Carolyn Petrey
3 years ago

Carolyn Petrey

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I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Carolyn Petrey to her Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

no, it certainly doesn' looks like electricity, but in an atmosphere composed of different elements than ours. I'm not entirely sure that makes any sense, but that's how it appears to me! It also looks "manmade" in the way that it branches out across the sky. Very, very strange!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

i forgot to attach my#Sauce! sorry!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

⚠️⚠️⚠️190 is cop code for#suicide!!!#BQQM!#suicideweekend#Happy4thAnons#Patriots

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Kathy 273273 to her Publication

For starters, because the CIA has yet to be destroyed. This should have been, in my opinion, the first move in the fight against#Childsextrafficking. Why? The clowns run the largest & most expansive & most prolific child sex trafficking ring on the planet. We will not even put a small dent in this nefarious agency is DESTROYED. COMPLETELY. PERMANENTLY. They exist solely to be the fixers, mercenaries, mk ultra mind control facilitators, money launderers, false flag premeditators & actors, dope smugglers, illegal weapons procurers, kidnappers (#bloodline snatchers) & child sex traffickers of the#13SatanicBloodlineFamilies. The clowns operate with an unlimited and unaudited and untraceable budget, are never charged with any crime because they hide behind the label of "national security" and the web of secrecy that surrounds them. Also, the agency began as the#oSS!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response CJJM Patriot to her Publication

farm bred & farm raised...there is a large group of females around this age that are all in or affiliated with fed gov. They're all compulsive liars with obvious alternative, nefarious & very premeditated agendas. They're all a product of the farm, all mk Ultraed and are likely still all mind controlled. They're all deep state and all have varying degrees of CIA connections; it is practically impossible to nail them down as actual agents, so its possible they started out as beng part of a CIA program like mk ultra, went on to carry out their specific missions, and never worked with the agemcy again. However, if one is to follow the career history of these females, it is glaringly obvious that they are all active agents nowadays. I'll tell you something else they have in common: they're all lesbians...every one of them. This "lady" is one of them. I could name 4 off the top of my head and tell you 4 seperate child sex trafficking stories that surround each. They're all#childpredators!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Coug girl7 to her Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

There were 2 groups of ACTORS bussed into#dc on#Jan6th. 1 busload of US Army 10th Mountain Division-Psychological Operations (#Psyops) Unit out of Ft Bragg, NC. The other group was the psyops unit of the#USAF, which is run by a military man with the last name Sullivan. Sullivan has 2 adopted twin Cuban boys, one of them being Brian Sullivan, the leader of#TheProudBoys & the main instigator on the#capitol grounds that day who, after the 'seige', went directly to#cnn where he received $35,000 for sharing his false & fabricated version of events. The other Sullivan adopted twin acts as the leader of 'The Oath Keepers" who, along with the "ProudBoys", have just been outed as fabrications of our#US military's political#Propaganda wing!


I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I've been repeating this over & over, except I can 99.9999% say for absolute certain that this was the brainchild of#NastyNancy. She had the call to the#Pentagon a few days later that she refuses to disclose, her semi-private underground#CapitolBldg entrance was accessed, her office was "broken into", her laptop was "stolen", & who was the first#DeepState#NWObootlicking#Swine to publicly call for an attempted 2nd fraudalent impeachment against#Trump for 'insurrection'?! Nasty! Whose stomping grounds did the#Jan6th#falseflag#PSYOP that#setup#Patriots occur on?! Nasty's. I have absolutely no doubt that our nation's "premier law enforcement agency", the#FBI, who no longer investigates crime, (they cover it up for their counterparts at the#CIA) was right up in the middle of the .... wait for it....#DOMESTICTERRORISM that was irrefutably ORDERED by our own government! #dc#USA

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I'm searching for an article I saved months ago that relates directly to this & it is of the utmost importance, so I'm really glad you posted this! I don't want to misquote any part of the article I am referring to, but to sum it up, the author contends that joining the systems of these seperate gov departments will seem like the obvious & only solution, but that the#DeepState had their hooks in 1 of these departments in particular so very badly that the joining of the technology/computer systems of these various departments would be a grave mistake. It would supposedly inevitably allow the 1 'bad' department access to all data and intel the#whitehats may have. It sounds like this move would give the enemy within access to critical data/intel the white hats had about THEM. I'm searching for the article now so I can post it below.#Dod

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response SJ. Rocks to her Publication

omg if this is TRUE, I have a MAJOR connection to this a fact? Sauce?? Thx!🙂

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

right...because it is impossible to have a natural immunity to a MANMADE virus!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

it's about damn time! This arrest just might lead to the discovery of who in#dc summoned his crew, and by "his crew" I do not mean#blm, I mean the#US Army's 10th Mountain Division Psychological Operations (#Psyops) Unit out of#Ft.Bragg, NC & the#USAF Psyops Division that is run by#JohnSullivan's father, a USAF high ranking member himself; he adopted John and his#twin brother when they were young. John acts as the leader of#TheProudBoys & the twin brother plays the role of leading the#OathKeepers. This proves that both of these groups that the#MSM loves to label as "#whitesupremacists" are existant only to pull off#falseflag operations & fact is, they only show up when asked to by a government official. This dirt bag went directly to#cnn after instigating HIS OWN PEOPLE WHO WERE INVOLVED IN THE#Jan6th#CapitolBldg INCIDENT, NOT#Trump SUPPORTERS & was paid $35,000 to tell his#BULLSHIT side of the story. The#MSM knows who these instigators really are & who they work for!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Patriot Sam to her Publication

According to my own personal research & examination of the mounds of both physical & circumstantial evidence, this brings us to a total of 14 irrefutable, undeniable different illegal methods that the#DeepState KNOWINGLY used to pull off their#electiontheft. I assume I'm missing 3 methods, or that there are 3 that have yet to be revealed; however, since#OSIRIS was dismembered into 14 pieces, this#NUMEROLOGY might better fit the situation at hand....

#symbolism#satanists#LuciferianAgendaPushers#voterfraud#CareerCriminals#CannibalisticCabal#THIEVES#GlobalCriminalEnterprise#BidenCrimeFamily#StolenVotes#USA#US#America#symbolismwillbetheirdownfall #

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response vernon nielsen to his Publication

just posting for others who may not know this. Thx!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Carolyn Petrey to her Publication

(2) the world are of the same#BLOODLINES as these ancient Egyptian pharaohs who were not as we think of Egyptians today as far as race is concerned. These ancient pharoahs were caucasian, red-headed & blue-eyed (aka the ancient#Aryans). This can be proven through the research of any anthropologist who is not affiliated with mainstream academia. If you wish to delve into this topic, I reccomend a man by the name of#RobertSepehr who has the most excellent, info-packed channel on#youtube & is covering this lineage's history, as it DIRECTLY relates to current events & is extremely interesting.

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response vernon nielsen to his Publication

The Statue of Liberty represents#ISIS, an ancient Egyptian goddess, sister & wife to#OSIRIS. Upon hearing of the murder of Osiris & his dismemberment, Isis rushes out to gather the remains of her husband who was in 14 pieces. She could only find#13 - all of him but his penis, so with a total of 13 pieces she assembled the dead body of Osiris back together & fashions herself a penis made out of rocks to complete him before having sex with her dead husband/brother's body which results in the birth of her son, Horace. Lovely lady, right?! Isis was worshipped in ancient#EGYPT as a goddess of the underworld, but most importantly, was known as the mother of all pharoahs. She is associated with#Freemasons &#MASONS alike. Yes, the organization is one in the same, but Americans refer to the nefarious secret society as "masons" while the British say "freemasons". These same people-high-ranking masons are of the same#BLOODLINES as 'the builders' you read of in#theBible & the rulers of tod

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response P.Q.Anon PCP to her Publication

The distrust among#Africans of any purported "vax" likely stems from the previous experimental trial runs of the malaria & meningitis vaccines that killed hundreds of children and were performed by#BillGates. The same thing occurred in#India with his trial run of the HPV vaccine. These horrific and very preventable events happened several years ago and, of course, were never reported by#MSMEnemyOfThePeople & for the most part, have been well hidden by search engines like#Google & falsely labeled as lies by their fictional 'fact checking' outlets. #HumanRightsViolations#GatesIsAMurderer#SadisticSatanists#CHILDREN#VaccineTrials#HumanExperiments#labrats#HumansAreNotWhiteMice#HumanRights#MedicalMishaps#PreventableDeaths

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

#fauci is absolutely a#CCP asset. There is no other#American who has personally visited AND who's institution has funded and entertained as guests the employees of a laboratory that concentrates specifically on creating and manufacturing#bioweapons that are to be deployed against their enemies, which includes the#USA. The last time I checked, that fits the Webster's dictionary definition of a#Traitor, yet the S.O.B. is allowed to hold the majority of#MSM-brainwashed,#mask-wearing Americans hostage with his senseless & manipulative speculations. The entire ordeal is nothing short of disgusting!#MSMisEnemyOfThePeople#MSMisCIA#DestroyTheCIA#INSURGENCY#TheFourthReich#TheLineOfCain#TheSpawnOfSatan#TreasonousTraitors#LineEmUp#FightBack#NWO#WeDoNotConsent#NoCompliance#LuciferianAgendaPushers#PlandemicParticipants #FactsMatter#darktolight#AmericaFirst

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

the pic says the Alamo WAS the temple of Jesus, so, if indeed true, the US would be the REAL Israel that is spoken of in the Bible.

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response UK# Patriot17 to his Publication

The citizens of this town should reward this man! Excellent contribution to the community!#Covid19IsAPsyop#DeepState#NWObootlickers#UK#GB

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication

According to independent journalist & fact hound#GeorgeWebb, 'this guy' is also responsible for spraying#bioweapons over numerous foreign & middle eastern countries for the#CIA/#DeepState!

I love my country. I'll fight for my country. God & my daughter also apply. Proponent for the absolute & immediate destruction of the CI

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

This is happening in Canada right now.#NWO tyranny by NWO bootlickers in the#DeepState. We draw the line or it comes to your town or city next. Check out the video on#bitchute of#Canadian woman sending the US and all#Americans a warning! It can be found on a channel called Banned Internet Videos in 2 parts.