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Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
Australia If You Don't Fight Back Now You're Doomed !
They Now Have Your Kids In The Gutter.
Australia Police Arrest, & Pepper Spray 12 Year Old Girl For No Mask-[4/7/21]
Australia If You Don't Fight Back Now You're Doomed ! They Now Have Your Kids In The Gutter.
Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
Dr Coleman says this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this video widely.
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human Race
Do you remember that video in which Bill and Melinda Gates sat and smirked as they talked about how the next pandemic would make people sit up and take notice?
Well, I think I know what is going to happen. We all know that the evil elite, the Agenda 21 and Great Reset promoters, have all along intended to kill between 90% and 95% of the world’s population.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

NAVY SEALs STORM Gates’ Wyoming Ranch

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

4517, Search, translate FR - En, Check false images and more A doubt about a picture, a translation? leave me a message
Silvano Trotta Official
You need to open this article under an automatic translator. The massive cases of side effects of vaccines exceed the database of the EMA!
In summary the first analyses show that there is 1 death per 23,000 people at Pfizer, 1 in 28,000 at AstraZeneca and 1 in 32,000 at Moderna. However, the figures are much worse, as all cases are by far not reported!
In conclusion, vaccinations make little sense for people under 65. For those under 50, they will do more harm than good. What is happening now is a massive violation of the principles of medicine ("first do no harm") and of the Nuremberg code of 1947. The pharmaceutical lobby has prevailed.
Massive Fälle von Impf-Nebenwirkungen sprengen EMA Datenbank -
Es wird zwar viel geimpft, aber es gibt Nebenwirkungen in einer noch nie dagewesenen Anzahl und Häufigkeit. Den beste Beweis dafür liefert die Datenbank der Europäischen Medizinagentur EMA selbst: Sie kann die Datenfülle schon nach vier Monaten nicht mehr verarbeiten. Das EMA-System ist nicht in der..
Hold the line is at 9.412.10%, let's get this done!! #WWG1WGA
This shit is getting out of hand, now we have the Dallas County Health and Human Services bring the military with them to administer vaccines to people who were not expecting to be vaccinated.
WATCH: Uniformed Troops Go To Bars, Gas Stations In Dallas To Randomly Vaccinate 'Younger Crowd' - Conservative Brief
This is terrifying.
Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
Canada’s national bus company is closing for good.
Greyhound Canada shutting down all bus service permanently | CBC News
Greyhound Canada is permanently cutting all bus routes across the country, shutting down the intercity bus carrier's operations from Thurday midnight.
Greyhound Canada shutting down all bus service permanently | CBC News
Greyhound Canada is permanently cutting all bus routes across the country, shutting down the intercity bus carrier's operations in Canada after nearly a century of service.
Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
The current data on VAERS reports is far from reflective of the actual number of injuries and deaths for a number of reasons. This is just one of them. Another is that, as we have shared numerous times, they are simply not being reported. In many cases, the hospitals and medical professionals are outright refusing to make reports. The reality is that actual numbers are far, far higher than official reports show.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
Enormous List of Resources, Documentaries & Medical Professionals Warning of the Dangers of Vaccines & Exposing the Biggest Fraud in the History of Pharmacology
Anyone who wants to learn more about why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these doctors and documentaries! It’s about time the biggest fraud in the history of pharmacology gets exposed. Vaccines are literally nothing more than poison masquerading as medicine:
Dr. Nancy Banks –
Dr. Russell Blaylock –
Dr. Shiv Chopra –
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny –
Dr. Suzanne Humphries –
Dr. Larry Palevsky –
Dr. Toni Bark –
Dr. Andrew Wakefield –
Dr. Meryl Nass –
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin –
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot –
Dr. Robert Rowen –
Dr. David Ayoub –
Nancy Banks on Vaccines - YouTube
Nancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination.See more in-depth conversations and investigative reports at

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
18 Reasons I WON'T Be Getting a Covid Vaccine!!
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic. All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them. Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would r..
Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
`First Hand From India – It’s Not ‘Covid’ That’s Killing People – It Is Starvation And Genocide.
See: India Has Vaccinated 127 Million People – Thirteen Hundred Deaths Are Being Reported Daily – The Virus Is Said Responsible – One Problem – In 1954 It Was Revealed Viruses Form Inside The Body, And Are Used To Clean The System And Are NOT Transmittable. We Are Witnessing A Global Depopulation Of Humanity!
Here’s her message:
Please use your platform to highlight the crimes against humanity that is taking place in this country. The world needs to be aware of the seriousness of the situation here.
“I am writing to you about the genocide that is taking place in India. Millions have already died of starvation during the ongoing lockdowns. The government and media are lying and making it look like the virus. Hospitals are turning people with genuine conditions away, claiming that there are no empty beds. The government has created a shortage of oxygen

Born in Romania Living in UK @Registered Nurse #ProLIFE #WorldWidePatriot #ProudDigitalSoldier #TrustThePlan #TrustTheMan #TrustGOD
Protester dragged behind a police van and punched repeatedly
by officers today in Manchester. 🇬🇧

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
18 Reasons I WON'T Be Getting a Covid Vaccine!!
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic. All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them. Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would r..
Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
First, they tried to bribe Americans with free donuts. Now Samuel Adams beer company is offering free beer to Americans naive enough to get vaccinated. This just further shows it was never about good health. If beer, donuts, and experimental vaccines are the new healthy, then we are living in a clown world.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.
18 Reasons I WON'T Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.

Witnessing the changing of the world into a better place because of the love President Donald J. Trump has for the people of this earth.