Watching & Waiting
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Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Hopefully, turning on the LHC will trigger the Rapture!

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
“Fruit” from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Love the solar lights idea! Thank you!

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Many people have reported mysterious booms. Could this be the cause? Have these near earth meteors increased in frequency or have gotten closer to the earth in recent days/months/years? Thank you for educating us!

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Hi Michelle...I followed you back in the Twitter days and I valued your insight into things such as the one stated in this post. What are your thoughts on what's happening in Afghanistan, the Taliban, and now the UK aligning with the Taliban?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
So they’re reporting about 100 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome but where are the reports of the almost 10,000 “reported” deaths with the other jabs??? Crickets.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Agreed. Its going to take A LOT more.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Is it true that some people got a placebo drug?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Thanks, James. Is 11.3 happening in other countries as well, say Israel?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
James, does the Law of War Manual apply internationally to other foreign states? Or just to the U.S.?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Sound is vibration and it causes movement, huh? Is that why the trumpet blast? 1 Thes 4:16-17 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
i watched that video you speak of. Doesn’t the western half of the U.S. become flooded from the two mile high wave caused by an earthquake in the Pacific and then it all freezes over? And the central plains just flood? Maybe I watched an outdated video? I live 13 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Where should I take my family? Isn’t this why you mentioned in a previous post that many people are buying property in Denver? Thanks in advance for your reply! Glad to see you tonight!

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Not sure if Q is for good or for evil. What I do know is that it forced me to research and to face some difficult truths. But best of all, it brought me into the community of Anons and Patriots who genuinely desire a good, decent, and humble life for their families. It's strengthened my faith and knowledge of the Bible, and produced in me an indescribable resolve to see this through, for better or for worse, and to fight the good fight for God's glory and for the hope of Heaven.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
I understand the plan went off course. What I'm not understanding is this (and maybe I should just be patient because I know you're going to explain to us): Did all the presidents that came after Clinton come from the same family line or was it the "clean up crew" to salvage/restore the timeline that Jack Jr was supposed to come into?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Many Asian countries love their instant noodles but they don't suffer from obesity nearly as much as western countries. Just an observation. Maybe it's on the rise, they walk more than we do in the states.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Amen....Jesus....THE ONLY WAY.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Does this mean that the more ringing we have in our ears, the more aware we are of "space" and of the spiritual realm? Just wondering because the ringing in my ears has increased tremendously over the past few years. It's so loud some days. I chalked it up to older age. :)

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
😘Ohhh, I just love it when you talk to me in code! LOL

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
I'm so glad you're back! I checked multiple times a day to see if you were posting. You were missed!
B52 is a bomber, but what's I6? Been busy watching the M.E.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution
But who's being played by who? White hats in control? Are we watching a movie?

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Haha...I totally missed the sarcasm! :) Yeah, everyone has a tattoo nowadays. Well, except me.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Gen 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Over here in CA, I see people with tattoos all the time. Maybe I'm missing the point of this thread.

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Jesus is risen indeed!! Sin and death were conquered on the cross....and NCSWIC according to the sovereign plan of God! Happy Resurrection Sunday, Sir!

Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
Is this the reason for the Russia Ukraine confrontation?