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Water Mark
Water Mark
1 day ago

Water Mark

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Pragmatic thinking skeptic

In response arba happihr to her Publication

Its a well stated description of current politics but it is only on the second level of this (at least) 5 level psyop. It would be good red pill material of sheep sleeping on the 1st level.

In response Kris Williams to her Publication


In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

Yours is a nuanced point and I believe I understand you, Sparrows.

The percentage of trama is probably pretty high. It takes a hard shock to get a human to choose to become critically introspective enough to examine our purpose, fate, and the importance for love.

Why?, is always the question. Earth's life does seem like a school for our souls.

In response Royal Raven to her Publication

Earth's atmosphere is what is distorting the light coming from the sun. When the sun is setting or rising its light travels through a much greater distance of air (which is proximate to an observer). This is true for both spherical and flat Earth theories.

Because the atmosphere contains a large amount of water vapor sometimes visual phenomena mimic what we see when it passes through liquid water; sun dogs for example. Light is also reflected off of water vapor; bright white clouds, and this can produce 'God light', when rays of light spread out from between cloud layers. When the rays are traced upwards to a focal point it can look like the sun is proximate but it is only the reflected light source.

In response JamieRCotters to her Publication


In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

The pressure in a sealed soda can is equal against every interior surface.

Air pressure on Earth is dependent on altitude. This is consistent with an attractive acceleration towards a central point (gravity).

This meme proves that the Earth is not in a sealed container.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

It is more than just the pain of recognition. It is the requirement for responsibility and action to correct. Being an adult is hard and they can't do it.

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

In a way but...

I haven't seen any indication that 'autists' are in any way more intelligent because of their injury. The ones who are not mentally impaired (and the impaired are the large majority) have such debilitating OCD that they are unable to abandon a puzzle and live life. They MUST solve the puzzle before they can mentally move on. This comes at the cost of huge swaths of the normal human life experience.

And destroys the lives of parents and the rest of the family.

If the people behind the vax damage thought that it would help boost IQ rather than impair their victims; they would use a different poison.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

Agree 100%.

Masonic influence is the 2nd biggest problem after them understanding what they are not allowed to do.

In response Cob Cob to his Publication

Bonus is that congress recently amended the law so that it isn't illegal for non-citizens to vote if they think they're allowed to.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

I'm much more worried about police violating my rights or harming my family than thieves or even murderers.

"Sitting here on the Group W bench..."

(But I do understand that I'm not the intended audience for this meme and see how it would be good for certain mindsets to see it.)

In response chore Toke to her Publication

Spreading this meme only makes truthers look stupid. Please, just don't.

There's ample real evidence of tanker aircraft (with live, idiot pilots) to spread that might actually plant a seed.

In response Nina Patriot to her Publication

Could we please have Jeff Sessions as AG and Ben Carson as Surgeon General?

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

The US is absolutely being herded towards Trump. Proof of manipulation is in who the candidates are. Of all the eligible, patriotic citizens in the country; its Trump vs Harris? Harris? That's the best the DNC can muster? (Sadly, it might be.)

Its a set up.

But by who?

Imagine a scenario where 'The Storm' actually happens and corrupt pols and celebs are rounded up all around the world. The masses cheer. But what then? Pols and celebs are expendable to cabal.

Power has then been consolidated to a focal point so potent that it can be used to bring in biometric ID, CBDC, etc. There will be no going back unless power is relinquished voluntarily. Which might not be possible, even if Trump desired to.

Unless the banking system is replaced completely and the elite bankers are rounded up as conspirators just as vile as the pedos; hope is abandoned.

Has Trump pissed off any bankers? Has anything Trump done diminished the power of the CB's?

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Here's a more detailed description:

The Great Taking - Documentary - YouTube

David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

I don't.

Do we need to be hyper-smart without earning the knowledge by studying? If one wanted to control who gets privilege and who doesn't; this is it.

Artificial knowledge provided by intellectual gate keepers. This gatekeeping of information is currently present in universities, science journals, and big corporations. Censorship of information is what has enabled our current medical, political, agricultural, and banking entities to bring us to this genocidal precipice that normies still can't see.

Starlink will not make people free. It will control who can communicate and track every bite of information shared. Neurolink will not make people free. It will create a rigid caste system society and embed group think into humanity.

This is what Warp Speed has brought us.

In response Roy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

This narrative was established a couple of years ago. The science is remotely possible; if you trust CDC scientists.

What this testing does do is to:

Allows the CDC the opportunity to fabricate data from a small sample set without relying on 3rd party medical providers to support propaganda.

Eliminates the statistical problem of reduced data supply from people who no longer test for every slight sniffle.

Allows the CDC access to much of the country's water supply to add anything extra they want.

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

Yes. And no 'white hats' are stopping it.

In response Trump Girl to her Publication


In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Israel vs Iran is about to kick off and the US will be footing the bill and providing the weapons.

This economy will be kept on life support by the fed buying the debt until after the election but war will begin prior.

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

The Earth is and has been taking some significant solar flares this last week.

In response Earth Alliance to his Publication

Everything seems to happen on late Friday night. This hides events in the news and buffers the markets from shock reactions.

In response John Burke to his Publication

(I realize you are making fun of the headline, John.) There is a tiny bit of logic in that statement but it is egregiously inaccurate.

IF the heliocentric model is correct:

The Earth is mostly a closed system where nearly no matter (asteroids impacting or atmosphere being ejected) is added or subtracted; therefore the mass does not change.

The Earth 'floats' in space and does not have 'weight'. It has mass.

In theory, if mass were to be redistributed from the poles to the equator; it could slow the rotation (like a figure skater opening her arms and extending a leg to stop her spin). In practice the water would distribute equally at all latitudes making the redistribution much less impactful.

What it completely fails to account for is WHY does the Earth spin?

The Earth is an electric motor and geomagnetic jerks (changes in rotation speed) are caused by the magnetic fields it encounters as it is traveling through space.

All that is IF the heliocentric model is tr

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

To me, the 5G roll out is more scary than the prospect of bird flu with its associated jabs. Microwave weapons are very real, silent, and invisible. All metropolis and suburban areas are now covered with towers. Only deep rural areas have any hope of avoiding the radiation.


In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

Covfefe was never about 5G.

I know the rumor about it fixing the cell radiation but no technical information ever surfaced. None. From the tech side; if you change the frequency of a signal - it is no longer the same signal. It cannot work as intended.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

Florida (probably other states too) has these same laws. DeSantis signed it.

In response Yester Vue to his Publication

Congratulations on your court win, Yester. It must feel triple sweet after previous defeats. Your win is exposure at the court level, which is who needs to see it the most to effect change in that system.

Agree on civil war. Everyone would loose, bigly. And in the chaos, criminals would again profit.

In response JesusIsThe SonOfGod to his Publication
In response Yester Vue to his Publication

There are only 3 options:

Exposure - continuing to try to wake up normies who don't want to be woke up and who will hate you for it if you do.

Beat them at their own game - If you steal from a thief, he can't call the cops because his own crime would be exposed.

Civil war - which, at this time, anons would still loose because too many are still sleeping and would cheer on the corrupt institutions.

To me, the only moral option is still exposure. Unless Q is real we will eventually be forced into either conflict or slavery.