My yoga class were discussing all the 'research' they had done to confirm the Covid-19 vaccine was safe. Looking for validation for their choice I guess. The instructor asked me outright if I was against vaccines. There are a multitude of reasons why I am against this vaccine but I limited my reply to say that I am against taking something that is still in clinical trial. These trials would not be complete until early 2023. The vaccine wasn't approved by the FDA, only approved for emergency use and I wasn't comfotable with that risk based on some of the early issues that have been reported. Clearly from their reactions, all their 'research' had not uncovered any of that easily verifiable iinformation. They just looked at me, blinking rapidly before recovering enough to say they weren't concerned about becoming sterile as they were already past the age to procreate. Then they remembered one of the ladies had just said her kids already had it and conversation stopped. Just like that.