I will not believe this still. I believe in her and Pope John Paul II. just because the leadership was infiltrated in the Catholic Church doesnt mean the Catholic Church is evil. Kinda like the leadership in the USA has been infiltrated but I still love this country. MT and PJP II were saints. PJPII almost assassinated and he gave confession to the guy. Sound a little JRK and Reaganish to you?

When she was presented to us I hadn't woken up yet and I still knew something wasn't right. Hello? One look into that face and you know.

A Vet from a family line of Vets who loves My God, My Family and The United States of America 🇺🇸 and to the Republic for which it stands!
i had the same feeling! she just seemed fake how she would look at the children all around her acting like she loved them. i read somewhere this is fauci's mom...😳

i have always been suspect of that cult...not to be confused with Christianity, cause it isnt, I generally will never trust a person that says trust me If you have tell me to trust you then you're not trust worthy That's the entire Catholic cult, and how many children suffered because of it

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
Even my “awoke friends” don’t believe it. Satan fooled us all since the Beginning of Time GOD WINS IN THE END 💫🙏