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Water Mark
Water Mark
1 day ago

Water Mark

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Pragmatic thinking skeptic

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

WATCH — Dr. Judy Mickovits says “Ebola has been in your polio Shots since 1994” and is grown in Monkey Kidneys.

#ULTRA-MAGA, Retired Navy and Patriot. The oath never expires as long as I'm alive.

I know many of us have heard this before but sometimes hearing the truth can cause strong emotions. It's not always easy to hear that almost everything you've been taught/told has been a lie.

Many People Think Bill Gates Genetically Modifying Mosquitoes To Vaccinate People Is A Conspiracy Theory, It’s Real

On The Record: “I have ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE that they are working to make sure that they can inject you with something

The Gates Foundation has been funding all sorts of genetic engineering of mosquitoes and there's a lot of talk about using mosquitoes and mosquito bite to help vaccinate certain populations.”

“Your mRNA bill in food is a critical thing, but I want to alert you to the fact that it's not just food. The title of this presentation by the good professor, production of a transgenic mosquito as a flying syringe to deliver protective vaccine via saliva.”

“So I'm not suggesting that the mosquitoes that Bill Gates is working with, the engineer down in Florida, are injecting anyone with anything. What I am suggesting is that I have absolutely indisputable evidence that they are working to make sure that they can inject you with something.”

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

In a way but...

I haven't seen any indication that 'autists' are in any way more intelligent because of their injury. The ones who are not mentally impaired (and the impaired are the large majority) have such debilitating OCD that they are unable to abandon a puzzle and live life. They MUST solve the puzzle before they can mentally move on. This comes at the cost of huge swaths of the normal human life experience.

And destroys the lives of parents and the rest of the family.

If the people behind the vax damage thought that it would help boost IQ rather than impair their victims; they would use a different poison.

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

The US is absolutely being herded towards Trump. Proof of manipulation is in who the candidates are. Of all the eligible, patriotic citizens in the country; its Trump vs Harris? Harris? That's the best the DNC can muster? (Sadly, it might be.)

Its a set up.

But by who?

Imagine a scenario where 'The Storm' actually happens and corrupt pols and celebs are rounded up all around the world. The masses cheer. But what then? Pols and celebs are expendable to cabal.

Power has then been consolidated to a focal point so potent that it can be used to bring in biometric ID, CBDC, etc. There will be no going back unless power is relinquished voluntarily. Which might not be possible, even if Trump desired to.

Unless the banking system is replaced completely and the elite bankers are rounded up as conspirators just as vile as the pedos; hope is abandoned.

Has Trump pissed off any bankers? Has anything Trump done diminished the power of the CB's?

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Here's a more detailed description:

The Great Taking - Documentary - YouTube

David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

I don't.

Do we need to be hyper-smart without earning the knowledge by studying? If one wanted to control who gets privilege and who doesn't; this is it.

Artificial knowledge provided by intellectual gate keepers. This gatekeeping of information is currently present in universities, science journals, and big corporations. Censorship of information is what has enabled our current medical, political, agricultural, and banking entities to bring us to this genocidal precipice that normies still can't see.

Starlink will not make people free. It will control who can communicate and track every bite of information shared. Neurolink will not make people free. It will create a rigid caste system society and embed group think into humanity.

This is what Warp Speed has brought us.

The principle of Japanese Multiplication

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

There Are No Licensed COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't 💉 Your Kids

👀 Tucker Carlson to RFK Jr — both men nearly moved to tears.

“I hope what you just said is chopped up and put all over every social media platform in the world!”

Well here it is. What Kennedy said in the BEST 12 mins of Tucker… maybe ever. Stunning. LFG.#MAHA 🇺🇸

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

This is why they have been going through great lengths to censor RFK Jr.

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support DTP vaccination of 161 million African children…

Gates claimed it was saving 30 million lives, so the Danish government asked for the data, of which Gates had none…

So they went to Africa and looked at 30 years of DTP data. What they found was “SHOCKING”…

Girls injected with the DTP vaccine were dying at 10 times the rate of those who weren’t vaccinated

Trump is my President We are in a war of God vs Evil Hold the Line Justice is Coming. Texas Strong #savethechildren WWG1WGA

Avid reader and author! Patriot & MAGA. Truth seeker who is about all about exposing the lies! Trump best president ever!

Facts you've never heard before regarding the origins of Ebola and AIDS- have a listen.

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

Never before has double speak been used more proficiently and successfully as now. We are constantly bombarded with language that conditions and programs us to adopt and accept whatever they want.

It’s pretty much wizardry and they know how to use their language spells!

♥️God, Family & Love Animals, Trump Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏Here to Learn, Share and Help Wake Up Others💖WWG1WGA

The Deception

Common law Maritime Admiralty Law and the Perversion of Language

In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨

Listen if you are brave enough to know what's really happening.

If the Amish don’t convince you, nothing will 💉

Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

"The boys given suramin all improved, with some parents reporting their “locked in” children began to communicate, the trial’s author Robert K. Naviaux, of California University’s Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disease Centre, said."

“After the single dose, it was ­almost like a roadblock had been ­released,” Professor Naviaux said."

"One parent of an 11-year-old boy in the trial likened the change in his son to the movie Awakenings: “Just one dose of suramin gave us a glimpse of that child who was locked in by his disease."

June 2017

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

In November 2023, pharmaceutical manufacturer PaxMedica announced the successful completion of a Phase 2 clinical trial of suramin for children with autism. The research was published in the medical journal Annals of General Psychiatry.

A randomized controlled trial involving 52 boys with moderate to severe autism between the ages of 4 and 15 found that treatment with low-dose intravenous suramin was It helped children who received the drug develop better than children in the placebo group.

More research is needed.

Mark Cavitt, director of the Child Psychiatry Center at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, commented: In the preliminary experiment Suramin shows effectiveness in treating autism. But results from Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials with larger samples of hundreds of patients need to be confirmed. In order to get sufficient information that Suramin can be used as an effective and safe treatment for autism.