First Texas and Now Mississippi... Let's just open the entire country!!

we are close...coordination ToTo is still almost there

I love my Lord and Savior and my family. Nature and animals are my happy space. People who make me laugh!
I see all BLM is out saying those states are going to kill more people.. Hahahaha

As one state does it, they will all start to follow, meaning every one is ignoring Joke Biden, Fauchi, CDC etc. People now get the plot #OpenEverything or this is our future. We all have to say#NoMasks#OpenEverything

#savethechildren "one's own self ; one must know" #digitalsoldier

Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within.
I kinda feel left out. Everyone celebrating no maks! I never wore one...

i dont wear one either but I am celebrating one step closer to thier new normal being shut down.

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
Texas gotta wait til next week before our Covid is scheduled to leave. Ya’ll don’t laugh, we’re letting our covid leave politely. It did visit Texas & we don’t want to be too rude when asking. 😁

Love our Country WWG1WGA, Save our Children Love our President Trump/Flotus Freedom JFK starter/Trump finishes Prayers Patriot
Thanks for the smile...Texas oh

[.] 🐸🇺🇸🐸🔔

Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam
Fook yeah!!!
In the words of my father in law; "I didn't go to Iraq & fight so we could all live in fear"

Small business owner, we own a roofing company in Alberta, Canada. Huge Trump Supporter. Long distance runner. Never wear a mask!
And here in Alberta Canada, starting today we get to go to the library and do low intensity training at gyms (rock climbing e.g. - just do not sweat!!!!) What a f**kin scam! No mask for me. I stare down those who challenge, they have no clue anymore. Good for Mississippi tho.

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
YES! Agree! 🎉 We have been shown SO much about our constitution, how our government works, and how much power Governors and Mayors have. Wow. Time to get involved. ❤️🇺🇸
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Proud Deplorable, I love my country, love my President, love the great state of Texas! 🇺🇲🇺🇲

Proud Deplorable, I love my country, love my President, love the great state of Texas! 🇺🇲🇺🇲

God, my country, family, and truth are things near to my heart! We will all be blessed for holding the line! Even though I am not tech savy.
I am from Mississippi😂 he can gladly cancel us!

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Nothing can stop what is coming.
or even better - let's open the entire world and let the snowflakes (worldwide) know that they were all conned - that they turned on those who done their own research and thought for themselves, gave uo their freedoms and tried to strip the freedoms of those awake too. the world must be shown what happened - what REALLY happened. open the countries, open the borders, unmask the traitors and the slaves. live and let live! amen 🙏

Care about my family, friends and population of this Earth. Don't know much but care about truth, hope and a higher consciousness
🤢🤮well our lovely governor here in Michigan is granting her subjects dine in at 50% now and they get to close at 11pm now instead of 10. We are so lucky she cares sooooo much about us.

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
love the sarcasm!

God fearing Texan and proud Deplorable Diva! Lover of faith, family, friends and dogs! God always wins! WWG1WGA

Happily married Mama of 2. Loyal to our President and a fighter for the children! Trump Won! God Won! #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN 🇺🇸💖🐸💫
Bars and Live music can return here. Add Louisiana to the list 🤣🤣🤣

I wish Maine would be added to that list but our Mayor is a tyrant! Nothing a little prayer can't fix though 🙏🤍

Here in Louisiana we have an idiot as govenor but he has sold out to CCP and bill gates supposedly owns over 16+ thouaand acres of land all in edwards term in office, still don't know how he was ever elected... :(

I agree!

I heard something that if more states open that Donald Trump would come out and announce he still president I think that's why all these states are slowly starting to open
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That's the bullshit we should've never been closed down to begin with it's kind of hard to celebrate actually

DeSantis clims that Florida is open but the mask tyranny is far worse then the midwest states who make no boasts. Masks, signs and sheep everywhere across the many counties I've seen. Evidently the Governors can close states but have no jurisdiction over the local cabal who continue the charade.

God loving American seeking truth and freedom. Will never back down to demons!
Exactly what happened in Montana. Governor lifted the mask mandate but the counties are still requiring it. Too many liberals whined and got their way.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet
FL dropped all statewide restrictions, but still allowed counties and cities to provide their own guidance. HOWEVER... the local jurisdictions can only mandate closures and masks based on actual evidence of a problem. They need to justify it.
So maybe citizens have a process to raise objections? That part wasn't clear. I'd start with writing to all local and state reps and to Desantis. My county has no restrictions, but individual businesses are free to choose. Many got bullied by clients into requesting masks, but they don't enforce the rule. I don't wear mask and have yet to be challenged by business or a client.

👏😁 way to go!

AF Ret Dis Vet ☆ Prv Q/TS Clearance ☆ IT Systems Eng/Dev ☆ Funny w/ Chronic #Pain ☆ GOD ☆ Truther ☆ #Dercum's Disease ☆ #Fibro
at this rate and 25 more states Open, maybe Trump will be the subject at the next Inaugural Event in the next few days and this March Madness Mayhem can proceed.
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Only followers of this user (@ryaneaslon) can see their posts

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
Praying that Maw Maw Kay, Gov of AL, will do the same.

Yes!!! Come on Kay Ivey! We the People should make our OWN choice to wear the mask.

Warrior on my knees a digital warrior GOD BROUGHT ME HERE Here I am LORD is it WWG1WGA MEGA justice War room is where I take my battles
ants go marching 2x2 hurrah hurrah