Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Anons please pay attention to those who are making false claims right now. When things do not happen as they say, you will know that they are not whom they claim to be. This is FAR from over.
God's wrath is coming.
August is for the devil.
August=Sextillus, the six month on the roman calendar, Sex=six, sex=original sin
We all know what 6 is.
Augury relates to August is telling of the future.
Named for Augustus the man of many names,
Satan=Over 30 names
August=Satan=his time= HOT
so sex a orginal sin? which sex tho male or

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Lynn is correct disobedience was the original sin. I was referring to the sin we are born from.
It is the act of lust (sex) not who did it because different beliefs have different ideas of what, but all seem to agree we are born into and from sin.
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Banned from Twitter 4x. Patriot & Bible prophecy student who loves Jesus & awaits his very soon return. #trusttheplan #wwg1wga
“Fruit” from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.