On a lighter note, did everyone enjoy MJ last night?

MJ own(s)(ed) 50% of Sony MoTown Records and XO are both under Universal Music Group... Universal aquired WWF as well... it is all connected... BRUNO THE WEEKEND VINCE MCMAHON... Worth a look
Only 4 companies own everything we hear and see... easy to control a narrative...

Nothing new from Bruno Mars in awhile since 24k gold in 2016... how many halftime shows has MJ done... or was that Elvis?

Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ Patriot🇺🇸 Truth Seeker and Truth Speaker‼️ MAGA Thankful for Donald J Trump 💜
i cant grasp this one.... MJ is a white hat and everything about that halftime show was a Satanic ritual… How could he participate? Please explain🙃

Survivor of 15 yrs of child sexual abuse. But I won. Love God, my children, grandbabies, guns, and patriots.Save the children they need you.
is there a video of it anywhere i didn't watch the bowl 😕

You tube.

Closed my eyes and just listened - and I was back in high school and college and my young adult years listening to MJ! Now my family is convinced that I've gone totally over the edge and am completely hopeless. Oh well.

USN veteran, wife, patriot and sinner. God is my Savior. Trump is my CIC!

WWG1WGA!!! The Lord is Our Shepherd, We have Won!!! The Golden Age is Here & Now!!! Isaiah 60:17

I felt like his outfit was so Michael Jackson. I noticed that right away & wasnt even thinking of MJ when I turned it on.

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I know. I thought Gab was the blue pill ministry but realized it's spilling over to Anonup. Wakey wakey time.😂

love you, but totally differnt body type

Amazing find! So thT's the significance of 12 and 21. Not the score - the half-time show with MJ!

Did anyone notice that Michael Jackson's reported time of "death" was 12:21(pm)?

I will surrender to only ONE being in my life, and that is God. I do not follow people that do not make their own posts.
Beat Navy & Beat Air Force ..... why not Beat It!!!!

Proud USAF Veteran. WWG1WGA. Trying to be a light in the dark!
The only way this could be MJ was that he was pointing out all the hell he went through. But if anyone has time, look up "I can't sleep until I feel your touch song album" look at the pictures associated with this song. It's awful. If it is related to what MJ had to go through I feel a whole lot better, but if it's not I stopped listening to that station due to this exact album cover. With being red pilled I couldn't handle supporting this crap.

It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
I missed that memo.😶
While it's plausable MJ might be in witness protection, I saw nothing MJ-esk about the Weeknd. Nor can I reconcile MJ "mocking" anyone for having cosmetic surgery. The closest commonality I see is that "the industry" will do all it can to weaken the soul. I recall MJ publically saying "Tommy Matola (sp?) is the devil" and then not long after...🤔
Just my measly two cents.

I turned the crap halftime show off after the 1st number.
Who cares what some flakey producer's interpretation of art and life is.

My two cents. The symbolism was heavy. I didn't see any mocking. I saw a lot of strength being thrown back at them. Can't keep a good man down. That industry does do whatever it can to weaken the soul, & keep them in line. He beat them. The irony of 'Pepsi' sponsoring the half time show was not lost on me. They tried to kill him scheduling all of those 'farewell' shows, when he was physically not healthy. He is coming back strong. (he helped Princess Diana get out, no doubt in my mind). After saying that Matola was the devil, he said 'I love you, and the best is yet to come'. Yes it is.

i don't think it's healthy to claim this is MJ. If anything, he would be 63 years old alive. staying on point is healthy! If there's a Q post mentioning MJ or his clone, i'd be more prone to believing it.

A sinner, probably distracted somewhere searching for cheese. Follow Jesus.

Cameo apperance for one song 🗯

Sorry but I truly hope that WAS NOT MJ last night. That half time show was dismal on so many levels. If The weekndr was trying to tell a story of "hope" and the "rescuing of children" it FAILED miserably! It came off as satantic, dark, not to mention the audio sucked so bad to top it off. I sincerely hope this was not The Alliance who wasted their money on that garbage!

Yeah except what was up with all the Satanic Shit at the beginning? Red Eyed Angels?

God Bless POTUS19! God Bless America! #SaveTheChildren WWG1WGA!

LOL! You always get me singing. First Kap now I got "Who's bad?" going through my head. What an amzing time to be alive.

Conservative, Love President Trump! The Best is Yet to Come!!!! WWG1WGA Suspended from Twatter! #BeBest
I boycott the NFL and all their child trafficking criminals. NFL is all about pedophilia. The superbowl is the biggest human trafficking day of the year.

Lots of bad in sports. Football was a great uniter. With hillary, they needed a great divider. Enter Kaepernick in Sept. 2016, taking a knee, social justice warrior. They miscalculated huge on that bet. It boomeranged & took them out at the knees. It divided people & took out their viewership. Don't mess with those of us who love our country. They had taxpayers paying for 'their' stadiums. "Their" stage. 'Their' soapbox. I love San Diego for telling them to take a hike. No more taxpayer funding to spit in our eyes, tell us how racist we are, & disrespect our flag. Better be kicking satan out.

I Love God my Father. I am a Proud mother of Five Children and Six Grandchildren. I Love Patriots and stand together. WWG1WGA
I thought about him when he was performing. WOW!!!!! Now it make sense.

was waiting for the moon walk..😍

well knowing the weekend history of his songs and videos- it looked more if a mind control 🌀! I hope it wasnt the real MJ. Abel (singer name) thats Bibical enough!

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
This is what the show made me think of...

One of the WORST half time shows in history period!

President Trump Ordained John 9:33🙏 Constitution our Freedom Bill of Rights our Voice Socialism is Communism only spelled differently
oh man did I miss him sing?? 🥺😢didn't watch game. Can't wait for him to freely live without disguises.

I am the proud me-mum (grandma) of 2 beautiful babies and a mother to the best girl! They'e the reason I risk it all! To grow up in Nesara
i knew it!!! it was the left hand that got me thinking is that him???
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