Jill Taylor
@Trad55Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

Love this. As the poster says: 'For my British and European friends who are "shocked" and "surprised", here are 10 reasons you didn't see this coming.'

Is there a way to make a comment and just return to where you were in the feed instead of ending up at the top of the timeline again?

My first infraction on FB. A friend posted up the picture of the Schnauzer and asked for caption ideas. Utterly asinine response. As an expat, FB is a good way to keep in touch with people from back home and other places I have lived during my 69 years. I rarely post anything and usually only comment on birthdays and celebrations. AI at its worst.

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC

Anonup is giving us insight into history as it is being made (and not manufactured). Imagine a day when every “professional” academic historian is shown to have ignored every factual primary source as it all happens… end of the academy as we know it.
I could get to like this plan, despite my impatience.

So proud of my Nottinghamshire truckers who will be joining the UK Truckers Freedom Convoy#1 at 3.30am tomorrow, 9.30pm Central Time tonight for me. Convoy#1 started in Scotland earlier today and is heading down the M1 Motorway, picking up supporters along the way. Beyond proud as I monitor progress from my adopted home here in the US. There are 8+ convoys that started from different parts of the UK today, all heading for London. Guess that's one advantage of a country that's only 400 miles long from John O' Groates the Lands End! It's all done in a day or so! Please offer up a prayer for the safety and succcess of all of those who are stepping out for freedom in this way as they come to mind during your day.

AG Merrick Garland's Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Education Company Selling Critical Race Theory Resource Material to School Districts - The Last Refu..
Well, well, well… This is interesting. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI ins..
Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech, Republicans Pretend They Cannot See What's Going..
The transparency of this operation was/is brutally obvious. Frances Haugen appears on CBS 60-Minutes as a Facebook “whistleblower”, and already had a congressional hearing lined up for 48 hours later? C’mon man… did the lessons of Sandra Fluke or Christine Blasey Ford not r..
Andrew Torba ✝️ on Gab: '' - Gab Social
Andrew Torba ✝️ on Gab: '350k+ views on the video YouTube banned. Share this everywhere. https://tv.gab.com/channel/standonprinciples/view/dr-destroys-the-entire-covid-narrative-611132777b022aa59dd65777'
My 80+ neighborhood granny made my day today. First she complimented the flags in the yard: black stars and stripes, Trump the Punisher and the Gadsden flag. She said she missed Trump. I said I expected him to be back before the end of the year and she quickly agreed. She asked what my husband thought and I told her that he listens to me but doesn’t really believe in the great awakening and wasn’t expecting any justice period. She told me I need to red pill him right now, lol!!! I’m still smiling. People are waking up!

I love President Trump and our Great Military. I was honored to be followed by Gen Flynn, Jack Flynn & many other Great Patriots on Twitter.

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

#TimeToWakeUp #ForGodAndCountry #DigitalSoldier #UnitedNotDivided #PainIsComing #TakeTheOath #MAGA #KAG
President Donald J. Trump was re-elected in the 2020 election, but OUR OWN GOVERNMENT committed massive FRAUD, then pulled a COUP D' ETAT to overthrow our country, and install COMMUNISM/THE GREAT RESET?ONE WORLD ORDER against WE THE PEOPLE. Now WE THE PEOPLE must FIGHT BACK using OUR CONSTITUTION, and the remedies described in it against this installed tyrannical illegitimate government.

Just watched Part 2 of the HBO Into the Storm documentary. Part 1 reached the random conclusion that Q must be a socially awkward basement dweller living in his parent's house because '8 Chan'. Shock. They allow anything to be posted. Part 2 is spent interviewing people who might fit that category. Cullen then has the audacity to lump the Anonymous hacktivist group from the early 2000's, who were responsible for malicious cyber attacks and pranks, and the Gamergate crowd, who were into online harrassment with a mysogynistic flare, together with the faithful anons who decode the Q drops. Because they were all 'anonymous' posters so they must be the same people, right? Just a natural progression as one group scaled down they must have all migrated to the next group because haters just hate. On the plus side, the Q drops that are shared do not support the hate speech label or activist category at all so anyone with a brain can see that.

A member here to fight for Trump! Banned from Twitter and YT twice each. 1A/2A PATRIOT Salty Army Savage

Anybody know if we can contribute to Trump without the RNC taking their cut? His website, DonaldJTrump.com, for Save America PAC and Great America PAC are both handled by Winred, the official RNC app. They get 25% of everything donated.

Anybody else having issues with Wells Fargo (or any other bank)? Trying to transfer from savings to checking but nothing is happening. First wasn't able to sign in, then managed to sign in after resetting my password but none of the tabs work and I can't see any accounts. Been talk about QFS happening this last week...

My yoga class were discussing all the 'research' they had done to confirm the Covid-19 vaccine was safe. Looking for validation for their choice I guess. The instructor asked me outright if I was against vaccines. There are a multitude of reasons why I am against this vaccine but I limited my reply to say that I am against taking something that is still in clinical trial. These trials would not be complete until early 2023. The vaccine wasn't approved by the FDA, only approved for emergency use and I wasn't comfotable with that risk based on some of the early issues that have been reported. Clearly from their reactions, all their 'research' had not uncovered any of that easily verifiable iinformation. They just looked at me, blinking rapidly before recovering enough to say they weren't concerned about becoming sterile as they were already past the age to procreate. Then they remembered one of the ladies had just said her kids already had it and conversation stopped. Just like that.

My verse for today on my bible app: I am doing something new; it's springing up - can't you see it? I am making a road in the desert, rivers in the wasteland. Isa 43:19 CJB

Shree Laxmi Narayana Inc. 7 locations in the US. All now delinquent. No details on what the product was. Still digging.

I also posted this link in a reply to the Devon Island/Mars pics. Go to Google Maps and search for Devon island. Then scroll thru all the photos. You'll find pics on Tik Tok of the Shree Laxmi Narayana Oil Mill (don't know what this is yet but am researching still) and this video about Devon Island and the Planetary Scientists that visit every summer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzyOdH6OlV0

A reminder that my best Q essays are a free download at http://onq.martingeddes.com.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

Just had another fruitless conversation with my husband about what is going on. He rationalizes everything as being impossible because he can only understand how things should be and not how they are. He is worried I am obsessed about something that cannot, in his mind, be true, and I will suffer mentally if it all comes to naught, so he shoots me down before I can even finish. So frustrating that he can't see even the most obvious clues. I know I'm not the only one going thru this with friends and family. They will not see and stubbornly cling to what they think they know. So glad I can come here and be among frens and patriots. Thank you for your ears and your hearts. WWG1WGA

USN(RET), eternally 25yrs old, widower (30yrs together), OathKeeper, The Oath never expires, "Peace Thru Superior Firepower", I follow bac
From a meme courtesy of Jack Wightman@jtwightman
"If this is true, how freakin' hilarious would it be? LOL
Maybe this was why Pelosi was so cautious about proceeding.
Want to blow a snowflakes mind?
Remind them if Trump is impeached in the House & NOT the Senate,
he can run 2 more times.
The U.S. Constitution states that if a President is impeached by the House
but not convicted by the Senate,
that person's first term is nullified
and they are eligible to run for office two more times."

Blinding Ray of Sunshine. Herculean Heart. Medicine Woman.Creative Solutionist. Bent, not Broken.I’ve Seen My Darkside+Nothing Left to Fear.
i feel awful for everyone in texas. this should not happen when you have your own unique power system. i came across this article and this document in story from department if energy. its criminal. praying for you all.
👇🏽 Dept of Energy Statement
The Disgusting Reason That Millions of Texans Spent The Night Without Power
Texas has its own electrical grid and plenty of excess power generation capability. Yet, right now, millions of Texans are freezing in the dark. Here’s why.