True North
@TrueNorthNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

I do not like asking for anything, however my son (whom is military) is at the hospital with his wife, they have been there 2 days now. She is almost 6 months pregnant, their first child my first grandchild. She has infection and fever, if the fever breaks they can go home. I, they really could use some prayers right now as they both have had the vax per their job requirement. Please and Thank you, for all that can pray for them.
Prayer is a powerful thing!

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
Holy shit! I did a search and found the tweet.!!!%20(from%3Aofficialmcafee)%20(to%3Awhotookmaname)&src=typed_query

Via The Bias News
JUST IN: California Secretary of State confirms Governor Newsom will face a recall election later this year (Axios).

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I love you Patriots & Anons.
About a month ago I had been noticing an uptick in negativity and bad vibes.
I felt your pain.
I tweeted out a call to action and in my opinion General Flynn and Lin Wood just answered in a big, big way over the past 48 hours.
They have both validated everything we have all been fighting for and have both confirmed that Trump is still our POTUS.
Many of us have known this within our hearts and many have known this with verified first person proof. But it’s great to hear these Patriots call out satanists and child abusers on a world stage.
Now it’s our time to support them!

Luv my country 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Luv my freedom 🇺🇸🇺🇸fighter for truth!! Wide awake!! 🙏In God We Trust🙏

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
investigation into EVERGREEN cargo incoming.
Buckle up.#Biblical

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
I was thinking the same thing! 😳

Critical Thinker! *NO PORN EVER* *No Violence* Only interested in Truth.
🤔 Ive not seen the green line do that before..

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

#TimeToWakeUp #ForGodAndCountry #DigitalSoldier #UnitedNotDivided #PainIsComing #TakeTheOath #MAGA #KAG

❤🌎❤Fighting for God, Country, & our children's future. Globalists want you dead. 4 twitters, 5 Instagrams. God always wins. 🚫 Romamce DMs

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
If you haven't started yet, pay very close attention to George News on Telegram. No anon account has been validated more.
POTUS & George are in lockstep.
JFK Jr. founded George.
Anonymous morphed into George.
Ask yourself why.
Ask yourself how.
The normies and idiots won't ask these questions so internalize them yourselves.
When you figure out this piece of the puzzle your mind will be blown.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Normies feared Jesus and thought He was from a different planet, had magical powers and told people how they should act.
He told the truth.
The righteous knew who He was. They felt it in their hearts. They watched as he taught, blessed and healed.
Normies suck. They are the way they are due to bad parenting and from their constant openness to being influenced by society and false idols.
We're seeing history repeat itself.
We have to control the narrative and we have to put normies in their place. If we don't, our children and grand children will be murdered or thrown in prisons controlled by their governments.
If [they] destroyed Jesus, they will happily destroy our families.

Honest question that requires an honest answer.
WHY didn't Trump FIRE Fauci?
Serving Justice, serving humanity.

First Texas and Now Mississippi... Let's just open the entire country!!

Something tells me this Telegram post from George News this afternoon means 'pay attention to DOD'...
+ what's super interesting is that the DOD has been showing Pentagon Press Sec John F. Kirby's live briefings....JFK !!!

#wakeUp for the sake of our children!

In the state of Florida it is actualy against the law to wear a mask in public. I have printed this on a card and keep it in the same pocket I hang my Trump mask from. If anyone says anything I show them the card and tell them I am wearing mine legally and inform them that they are the one's breaking the law.

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️