge (inferred, evidenced, rational) that a flood of damning, incontrovertible, and indefensible information will be released at some point. Documents, confessions, videos — no shortage of proof to destroy the old paradigm.

The waiting, however, is torture. Literal psychological torture. All kinds of professional, personal, and family relationships degrade and break. Injustices are heaped upon us. Our world becomes a game of attrition and willingness to 'hold the line' in an epic test of faith.

I dread to think how many we have lost to alcoholism, overdoses, disease, suicide, and mental breakdown. I have had my own struggles offstage, and yet I am still here. Mass awakening is the end of our nightmare of 'trial by patience'. Nothing could ever be sweeter.

It seems like we have been living in a bbnary civilisation, with master and slave cultures. The latter believe their conceptual universe is everything, and cannot conceive of a bigger reality controlled by the slavemasters.

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

In response E.T. PHONE HOME to his Publication

How to defeat the Deep State? Build a Deeper State…

I never "black pilled" anyone, ignored the trolls, and only offerered encouragement to Patriots. Proud of that. My friends and family have no idea what I have gone through, nor the emotional battering I have taken. It has required endlessly finding more inner resources to keep fighting when you thought you were all spent.

There are many people I have only known via a pseudonym and an avatar icon, but I feel are brothers and sisters in arms. I wish we could squeeze hands and hug sometimes. There is so much love among anons and Patriots. Someday the world will know what we fought for and wh

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

If anyone has been "Fooked" and believes they were an unfair target please email Fooked@AnonUp.com. Trying to cover all bases here.