Mahaley Baggett
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john james also wonhe was up till they stopped for noght then he loss but I say cheated

thet is stupid we ste not tacist at least not untill drms said we were white fors not make ypu racist nrither foes black or brown it just dems against everyone else they are racist look at their history

everyone cslm uou representives now that garland guy is trying to stop audit now do not let him just heard in bsnkon war room do stepnup now do now let tgrm stop

stay strong fight hard

today fired discriminate

traitor of USA

He isroght disease comes lije TB a d that strand has no cure unlike the one that was in the forties here in USA it took my grandparents anf my moms lung she was five. TB is airbourne and deadly. This is a way to elimimnate the population by left

rumble in need he


we love jared and ivanka

Many for I watch a show years ago where they were taking children and packing them in these containers and selling them overseas. Both girls and boy they use them up then kill them. They also showed in some countries they sell a child to be able to feed the rest so which ever one they want they sell. Sad children are not born to be sex slaves someone makes them that way. We must stop this it is not right nor is it right for parents to sell them or creep to steal them, and real creeps to breed them, and the creeps that pay to buy them


i grew up poir in Bsltimore. we hardly had electricty how you make it all go into one room put blankets over windows and if fore place add wood if none layer clothes and put blanket on close all room doors to keep the body heat on one room.we lived month without electric you can do it we had temps close to zero at times you can do it.I always saidvif we had war I make it no matter the temps.

He gained the love of voters and helped America


typo her Name was Rosenburg trained marxist

BLM is s teained marxist group that was started by a woman reseburg who hated police and killed one was imprisioned.Her believes are still alive today that is why they wanted to get rid of police not sbout black lives, that is why thry never complsin about blackmon black ctime it will not get rid of police even small children were killed this year in their riots they said nothing because not about blackd it about tsking diwn police and the government they even said they burn it sll dien if they fo not do as they say.They are not about blacks they use them by pulling race card marxist

theyvare not but antifa and blm are hate groups and marxist

He is planning something for him I am sure fir they were tslking his own chanbel or internet or we will hear ftom him.

well he needs to fix tepublican party because too many parties fpmit yhr vountry up dems eoukd win more do best to get new blood in the party bit they have s new friend in Sidney whobhas yhatbpac that will ensure no fraud but we still must prive yhat steal beyond reasonable doubt

hopevthey fond her

hopevthey fond her

everything you put in you body can be bad but we leep taking meds same eith shots fir example I went yo have catartac surgery last week and the surgery webt weel but after they put drip on and I was allerigic yo tge drops but did not know it so My eye sweljwd now a two week recivery is longer because od the infkamation caused by a eye drop.Everything a risk

yes he just wasnt to top Trump million a day a day.Trump had warped speed you cannot top that plus teo vaccines to choise from

Trump said that combo worked but they fid not want it to be a win for him so dems discredited it leaving many to die all so they can destroy economybeith shutdiwn and steal election to obtsin power by making people believe Trumpnwas bad


Trump had teo vaccines that seem proming I know many who took it no problem but the left is trying to down play the two Trump has because Gates and China have one they are making so they can make more money after they did theirvbiologicsl attack on the eorkd with Covid.I believe they will take Trump teo away like they fid hydroxy