So proud of my Nottinghamshire truckers who will be joining the UK Truckers Freedom Convoy#1 at 3.30am tomorrow, 9.30pm Central Time tonight for me. Convoy#1 started in Scotland earlier today and is heading down the M1 Motorway, picking up supporters along the way. Beyond proud as I monitor progress from my adopted home here in the US. There are 8+ convoys that started from different parts of the UK today, all heading for London. Guess that's one advantage of a country that's only 400 miles long from John O' Groates the Lands End! It's all done in a day or so! Please offer up a prayer for the safety and succcess of all of those who are stepping out for freedom in this way as they come to mind during your day.

Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome