Patriot May
@Patriot_May77Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

[Hunter Biden]'s laptop matters .
[Hillary Clinton]'s laptop matters .
[Anthony Weiner]'s laptop matters .
ALL of those laptops lead to Pizzagate .
ALL of those laptops contain the dark truth .
ALL of those laptops lead to child sex trafficking .
We the people deserve to know & hear the truth .
Dark to Light --> Open up those floodgates .
#SaveTheChildren #wwg1wga 🙏🏼🇺🇸🦅
Only followers of this user (@carlacoelho) can see their posts

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
If you are looking for biblical teaching and video I highly recommend listening to the Lion of Judah on YouTube. Over on WeGo I have a group which is going to be dedicated to teaching, and prayers and anything which God lays upon my heart. It is called Salvation Came. You are more than welcome to join us. We are few in number but mighty in spirit.

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
Hello Patriots!!! Sorry I've been gone for so long; there has been a lot of craziness going on in my own little world, but I'm back and I plan on being here more often. Thank you to all of my new followers and I want to say I am sorry for being gone for so long. You all are amazing and I can not wait to catch up with everyone.
I just seen Lynn Woods speech called "bring the heat" and he was amazing. I can not wait until the day comes when the evil is run out of this country and our President is back where he belongs. Mostly, I can not wait for all eyes to be open to the truth of what has been going on for so many years right beneath our noses and behind closed doors.

#IOwnMyOwnMind #IOwnMyOwnBody #WWG1WGA #MAGA #1776 No creepy DMs I will block you! Other are all welcome!! 😊
Itailan crew

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
Updated List of The States, which are allowing#WeThePeople our freedom!
I have a feeling, the “manipulation virus” is gone by the end of next month!

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
This is a video on the Legislative Branch in my Government Class; it is 11 minutes long but the information it gives, describes what we are facingt today. This is a very interesting read.
Class 4: Article I: Legislative Branch - The Constitution and Three Branches of Government | Coursera
Video created by University of Pennsylvania for the course "Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases". Classes 1, 2, and 3 discuss why we need a Constitution and the history that preceded its drafting. You will learn ...
I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.


I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
As you can see our neck of the woods was hit very hard last night; this is Eastern Kentucky and Southern West Virginia. The Tug Fork is a few feet over the flood stage. I hope it goes down soon. The one picture is of a dug out at one of our baseball fileds in Eastern Kentucky. Keep us in prayer.

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
Good night everyone; continue to pray for my community, we are having a bad time with flash flooding. My creek is flooding and it is washing down the road; it is a mess. The rain is supposed to continue through the night; i will post pictures tomorrow. God bless

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
Only followers of this user (@carlacoelho) can see their posts

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
I do not know what today will bring, only God knows, I do know one thing though; what is going on in this nation can not continue. Our rights are being taken from us, our children are being subjected to ungodliness on a nepic scale, people are losing their jobs which are causing them to lose their homes but most importatntly, Satan seems to be in control of this nation.
I pray today is the day we shall see what we have been believing for since 2017 and I think we will see something good come out of CPAC but if we do not I believe it is time for the American People to rise up and take our country back. Read the Declaration of Independence, compare it to what we are going through today and then read our constitution and find out what you are legally capable of doing, and do it.
This country was created by it's people, for it's people, and it can also be changed, by the people. Allow God to be the guide in your life, His spirit your power and begin to make our voices be heard.

The Understanding that we are ALL ONE energy, having a physical experience together empowers USAll to UNITE and SEE the truth in all things.
I feel something BIG is about to happen.
I know that we have been saying this for Quite some time now, but this is different.
There is something in the stillness...maybe we are in the eye of the storm?
The tail end of this will shock the world awake.
This painful time is necessary.
There is no groth without pain.
I truly believe that this is the last push in our extensive labor of love.
Even though we do not want to admit it, these hate filled "lost souls" must be reached. This is the final scene in the Matrix; the one we didn't see. The one where ALL the heavy sleeping pods are forcibly awoken.
We are now ALL taking on the roll of Jesus. We are curing the worlds blindness
(this is a much worse affliction than Covid EVER was!)
Soon the rains of change will fall causing a torrential FLOOD of information that will wash away evil.
Only the meek will remain to inherit the Earth. 5x5! Matthew 5:5!
Hold the line. A NEW DAY IS DAWNING! Where WE Go ONE WE Go ALL!

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
Can someone please send me the link for the CPAC live stream, please; I had it yesterday but I can not seem to track it down.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Kansas is speaking today at CPAC at 1:35 pm Eastern...He's going to let it Rip!
You can listen here -

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
this is down right scary as well... and it really has me thinking

I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
okay, i am officially creeped out