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Alfred Khemist
Alfred Khemist
5 days ago

Alfred Khemist

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Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

I know there is limited space in a meme, but the big picture, bottom line, is their plan is to turn us into Amerizuela, where they steal all our wealth so they can rule over the ashes they create under their "Great Reset" and "15 minute cities"!

Judgement Day will not be go very well for all the folks that are part of these plans!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response John Burke to his Publication

Yup, tyrannical obfuscation by the dictatorial autocrat elitists that want to destroy the world simply to rule over the ashes!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response John Burke to his Publication

The real question to ask is not Carbon, but Carbon Dioxide is now demonized. Plant growers use CO2 generators because it is food for plants to create oxygen and part of the photosynthesis process. Elites want to cut down trees now instead of planting them to curb global warming (Shade creates breezes, which facilitate evaporative cooling, so all this BS about climate change is a deflection from the real agenda which is reducing the food supply, as well as the "useless eaters" which the elites have written and opined about publicly as part of Agenda 21 (2021), which has been renamed Agenda 2030, aka Klaus Schwab's (WEF) "The Great Reset") (and other unelected elites) due to the resistance in them trying to achieving their evil goals, thinly veiled as supposedly being good for the world!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Lillian Terwilliger to her Publication

(Whatever happened to E-Verify to ensure only citizens with valid Social Security numbers could seek gainful employment?????)

E-Verify requirements (google:)

All private employers must use E-Verify. For employees hired on or after July 1, 2023, private employers with 25 or more employees must use E-Verify. All state contractors and subcontractors must also use E-Verify. Private employers with 11 or more employees must use E-Verify.

And if that was not bad enough: Tyson signed an agreement to partner with a firm that will be providing insect "ingredients" for their associated brands, including meats and other food items! This MUST be avoided to send a message that we will no longer put up with the folks that support the 16 year WEF/NWO/Schwab/Agenda 2030 plans to turn us into Amerizuela!!!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Absolutely boycott them!!!!

They are partnering with a company that will be providing insect powders to their food products!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Carol Roberts to her Publication


Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

well, our DOJ is now putting memesters in prison for posting memes about the progressive left. Our Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Republic has been destroyed by the left, after decades of constant attack and erosion by them all!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

realrawnews is a PARODY sight. Look at their "ABOUT" page, if you don't believe me!

Stop trusting trolls- they discredit the movement! NCSWIC!


Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

FAKE WEB SITE. Lionel is a troll for spreading fake news! We have enough real news, without this psyop crap to discredit the real news!!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

Real Raw News is Fake News. Check out their "About" page and their Disclaimer clause as below:


Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response John Burke to his Publication

The counter to that, is thieves have to "return the Jewels".. per so when the election fraud comes out, All of the enactments of our governments treason, sedition, RICO acts, there will be plenty of time for tribunals and the fake laws passed will all be undone! ALL of it!
Nice Try by the desperate Deep State.

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

That's a very old story- it shows the Dow at 29k. It's at 38.6k now, so that had to be close to 4 years ago, ~2020, just as the Gain of Fauc - ee/ er um function effor- er um Plandem-er um pandemic that happened soon after a launch- er um break out from a lab, er um a meat market in Wuhan...

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Glenn Huggins to his Publication

Excellent strategy. DJT plays 12-D chess while they play checkers! Now all presidents are subject to this precedent!!!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Dennis Young to his Publication

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

Meanwhile, they don't give a rat'$ A$$ about the billions they are sending to Ukraine, as they don't want it tracked, and showing up in their own bank accounts!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response John Burke to his Publication

After seeing that guy take a flying leap over the judge's bench in Vegas last week, it's no wonder many judges now do sentencing virtually!


Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Camille Faith to her Publication

A blatant recipe for voter fraud!

Many Republicans reported during Gov Newsom's recall election that their 'mail-in' ballot had already been used, as they showed up to vote on election day!! Imagine that! No instructions were needed to tell Democrats to turn on the "cheat mode" (there were probably various folks that created cheat parties all by themselves to cancel out many of the votes to oust Guv Gavin)! They did not want another Gray Davis ouster like 20 years prior (2003) over his pension spiking and huge car registration fee increase!

For all I know, despite my filling out a form to remove us from CA voter registrations our voter registrations may still be still active there from when we left the state 8 years ago, (so it can be used to generate "D" ballots if/when needed)!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Dennis Young to his Publication

private member channel: no way to find whose page it is to join!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

Mirror image for the lefties out there!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Jackie Bennett to her Publication

Relax! It's all optics, so when the tables are turned, the ones doing this will not be able to argue against it, because legal precedent has already been set.

It's all optics and Kabuki Theater.

He knows it and he's setting a trap for all the others guilty of that which they accuse him of!!!

What is kabuki slang for?
Political posturing, also known as political grandstanding (from the notion of performing to crowds in the grandstands), political theatre, or "kabuki", is the use of speech or actions to gain political support through emotional or affective appeals.

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to her Publication

If Rinos in Red states had any brass ones, they'd be taking Biden off the ballot in their states for treason and other corrupt activities, using his position to take bribes, etc.!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

because their "coffee" is never free! You have to pay for it! (LOL) (That video has been around for years!)

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response sharon pasvant to her Publication

Like the media EXPECTS us to BELIEVE their LIES about a CPI of 3.2%??? It might work on those that were taught common core math! (unable to figure out a tip without a placemat or a cell phone calculator!

Kudos to those bringing our the real TRUTH's to us ALL!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

It's God's job to judge, so if it was planned and deliberate, God may judge it as wrong. If it was as in coitus interruptus, it may be that God would forgive him??? Only God knows what was in the dad's mind at the time, and he is our ultimate judge!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

While margarine is not healthy, I'd like to see your citations for stating it's one molecule away from plastic and shared ingredients with paint! This kind of fake news seems to be spread by those that know very little about chemistry! Thanks in Advance!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication


Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Bennastix Anon to her Publication

It's a shell game. Folks are tired of Ukraine aid so now Biden will print megabux for Israel


Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

WELL, IF he thinks a fire alarm opens a door, then he should not be in congress voting on bills of national importance!

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!

In response Qmeeting LDKnepper to his Publication

AND: the doctors that said the spike proteins would rob the immune system of the amino acids critical of building T-cells would result in a surge in cancers were castigated, cancelled and had their reputations ruined up front, and then their warnings came true!

Nuremburg 2.0 and tribunals cannot come fast enough.

Meanwhile Biden has rejected RFK Jr's request for Secret Service protection as a Democratic candidate for president...

Strange times, people! Strange Times, indeed!