Randi Marie
@RedRan777Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

Yep! And also, he arrived at MAL with 'papers" AS PRESIDENT! Continuity of Government??? Still POTUS/CIC?

Correction: I believe you, VK, posted this on 11/15/22 not 11/16... just to be accurate!

Look at those grins on POTUS 45 & VK 😬

Kimmy, I am LOVIN' this!!!

Thank YOU, Kim Runner, for your love, encouragement, wisdom, kindness and great decoding abilities, especially in those "early days"... whoa you shared some awesome info and I am SO grateful... grateful for your spirit and energy, too.... bless you; bless us alll... Happy New Year, whatever year it really is and wherever we really are 😉💃🏼☺️😬🤭🥰💗👍

You are very welcome! Happy New Year! Let's "do this" in '23!!!

Thanks so much, Kim.... truly amazing - diagnosed end of 2020 and by April 2021, petscan showed cancer free - breast tumor gone and all the cancer in my bones gone. Many broken ribs and bone damage that I am healing from with the help of these amazing women at https://www.elitewellnessgroup.com. Happy to help and inspire. Cancer is NOT what we have been led to think - parasitic link as well. I spoke to Jennifer Mac & Juan O recently about this and lifebyrandi, too and was on Negative 48 in '21. Spoke with -48 about the significance of chlorine dioxide to cure cancer and parasites.... am excited about getting this info out more and more in '23. Much love and joy to you, Kim Runner - have followed you for years! ~Randi
Innovative Wellness | Sandusky, OH | Elite Wellness Group, LLC |
Doctor-Driven Wellness | Elite Wellness Group, LLC | Lab-Based Personalized Nutrition | Healthy Hormones | Skin Rejuvenation Treatments | Stress Control
LOVE Dr. Joe - discovered him in '12 and deployed his teachings and research with my faith to heal from stage 4 cancer within 5 months!!! https://lifebyrandi.com

Susan Rice

Just said "hi" on anonup!

YES!!! We made it!!! Woohoo!!!! I know - it's amazing - WE. ARE. AMAZING! YAY VK - I remember late nights scouring Wego... looking for clues years ago... and we are here - in one piece and stronger than ever!!! I even blew through a stage 4 cancer diagnosis to become cancer-free with no chemo, radiation or surgery - ENERGY and INTENTION - GOD WINS! 2023 here we come - slidin' in!

Hahahaha TRUE - describes the day perfectly!

Irish, I was just talking with my husband last night about this very same feeling. He is a 32-year veteran and fought in a war and retired as a Colonel-also studied so much 'war history'- I have not and have no experience with war although I am strong and tough inside having recovered from stage 4 cancer energetically. I know the power of the mind, intention and prayer! Many in the awakened-ish community are women, I believe - at least more women awake than men in the earlier stages-and we just need a little time to 'catch up' in this war scenario. We will do it! I already am, as a matter of fact and I trust you are too. We are standing together; standing strong; fully supportive of 45 et. al. and helping one another do the same. I send you blessings of peace and joy and strength today, Fellow Patriotesse. And thank you, Sir, for this video encouraging us...

My thoughts exactly....


YES! Thank you, Kim!!! So well articulated!!!

YES!!! I LOVE it!

I have come to this realization in the past several weeks, VK! It's US - WE are doing this... WE are creating this.... all of it!

Northern Ohio had rolling power outages this afternoon.

Oh, VK.... looking forward to this.... long time coming for the ABA....!

Done, VK ✅

20.8% GenZ doesn't surprise me.... we have a 21 y/o daughter who identifies as such - as do many of her classmates from HS and in college...

17 died you say???? 🧐

Miss you on Twitter! You, Sabrinagal, Torontq.... all gone!! ~Life by Randi 😉💙💙💙

I LOVE these messages, Kim.... so wise & encouraging...thank you SO much!

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!!!!