We don't need FEMA.
We don't need FBI.
We don't need CIA.
We don't need USDA.
We don't need FDA.
and we sure as hell don't need IRS or BATF.
who answer to and who are made up of We The American People.
Prove me wrong.
I'll wait.

Red-pilled >40 years! Libertarian, fluent in political sarcasm. Both parties moving in the same direction, just @ different speeds!
RFK Jr. is right: abolish the 3 lettter agencies that have been incestuously corrupted by having the highest level chairs infiltrated by the pHARMa execs that rubber stamp the corrrupt BS that is poisoning us. He is also right about making it illegal for them to advertise in any media -- whether TV or magazines, radio, etc. They have too much influence over the news, and networks. Journalism has been bought and paid for by the wrong people &infiltrated by relatives of powerful people in politics!
In digging through history, it appears that vaccines have been tweaked by adding "adjuvants". That's a polite way of saying "contaminated". Back close to 100 years ago, a horse vet noticed that horses that had infected vaccination points, seemed to respond better than those that had no signs of infection. Thus began the work to add contaminants to vaccines. Currently, the most common ones are aluminum compounds (squalene) Older folks versions are spiked more heavily= more injuries

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Personally, and this is just me, I think all Vaccines are actually FRAUDs.
So was Pasteur.
Our Human immune system is the strongest thing in the Universe and all we need is to stop being POISONED by the Cabal from cleaning products to toothpastes to "doctors", which are Masonic "harbormasters" by definition.
Where did the idea for the syringe come from?
My Veterinarian a few years ago gave my horses a "vaccine" and nearly killed them all. I said, THAT"S IT. If a Veterinarian asks if my horses vaccines are up to date, I politely say goodbye, gotta go and hang up.
What was the COVID shot?
I called it out before Dr. Brian Ardis because Galactic Federation dropped the hint. I knew it was true in my GUTS.
COWBOYS HATE VENOMOUS SNAKES. Only good for hatbands, boots & such, which I have.
Big Pharma are the Serpent Species IMO, and darn tootin' they tried to kill us all.

This tragedy and financial fraud state has proven they are only there for oppression. We pay for our own oppression via agencies. Shrink government.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
US Marshals and Sheriffs all need to be trained in Constitutional Law first, same goes for police officers.

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Actually Police are "Policy Enforcers" by definition, so they, if loving the Constitution, need to mosey over & be brought under US Marshals and County Sheriffs, and all County Sheriffs need to not only be retrained & restrained by the Constitution, but they also need to rescind and rebuke any Oaths of Office that were made to the foreign-owned "corporations" posing as our government that aren't our government at all. They ALL need to come back into The American Republic & receive their funding directly from The People so they answer only to The People & the Constitution and not to a "corporation" that is looking for profits and bein' predatory, which is all "The County Of ____"s that we have in America.
The Buck Act of 1940 turned all The States Of____, The Counties Of____, and The Cities & Towns Of____, into "subsidiaries" of the 1871 Federal "corporation" of USA INC., making them ALL foreign-owned entities. (Thank you David Strait!)

Trump is my President We are in a war of God vs Evil Hold the Line Justice is Coming. Texas Strong #savethechildren WWG1WGA
Amen on that !