2 years ago


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Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

From the video presented, it was NOT a Black individual who drove the SUV into the crowd, but a WHITE MALE!
Please stop posting false inflamatory statements, you are not helping!!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

The Police Chief stated it was an officer shooting ar the SUV when it ran the baracades, NOT from an unknown shooter!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication

I hear gab has been infiltrated and is turning to shit as well. Waiting for Truth as well

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

Thank you for this, it gives me some hope where there seemed to be none .
God Bless you, His Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication

I would love to follow you there, I look for Orion every night!
Unfortunately I have been banned from commenting or sharing on Telegram. Guess I asked too many questions 🤷🏻‍♂️
No different than Twatter/Fakebook.
So much for Freedom ⚰️🪦

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

I dont doubt that things have been hidden from us, esp learning the evil that resides in the Vatican.
Here is my concern;
If the Bible , as we know it, has also been manipulated and certain truths denied or rewritten, then just what are we to believe?
If false in part then false in whole.
Who can pick what parts can be trusted and which cannot?
We are now being told certain individuals are placed in control by “Other Worldly Beings”.
They are under “Spiritual Contract” in their current incarnation to rule throughout the world!
Are they gods? Are they of the devil? Is this meant to have us question Gods existence and power?
I am truly at a loss to understand all this. And now there will be mandatory vaccination of children which will end in death or irreversible damage to them.
I want to scream!!!!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Danon MAGA to his Publication

why does he have a fringes flag behind him?

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Apparently Freedom is not all-inclusive there.
Telegram is turning into another Twitter/Fakebook where you get censored if your thoughts, questions & concerns do not line up with the Prime Directive.
Only the Boss is allowed to talk down to people, use condescending language and slap your peepee for getting out of line.
Lead in questions that stir up division and controversy w/o any explanation is the norm.
How much longer will Anonup allow freedom of expression and individual thought before it is also just another twitter?
I am not very impressed with NWO 2.0!
And have you noticed population is declining daily regardless who is in charge? And its not over yet! the “Big Scare Event” is yet to come, “But it had to be this way” .

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication


Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

There is NO WAY that ANY entity that gets government funding should be supporting ANY Political Party for ANY election, PERIOD!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

FOX is already looking for Mail In Ballots that can be counted until Friday.
Deja vu all over again!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication

I suddenly feel very smart! 🧐

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication

Another Black “White Supremicist”?!?!
So which is it? BLM/WLM/ALM or NO LIVES MATTER??

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Ok, so what did I miss here? 🤷🏻‍♂️
No mention of Mr Simonsom’s death.
No mention of conspiracy.
No explaination of Soylent Green.
Comments are typically rude towards those who don’t waste their time on movies 24/7 to know the background story.
No factual information on the Detectives findings or the contents of this product.
Same as saying Mc D’s and taco 🛎 use man-meat with no proof. It may all be true, but there has to be proof you can actually show people.
3-2-1..... “Do Your Own Research” 🤦🏻‍♂️

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

It makes sense now why HRC was a board member of WM years ago, presumably when they were setting all this up.
Being in the White House gave her a perfect cover for running the business without eaising eyebrows. Pure Evil!!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response E.T. PHONE HOME to his Publication

I would like to know who did this study and where did they get young peoples blood without breaking any laws????????

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

thats not the point

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response DAN MARTIN to his Publication

While it is a good clip it is also frustrating to watch.
Like many other similar viniettes it moves to fast to be fully understood. Graphics are posted with no time to see the visual and read the text all while trying to listen to a speedreading narrator as if it is a race to the finish.

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response michael griggs to his Publication

Looks like we need some snipers at the border

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

And what reason is this information being held back pray tell??
The election isn’t the worst thing that happened. What is , and continues to be, is the missing and trafficked children.

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response RICHARD NHY to his Publication

How can they keep people safe while they keep calling them together enmass 30-50-70,000 in one spot??
All I imagine is another Vegas massacre waiting to happen. Nothing like advertising where and when you will be gathered! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response _d3nn @n0n to his Publication

I am thinking this all has to end soon as I can’t imagine allowing the wicked ones to celebrate another unholy day as this!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to her Publication

so it looks like there won’t be an EBS notice this week either 🤷🏻‍♂️

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

My 22yr old daughter is soo lost and brainwashed.
She hates DJT. I had told her last year that he was trying to save the children and she said ; ‘ well, I feel bad for the kids but Trump is evil and I am ashamed that you worship him’. 😕
Just sent a post to all my kids about the world as we knew it is coming to an end, and her response was ; ‘ Well, if more people would wear a mask and get vaccinated...’
Some will be forever lost, I truly fear for her survival through all this. 🙏🏼😢

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Paul Robb to his Publication

2 of my wifes brothers had cancer during this shit show. 1 has passed and waiting for burial gor a year. the other had to stop treatment and just restarted only to find it has matastized from his lung to his brain !!😡😡
she lost 3 other family members , all were cremated and are waiting for funeral services!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

“SOON” is a relative term. I read it as Imminent, at any moment, any day now.
I have been anticipating “SOON” for 1 1/2 years which does’nt fit my understanding of the word.
I cannot reason or understand the need for further delay of most information and disclosure of the Pure Evil happening all around us daily.
TRUTH will either be accepted or denied.
It has been said the TRUTH is not for everyone , the choice to KNOW is yours.
It’s time to start shedding Light on the darkness and let the TRUTH be KNOWN!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication


Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

one can only Hope 🙏🏼
It would sure make a great Birthday present!

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Patty Malek to her Publication

I have seen this many years ago, also in outfoor settings, where it is used as a Prayer & Meditation Maze.

Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Carminda Camara to her Publication

I always wondered about that too.
Recently there was a post that stated those planes were taken to a hanger in New Jersey where the passengers were forced to make those calls and and afterwards were gassed and disposed of.
🤷🏻‍♂️ First time hearing such a thing, knowing all we do now it seems very plausible.
the lack of fusilage, seats, luggage etc .. at all sites is odd for sure.
Especially at the pentagon!