Watching & Waiting
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Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
“God’s word to His people is: ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separate,(Do not follow that which is not of God) … and touch not the unclean thing(I believe this to be the vaccine); and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters.’ ‘Ye are a chosen generation (You were chosen for a reason), a royal priesthood, an holy nation (One nation under GOD), a peculiar people(not of one origin but many combined as one); that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.’(From dark to LIGHT) II Corinthians 6: 17, 18; I Peter 2:9. God’s people are to be distinguished as a people who serve Him fully, wholeheartedly, taking no honor to themselves(No one is above another, do not praise us), and remembering that by a most solemn covenant they have bound themselves to serve the Lord and Him only.(Not money, not a person, not the world or anything in or of it)” Testimonies, vol. 9, 17.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Just love them, God will do the rest.
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Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
I've worried it was the mark. But the Bible says right hand and forehead, how does that tie in with the vaxx? And, the Bible says those who take the mark KNOW what it is and are making a concious decision to do so.
Most of the people who have gotten it have done so thinking it would help others, some were forced physically (in other countries, literally held down by police and forced), etc. Again, the Bible tells us those who take the mark will know what it is and do it willingly - that's not what is happening here.
So I have my doubts. I think the vaxx will cause the 1/3 of the world's population to die - found in Revelations.
The mark comes after the anti-Christ comes out and shows who he is, after the abomination of desolation, the anti-Christ comes forward and demands that all worship him, and accept his mark.
We aren't there yet. Not saying the vaxx isn't part of the plan, but I don't think it is the mark. People have to willingly accept it knowing what it is.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I no longer believe in God because I fear damnation.
At one time that may have been the case but it is not so now.
I believe in God because through my long years I have tried to be a good man and time and time again I have failed. I have seen my deeds done with the best intentions turn into acts of hate and destruction.
I do not have the ability to become the man I truly wish to be, the man who longs for God and walks the righteous path. I am not that man, not now, not ever. It is only through God and with his help that I can ever hope to be anything close. This is the reason I believe in God.
I know that I would not want to be something better if there were not already something better to show me the way.
I seek forgiveness and knowledge because I want to be better with every fiber of my being. But I can not alone.
To know I am loved when I find myself unworthy of it is Godly.
This is why I believe.
May the Lord help us all become righteous.


Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
You are right Charlie people have been waking for years and it has gone off the charts in the last few months.
I never read the article you speak of but chem trails are to help cut off the effects of the sun so even though I am a fact based person that could be possible.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Private ownership. A business can refuse to employ or serve anyone they feel is a threat to the continuation of said business. Medical anything receives funding through governmental grants and private donations. If the donors think said medical facility is not a team player donations stop. Donations stop business goes bust. Many of those donors have stock in medical companies like pharma and medical supply. Do you see where I'm going? Non medical businesses depend on HUGE businesses to buy from them, if that business isn't a team player the same thing happens to them. Who owns all the HUGE businesses? The same people that own big pharma and medical supplies. 5x5? This sucky way of doing things was rubber stamped and we were suckered in by a lone bakery refusing to serve a gay couple. Remember that? Laws were passed so that they could refuse. Those laws now protect the enemy.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
That is the real question isn't it? One of two things will happen, possibly both based on time.
1. Rise against your area, your area rises against your state. Our states rise against our government (in progress by a few states.) The U.S. rises against the world.
We have the power to create how the world functions, we have done it before and will do it again. This is why if America falls the world falls. No one else has our power to stop this. No one.
2. A human extinction event is guaranteed to happen and we recognize it all at once world wide, and we, as a world, mobilize against it.
We, the patriots, are in control of what happens and we always have been. Social disobedience is how we excerpt our power. What are laws if we refuse to follow them? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It will be painful and ugly but we will win and they know it. That is why they change the narrative every time we call them on their B.S.

To many things are not adding up. I'm here to try to figure out why.
Wasn't it being warned against over the last couple of months? As in "When the August reinstatement didn't happen, Qanon turned violent".
I haven't been learning with all of you for long, but the first thing I did learn is there is no dates that x, y, or z will happen. Not ours to know. Just get yourself together and be ready when it does.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Look really deep into just this picture, see the errors and truths. That will give you your answer.
I'll help you start. Israelis don't wear that head gear. You take it from here.

I'm making pemmican (easy to do if you have a food dehydrator). That stuff has a many year shelf life, costs little to make, and provides more than a couple thousand calories per square. I dry a lot of foods, if elect is off for more than a couple days, I'd lose what I have stored in the chest freezer. Have solar lights down the sidewalk, when power goes out (it does a lot here), I pull them up and stand them up in a glass (cheaper than flashlight batteries!) For other kinds of supplies, check out an Army surplus store (a real preppie treasure trove!)

Cyber security expert, blockchain, and the Dark Web. I spend my time there. Buy Silver. White Hat when needed Black hat when you piss me off



Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Yes I did. I promised I would stay to the end and I will. I will just be posting only when something is being overlooked, which now is not much anymore. You all have the truth now, the real truth. Take that and prepare yourselves mentally and spiritually. I am not ready to quit but I am ready to meet God and that makes one not only a threat to satan but down right dangerous to his cause. God will reign forever. Godbless.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I lost some pople on that last topic but I figured as much. Do your reasearch, find the truth in what I say and make your own call. Keep hope and faith in yourself and each other. Most of all God. He is your true salvation. Live and love what you have now and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Torrow is always going to happen until he says it won't. So spend your days loving him and the life he has given you. God bless you and God bless America.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I only follow God and his son Jesus Christ our savior. Satan has no power over me nor will ever have any. God is always what leads me. He helps those who help themselves. My own research helps me to turn even more to him. We are plan A.

Honestly, I haven't a clue. Sorry.

Excellent thread by Noor Bin Ladin
(8 images)

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
They are being hidden under other causes of death.

Discernment is critical.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
So I want to turn Fauci into a yard gnome because he deserves to be kicked over and hit with a lawnmower the rest of his days for what he has done.
But I do not want to stop there, nor do I have to. As you can read below, anyone and I do mean ANYONE, who had anything to do with making, storing, stocking, distributing, playing poker with, Covid 19 or it's creation, (vaccine included) Anywhere from the lab to a body, is guilty of high war crimes. To me this includes every single person in government who sat motionless while people died. This should also include anyone who used a ventilator on any victim, even though it went against previous studies showing ventilators would almost always lead to the persons death from secondary lung infections. Down the line to everyone who knowingly forced mask mandates to decrease oxygen flow and increase bacterial intake to the lungs. And end with quarantine lock downs that caused an increase in depression and a decrease of natural immunity.

Righteousness 1Peter 4:12-13 The same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
*quickly wiping tears*

I am therefore not a member of the militia but if you are in my neck of the woods in Chinada, you will find an ally, food and a safehouse.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
That is not yet set in stone so I would take dates with a grain of salt. There will be a nation wide announcement when it happens of that you can be sure. These are things that will not be told before it happens.

I have seen this as a definate possibility for some time now. Do you have any insight of when this is going to become public, and how the land will be split. I see we are living in the end of times and wonder at the point of it all. I hope I am not here to witness it! Come, Jesus, come🙏🤍

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Trump understands that we as patriots would never put up with this so it is my belief that we were being pacified until this could be worked out. They are keeping it on the down low to avoid actual war. Hilary was picked up in 2017. What Q posted was all true. It has already happened. Now you know why you have not heard anything about it. It is no longer just our country hence we can not pass sentences yet. We will be going back to the Gold standard because we will be a brand new Country and will need new currency. We will need a new mail system. Shit, we are going to need a new everything. The choice you will be asked to make is do you want to be a part of Trumps new country where it is going to be rough for a while or become a citizen of Biden's America and follow their rules. Once again I am not joking about this. Get a Law of War manual and read it yourself. It's section 11. Prepare but do not react. May God be with you all.