I intuitively know that 'we have it all' means exactly that. Anons have to sit with the knowledge (inferred, evidenced, rational) that a flood of damning, incontrovertible, and indefensible information will be released at some point. Documents, confessions, videos — no shortage of proof to destroy the old paradigm.
The waiting, however, is torture. Literal psychological torture. All kinds of professional, personal, and family relationships degrade and break. Injustices are heaped upon us. Our world becomes a game of attrition and willingness to 'hold the line' in an epic test of faith.
I dread to think how many we have lost to alcoholism, overdoses, disease, suicide, and mental breakdown. I have had my own struggles offstage, and yet I am still here. Mass awakening is the end of our nightmare of 'trial by patience'. Nothing could ever be sweeter.

Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
Heartbreaking enormous sadness 🙏😭

Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
it truly does take so much courage to stick it out!!!!

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Detachment from the matrix lies, frauds, deceptions may be essential for growth, not allowing parasitic energetic fields.
Shine bright!!!

Digital Soldier diligently exposing the Cabal Corruption of which they’ll be held accountable. By God. So let it be written,so let it b done
nothing could ever be sweeter 💖
Only followers of this user (@Gapatriot3) can see their posts

Love God #FamilyisEverthing Love my Country #GodAlwaysWins 🙏🏼🙌🏼💖🇺🇸
lo 🕊🙌🏼💖🙏🏼

Love Potus and Flotus ❤ JFK Jr, Gen. Flynn 🌟🌟🌟 Georgenews, Gen. Milley.
if there a scare event and depending on what it is then we could lose more. I have my own fears for family members, good people but not fully awake. Brainwashed by the school system and MSM. I wasn't awake soon enough

Faith+ Family +Vibes + Truth . No DM’s unless I know ya :)
Most of my family in Europe is still asleep except less than a handful, completely understand !

Well said. Hits too close to home. Out of my 4 siblings & their spouses, I have only been able to have conversations with one of them. That’s it. Very sad.

Most of us on here shares your thoughts. I have known most of this for years now. So many of us have lost out on many things over the past few years and still have a lot of loss to look forward to. Knowing about the vaccines. God, is the only thing keeping me going these days.

Couldn’t agree more. I’ve had to distance myself from some friends and family. It’s so hard and lonely at times. But it is comforting knowing we all have each other. Can’t wait for it all to be done!

God, Family, Country TRUMP is my President!! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #KAG
Very well said. It’s true. I’ve only been really awake for 2 years and I’m exhausted. IDK how so many have hung in there for so much longer, but I applaud them ❤️

Discernment is critical.
Y E S . Martin - your key word(s) "I am" still here.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
Isaiah 54
4 ‘Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.
Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
You will forget the shame of your youth
and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
5 For your Maker is your husband –
the Lord Almighty is his name –
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The Lord will call you back
as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit –
a wife who married young,
only to be rejected,’ says your God.
7 ‘For a brief moment I abandoned you,
but with deep compassion I will bring you back.

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Ever better, thanks to places like Anonup, individuals have found they are not alone. We are everywhere and are growing in number! God is moving mountains and we are here to experience it. Hallelujah God wins!

well said Martin........very hard, but yet we wait.....

Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
This period in history should be referred to as BQ AQ

MAGA Trump Is My President WWG1WGA NANA of 3 grandbabies🥰 Married 36yrs to my BF Believe Dark to Light Save Our Children
You’re absolutely right. I have family I used to be really close to. They think I’m literally nuts and really don’t talk to me anymore. But that’s okay because I’ve put my faith in God and this movement and all these people I would like to call my “invisible “ friends, who, someday I might meet. Who knows. But the fact you are all here to share and exchange talk is heart warming to me.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Anons on this platform are the best and toughest damn Patriots in existence!
Thank you@kobayashi and@vincentkennedy because Nana thinks that this site that ya'll have so graciously provided us with has been our strength thro this whole thing since we all got scattered from twit wit.
This platform has made the difference in our staying together in this battle without giving up and given us a family to hold on to in keeping vibrations from sinking to dangerous lows.
Nana loves you all.

Discernment is critical.
Beautiful Nana ... esp "what you think about others" ... is so true, they will become your thoughts ... it all matters!

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.
Beautifully stated! Do not forget genocide!

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
Mr. Geddes gets it--this is me in a "I am not a nut yet" shell
but sometimes I get close to that edge...But knowing God
is in total control...knowing how evil and stupid the enemy
is and cannot win and sheer willpower to live until I see them
taken down makes it easy to hang in there

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." -Matthew 5:5
Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts

Rebel Alliance Scout. #SavetheChildren, NRA, Chess, USA, Q, Alamo. RideOrDie, Followed by Entheos. Trump Won, God Wins. WWG1WGA 👊🇺🇸😎✝️👍
Still right here amigo, it's a Marathon.

Love you so Martin Geddes thank you always❤️💯🙏🇺🇸
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
I understand your pain, I would venture to say almost everyone here has the same/similar story. I have finally given up on hoping my family will wake up. IMHO, I have done all I can do. At this point rejoice in the fact that we are living in an amazing time and you were one of so many that fought this battle against the evil. You do it for your family and friends, although they have no idea - you know - God Bless you! I think our next job is to be their when they know the truth. It will be hard, but we all have to refrain from "I told you so"..kindness will be our best gift to them. Remember, most of us have had 4+ years to learn sooo much..they will be in some major angst

SO true!!! I think most of us, if not all are going through the same emotions.
It's a trying experience. Very painful and lonely at times. 🙏

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
I get through by reminding myself that Jesus suffered through the pain of the whole world for us to provide us a way into God’s kingdom. The veil was torn. I also remind myself that soldiers also laid down their lives for us. They never knew they were lied to but we now know. We must remain steadfast for their honor. Evil must be eradicated. Justice must be served. We stay strong for the children that suffer and for the future for all children. Stay strong even in the face of death and fight to survive to see a free world. Do we all wish this would end soon? Heck yeah! In the meantime, we vent, we share the truth and we hold each other up! I don’t know you or the others on here....but I do. We are in this mess together. We stand up for justice and righteousness. We are soldiers of a different kind of war. WWG1WGA! God wins! Good prevails! 🕊

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Patience 😶
Never had much of it 😐
So years ago I asked God for patience 😕
Little did I know frustrating things would help develop it 😖
Obama, real estate crash, MSM brainwashed family, two years of "Covid", lost job, Biden, and long drawn-out anticipation of disclosure. 😵
Someone said, "Never ask God for patience!" 😲
Yeah; thanks. 🙄
What was I thinking? 🤦
Can I take it back?? 😬

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
My feeeel/sense on patience: Those of us awake - those of us who know - we have the patience of a SAINT. Every day is a challenge being here - just in the energy/vibe of this realm is jarring because it isn't aligning. Evil created this place - and those of us awake to this - we are frigging AMAZING! Just because we struggle at times and want this over NOW doesn't mean we lack patience. Far from it!

So true.
When I pray for patience it is with a stutter because of fear of what lessons I will be given. In weak moments I amend my request with 'not too much at once, I don't think I can handle a hard lesson right now."
I hope God has a sense of humor.

Catholic, Q'd (3/28/19) followed on Twit by Gen. Flynn, Twit POW on 1/8/21. WWG1WGA ULTRA-MAGA Deplorable. Happily married Mom and Nana.
The most important message that we ever received was
And so, we trust God. When we are ridiculed for what we see is coming. We TRUST GOD. When people ask us to please just stop talking about this crazy stuff. We TRUST GOD.
In the end, it is YOU and GOD. None of the rest of this matters at all anyway. TRUST GOD.

Nothing could be sweeter when we have won the war against a 6,000 year-old death-grip on our throats and our children.
Love, you, darling; and you are doing the work of our Lord to calm and assuage the rage of the goodly and godly people of all faiths and beliefs of our world.
You were Chosen, Martin. You have a gift of breaking down the shit news, to make sense for people who are good and godly, to understand what is going on.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Faith tested, is Faith strengthened. 😇

Last couple nights I've dreamt that I was counting down the days... But I don't know what number I'm on. Hoping it's days, not months or even worse years.
Mass awakening won't be the end of our trial of patience, just think of all the people we so badly want to say... I told you so to... they are going to need even more patience. Most of us have had years in the rabbit holes, seen what the worse of people will do for fame and fortune. Imagine learning that all in a short time... all their heroes are evil beyond their craziest nightmares.
So thankful that I had the time to go down the rabbit holes and the time to take time off to regroup, recover and come to the acceptance of what has been happening in the shadows.
So thankful for AU, we are in this together. I remember you all in my prayers, we all need to put on the armor of God.

Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come
I sincerely worry about our veterans. Our men and women that rushed into wars to defend And protect us. They watched their friends die, missed watching their children grow, matiatal strife,substance abuse, suicide. When you ask them about it,they say they would do it again for free. I can’t imagine the pain and emptyness they’re going to experience when they find out it was all orchestrated. Yes the waiting is torture. I’m using this time to strengthen myself. We need to be so strong for them. It’s our turn to fight. We must win this war. When I’m feeling stupid, alone, crazy, afraid… I shrug it off and remind myself at least nobody is shooting at me.
Phew! This is the first time I’ve ever expressed my fears. Your writing is an inspiration. Bless you, please never stop!