John Adkins
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Rom 1:16,17 psalm 51; 139,

biden wants to use the china model for depopulation, i want to use the african model for vaccine destruction

millions dead huh ??? unfortunately those numbers dont meet up with the truth no..
thousands died from influenza a or b not millions tge flu was not eradicated, masls dont work for viruses and no need for a vaccine. its all been cia and world gobernments driving the lie for depopulation, it has always been about a vaccine; the vaccine will kill millions!!

If I can personally testify to this truth God's word is truth we need not ever forget that

I have some information that might be pertinent to the fact that Hillary's no longer breathing on this Earth she was hung at It's git Mo now I can't verify that but it sure is funny we don't hear much from Hillary since last March

I will fight anyone that tries to stick any needle in my arm It will be the biggest regret of their life so people better stop advocating it especially churches, And I have seen churches saying get your vaccine here signs signs

I will fight anyone that tries to stick any needle in my arm It will be the biggest regret of their life so people better stop advocating it especially churches, And I have seen churches saying get your vaccine here signs signs

1 corinthians 6 read it i feel bad for the soul of this man, he did not deserve to die this way (through deception)

yes these impostors gotta go , information is key i heard but cant verify, hillary clinton was hung gitmo. Podesta was shot gitmo, have you heard this? or is it more fake news , because there has been no sign of that wicked witch for awhile.

Because they are trying to control you through your money and that silences your voice but if we all stand and take it back we can take these companies back by getting rid of all of the administrations that are in charge of them!!! ALL OF THEM!!!!! I will stand with every nurse who defies this crime agaimst humanity

quite honeatly its a bad bad thing happening all over the world

i have always been suspect of that cult...not to be confused with Christianity, cause it isnt, I generally will never trust a person that says trust me If you have tell me to trust you then you're not trust worthy That's the entire Catholic cult, and how many children suffered because of it

You should be the poster child for abstinence and birth control You dumb-ass

yes mr. hollywood, i would be honored to be the lead Ape scientist in the next planet of the apes,

CDC is anti constitutional, and everyone that works for them will be held accountable through the same force they weilded on we the people, but it will be more violant as we find that they are a globalist organization and dont belong here!!!!

why are you standing there lying to the american people, arent you supposed to be in hollywood as a stand in for the planet of the apes

is he being protected by the left ? sure seems untouchable!!!!

and you will find me very agreeable with you, mf b..tards

yes i know its bs whats been foing on for years im on your side with it

killing us softly with chem trails.... killin us softly with chem trails.... now our foods bad

thats their plan defund our police and destroy our military then replace them with globalist agenda un troops kiss your civil and religious freedoms goodbye!!!