Have faith Pats and hold the line Save America-time to start bringing the thunder Standing together organizing a revolutionary movement

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌
She will Bare a Child, the Child's Name will
Be LEÃ (Eve) Res

Digital Warrior, Citizen Journalist, Wise Woman, Seasoned Writer, Anon Extraordinaire' and a wife and mother who is all in for Trump!
Happy Friday and get your knowledge on!
Did you know Lin Wood visited an 'empty' White House recently?
Did you hear about 100's of angry parents legally forcing a whole school board to resign?
Did you watch Mike Lindell kick the reveal up a notch on the Jimmie Kimmel show?
If not, tap into the below article to find out details about the above and soooo much more!
Ruby Ray Media - The Trap Is Set
One of the most informative news video creators of these fast paced news days is AND WE KNOW. They have been permanently booted from facebook, youtube, twitter and other Orwellian censor happy platforms. Yet, even through the harsh attacks and the le
God woke me up for a reason. 🙏 Patriot. Truth seeker. #IstandwithPresidentTrump
Happy Friday ✌
Have a Blessed day. 🙏
We're all in this together. 🤝

Everything is energy. 💫 MAGA. WWG1WGA. Feng Shui consultant, Reiki healer, BQH practitioner.
Good morning fren! Happy Friday. ☕️💛🐸

I walk the path God put me on with no doubt and no fear.I will stand by what is right until my last breath.#GodsArmy WWG1WGA #LetsFinishThis
United we stand👊
In it ToGetHer.....how I read this every time😄 Hey Cowboy😁

this week has been a blur. I had to check to make sure it’s Friday.


Good morning! It's a beautiful day, Cowboy.#InItTogether#wwg1wga