Patriot Birdie
@BirdieQNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

I got a Q drop today but when I went to check it out it was gone. Anyone know whats happening.

I cant watch without the app

I deleted telegram. There's too much fake sh!t

no one ever takes my polls 😔

lets take a poll

In theory you may be correct but my mom shrunk a good 4 to 5 inches as she aged...just saying 🧐

kids playing with the blonde hair on his legs..oh snap..thats not blonde hair I'm seeing 😁

That is just creepy

I actually meant "New" poll but No works

We are watching a movie...the Twight Zone.
Its become a daily fraise and things just keep getting stranger.

That would be too generous. Gallows!!!! for the whole crew

Im not at all a fan of vaccines but I believe that you are wrong about this. The idea of poisoning us came about in late 60s or 70s. I first heard of it in 79 or 80

It I actually heard this yeaterday without explanation.
Russia: Putin is upset with Globalist and warns the US and others over the covid issue calling this whole episode crimes against humanity.
China: The CCP want the US to stay out of their affairs (Taiwan/Hong Kong)

my Twitter account was like a history diary and I want it back. I only had that 1. Im pissed

Ive never done facebook. Never found a need for the social aspect of the internet. I enjoyed Twitter for news. Now I suspended for no reason and am hoping to find a reason for legal recourse. Any suggestions?

There were days when vaccines were about health. This country had eliminated Polio and Small Pox until the mass illegal migration. I remember maybe 10 vaccinations in my life compared to the many on today's youth

We might find out why JFK Jr threatened to kill old Joe.

The mask Nazi's make their rounds to small business owners Threatening a $1,500 fine to owners for each person without a mask and leave big box stores alone.
Its shameful!!

Who is playing the role of Kameltoe

dated Nov 24

That clown show is still active. I deleted Telgram after yesterday's show. Broken english for sure

My guess they are replacement troops. Texas called theirs back as needed for border security. I believe at least 1 other state recalled theirs also

The National Guard stays in the US

the lights are on

for people that dont understand...dont push the Elvis is alive and Trump is married to Princess Di thing. It was posted on telegram by someone crossing over into the Twilight Zone.
I know there is much more. It is getting embarrassing. It makes all of us look bad.

I'm wondering why your post is time stamped 5 hrs ahead of me...6:01pm ?

Feb.1 is Natioal Freedom Day. google it

There is too much disinformation going around to post things like this without a link. It works against Anons

I read all the posts from beginning to end. It started out with some hopeful things then staggered into the Twilight Zone

He also says Elvis is alive and Trump is married to Princess Di 🤣