I do not know what today will bring, only God knows, I do know one thing though; what is going on in this nation can not continue. Our rights are being taken from us, our children are being subjected to ungodliness on a nepic scale, people are losing their jobs which are causing them to lose their homes but most importatntly, Satan seems to be in control of this nation.
I pray today is the day we shall see what we have been believing for since 2017 and I think we will see something good come out of CPAC but if we do not I believe it is time for the American People to rise up and take our country back. Read the Declaration of Independence, compare it to what we are going through today and then read our constitution and find out what you are legally capable of doing, and do it.
This country was created by it's people, for it's people, and it can also be changed, by the people. Allow God to be the guide in your life, His spirit your power and begin to make our voices be heard.