Shelly W13
@ShellyW13Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Patriot!! Love God and Country!! #MAGA

Yes.... Heartworms live in the blood vessels, where Tape and Round worms live in the intestines. So it would be different meds.

Was taught as a child not to eat bugs! Now they want us to eat them!?😠😒

So sorry to hear this!! Love & Hugs to you! They are very much family and we will see them again!!💔

In the beginning of that video, when she is showing the trucks, one is Hargrove... look up (written on the side of the truck)
"Inaugural Celebrations"👀

The fact of a Obumer endorsement, should, in fact, be enough to get Youngkin voted in!!...But are we still using the same rigged system that put Northam in??SAD we can't trust!!#AuditVirginia