Cad Patriot
@redgirlqcNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Her voice does not match her lips and she does not promote any brand. This is fake. We were warned by her daughter that there are many false account using her name.

This is a Rosthchild.

I'm not sure I believe this because we hardly see the sun anymore and we need the sun for our health and the food that we produce. And they use all these with HAARP to create all kinds of havocs.

HEMP contains close to 0% of THC compared to cannabis (THC is the psychotrop part of the cannabis that can cause problems). If you read the ingredients, there does not seem to be anything bad about them. Mostly calming effects. I don't personally know the product but sometimes less is better...

So sad and very beautiful text.

He did not say November 2023...

And mine too. She was 96, refusing all flu vax, in good health, except for a little walking problem, was still playing cards very well.

Your description of the situation sounds very similar to that of electrosensitivity. Blurry mind, lack of concentration, tiredness, etc. Wi-fi, microwave radiation from towers, routers and cellphones is invisible but very damaging to the brain. It reduces oxygen bloodflow to the brain. I have suffered greatly from this for many years before realizing that it was at the core of my lack of energy. I have had to quit my job working for a cellphone company. Now that I live away from a big city and all these radiations, I feel much better and whenever I am close to a Wifi, it all comes back within a couple of hours. I have long blamed myself, thinking it was the stress or the way I look at life (doctors were telling me it was in my head), but now I know better.
I am not saying it's your situation, but take a look at your environment. You might find some answers. Hope that your health problems get resolved and that you feel better soon.

This site is so very interesting. I'm glad I came upon your post. Thank you very much.

Thank you Mandy! I was using the nebulizer and did the same mistake you did. I am doing the spray now but I did not have a recipe and did not know about that book.


Yes. Thank you.

That's all he does, give our money to other countries and to himself. He's one of Klaus' best slave.

The translation they are showing in English has nothing to do with what they are saying in French. They did not talk about elections, nor the Rosthchild.

Very difficult to know who's a good guy and who's bad. Yesterday, someone made us believe he is a freemason and today he is a descendant of Tesla. Go figure...

You might want to check if there are any new 4G or 5G antenna tower in your surroundings or new Wifi in your house. Symptoms of Electrosensitivity resemble all of these symptoms above and the fatigue is very present.

Activated charcoal is the best to get rid of the bacteria.

Activated charcoal is the best to get rid of the bacteria.

I can relate to that! I had to stop working at a telecom company 13 years ago because of that. I was feeling exactly what you are describing. I could not function anymore. I removed all wifi and I slowly got better; had to remove all poisonous mercury and metal dental fillings in my mouth. I can tolerate much more today, although it is not perfect.

Don't worry, they have heated cabins.

So, so, so criminal. When will they arrest him...

It is sparking a lot of revolt in Québec. People are starting to organize to combat this evil.

He is the one inciting people to hate the unvaccinated.

We sure hope so!

And people are vaxxed between 80 to 95% depending on age group and yet they blame everything on non-vaxxed. I believe the worst is yet to come for the unvaxxed. This is very sickening.

This is very important and indicates the grave dangers of not letting our immune system work its way through this "relatively harmless virus" as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. says in this letter to the WHO asking to STOP IMMEDIATELY ALL VACCINATION Covid-19.
Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO)
Vaccine expert Vanden Bossch believes mass vaccination is likely to turn the relatively "harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction."
This is very important and indicates the grave dangers of not letting our immune system work its way through this "relatively harmless virus" as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. says in this letter to the WHO asking to STOP IMMEDIATELY ALL VACCINATION Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Immediately (Open Letter to the WHO) —
Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO)
Vaccine expert Vanden Bossch believes mass vaccination is likely to turn the relatively "harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction."
I do raw honey, ginger and cinnamon in hot water and it is great.

I am in Québec, and it is not allowed for us. When I asked the doctor to give it to my mom, he replied that it was not proven effective to treat Covid. Instead, they gave her morphine and Ativan without our consent and she died 2 days later. What a genocide they are doing.

Can't wait for him to be voted out or arrested. Many scandals: We Charity, heavy spendings for all kinds of supports to foreign entities, and his agenda 21 and 2030. Already ordered detention camps for March 2021 and guillotines? What will he do with those? We will need help. Too many sleepers because of his good looks.