Making organic grain fed beef tips with broccoli, mushroom, scallions, tomatoes, sea salt, pepper, organic vegetable broth base, with bone broth and amino acids, and whole wheat binder as the gravy so to speak. NICE right, PROBLEM IS FKIN CHEMTRAILS FK IT ALL UP> PROVE ME WRONG< Test soil, ANY SOIL>

killing us softly with chem trails.... killin us softly with chem trails.... now our foods bad

Like it just happened cute, hope you don't eat mass places like McDont's, that shit will curl your toes.

MAYBE I am a little older, and remember when places didn't have poison vs non poison marketing, but um even back then they were jacking shit up. SO um, I think this is of utmost importance. KEEP wanting stronger kids and future generations and letting them dose up foods with poison, driven by pos who are deep state in charge of curriculum and see how that shit plays out. NOW is the time for all this bs to end.

AND I STILL wanna know who the fk contracted wise makes our soldiers MRE'S. If they wanna give them out to the populous as they use chemtrails for devastation, maybe just maybe this needs looking into.