California American
3 years ago

California American

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I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Here's some ground rules for Monday:

1. Don't wish me a Happy Memorial day. There is nothing happy about brave men and women dying.

2. It's not a holiday. It's a remembrance.

3. If you want to know the true meaning, visit Arlington or your local VA, not freaking Disneyland.

4. Don't tell me how great any one political power is. Tell me about Chesty Puller, George Patton, John Basilone, Dakota Meyer, Kyle Carpenter, Mitchell Paige, Ira Hayes, Chris Kyle or any of the others that are too numerous to name.

5. Attend a Bell Ceremony and shed some tears.

6. Don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. I have carried the burden all too many times for my friends and family members that now stand their post for God.

6. Say a prayer... and then another.

7. Remember the Fallen for all the Good they did while they were here.

8. Reach out and let a Vet know you're there, we're losing too many in "peace".

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Happy Resurrection Day!
For He Is Risen!

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

A lot can happen in just 3 days. ✨

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🦁🇬🇧🇺🇸👼

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

@rondamom just pointed out that this could be a COMM (Learn to read the Comms)
from Dan Scavino ...

Q 35 ...coming into view?

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Getting SO close...looking back at beginning posts - that look revelant now...

Bottom Half of Q#36...

IF Trump failed (lost the 2016 Election)...patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (reveal ugly truths - tarmac meet leaked...)

...there is simply no other way than to use the military, it is that corrupt and dirty.

...Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Good time to keep track of Dan Scavino twit posts...

: 43 seconds long...

Q 43 -Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. (Was the Green WH a Green Light - Go! )

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Dan Scavino - Now Trump knows how to get up those stairs!

:21 seconds long

Q 21 - Okay now to paint the (full) picture - without jeopardizing the Ops :)

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Dan Scavino

:44 seconds long...

Q 44 - Hey! Is today Friday ?

Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

Tyranny fighter for life! God won!!!💯

The Alumbrados/Illuminati was started in Spain by Francico Borgia. A secret gnostic society derived from the Babylonian religion at worshipped Satan/Baal/Lucifer.

PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins

Make no mistake, we are taking our Country back. We the People will NEVER let the steal stand! It was true then and it is still true today. Right now, our greatest weapon against the invisible enemy is prayer and truth. Thank God we can't predict every move and countermove in this Silent War to take back planet earth, but rest assured it will happen! God bless, Patriots. 🇺🇸🦅#wwg1wga

Gab: ReadyPen @ready_pen 107Daily.Com ReadyPen

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Hmm...Mike Pompeo - posts his two napping doggies ;)
Orig post 4:06 ...
Q#406 says 'Test'.

Then he edited ...and the post is at 4:09
Q#409 says
Correct exchange.
Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public.
We are listening.
Highest priorty.
Have faith.
Q (as in more things are being made Public?) - Good timing for that!

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Oh WoW - I think I just figured out Who 'Juan O Savin' is :)

Of course - I will not say - because it is only his Right to say IF and When
he chooses.

But it was a great moment of recognition - IF only in my own mind...hahahhaha.


I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

From Whiplash347 on Telegram...
Whiplash347:Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel.Israel/Khazarians controls CCP.The Media etc..(34) Satanic Buildings & Dams will Fall.Rods of God#SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfallThe FloodProject Odin (Switch)

Q500 Right [34]Write that number down.🐸🔔😎💛💙🦅🙏#SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall

34 satanic buildings and dams coming down ??? (I am considering that Juan O Savin continues to say - they should divert the Potomac and flood DC! )
THEN I looked at Q Post 34 ... IT IS ONE OF MY FAVES...

The Masterpiece by Jon McNaughton:

© JonMcNaughton = 17 letters
The Masterpiece - Anagram
= Smite Earth’s Heretic Atheists
Jon McNaughton - Anagram
= Chan Anon Hangout

Dark to light, something big’s about to happen, much of what’s happening is beneath the surface, all will be revealed (DECLAS), SKY EVENT, unveil America’s true enemy, the best is yet to come... He’s occupying the “church” of the royals in London because he’s sitting in Westminster Abbey like he owns the place (and he does, on behalf of the free world).

“Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. There is simply no other way than to use the Military.” - Q

How will history remember the
Presidency of Donald J. Trump?

I believe it will be considered his masterpiece.


Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

This week marks the beginning of spring (3.20).
Days will start getting longer --> dark to LIGHT.
Q drop with 'Dark to LIGHT' has a 2 year delta TOMORROW.

“The Masterpiece” by Jon McNaughton

What does the future hold for America? President Trump’s last few years in office have been remarkable. He has changed the direction of this country economically, devastated ISIS, negotiated with countries on the world stage, and been a powerful voice for American ideals. It hasn’t been easy, as he has been blocked by both Republicans and Democrats, trashed by the media, and hunted by the deep state in an attempt to undermine his presidency. But, the “painting” is not finished!

I believe that Trump will yet reveal in the future a greater degree of prosperity, justice, and American influence that has never been seen before. His greatest achievements are yet to be revealed. How will history remember the presidency of Donald J. Trump? I believe it will be considered a “Masterpiece.”


Amer-I-CAN patriot fighting the evils plaguing this world. Shining God's light into the darnkess. ScrewTuber novice.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

'CLOCK KEEPS TICKING' (...even unto two years from now....on March 15, 2021 ???)

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

This morning Dan Scavino posted pic of the USS Roosevelt - It is a NUCLEAR powered
Aircraft Carrier...He posted it at 8:49 am.
Q Post 849 -WATCH THE WATER and 'Biggest into drop in our known history'
March 15 and March 17 are all about BOOMS
Imho - Trust the Plan - and be ready to calm the fears of those around you.
We were infiltrated by Foreign interest groups and pseudo 'Government' to steal
America - the American people were being enslaved by corrupt foreign powers.
Trump was asked by good People in the military who saw what was happening.
Plan started decades ago (think JFK - I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces)
Trump (even IF they have been fooled to hate him) LOVES AMERICA

"The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the world and all that is in it"
Psalm 24

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

WoW - I haven't even looked at 1 or 2 year March Madness deltas - Stuck on 3yr.
Imho - much of March 2018 Q posts - yet to happen (didn't we all think - HEY, nothing happened!!!, lol)...
LOOK at upcoming - Tomorrow 3/15 ....3/17...even 3/27... BOOMS and booms...